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Everything posted by Absolom

  1. The turn around time for processing is too long for that. A rush episode takes a minimum of two to three weeks to get on the air unless they drop working on everything else. That said a year is just stale and is TLC scheduling and for some reason apparently known only to TLC they wanted to hold the episodes.
  2. Ratings for last night: 235K viewers and a .05 rating.
  3. They didn't redraw the plans. The plans were already approved and on file with the city. Meri chose an option that was already there. They may have pretended to do something extra, but they didn't.
  4. It got her the largest house of the four and she was going to use it for all the entertaining of the rest of the family she said she was going to do. We see how that worked out.
  5. All the houses in that little development all share the same master plan. If they bought there, Meri was getting a big house. They could, however, have chosen a different development where there was some variety in house size. They were limited further by their ability to get mortgages and they were able to get the large houses most of the women needed with interest only loans initially in the development where they bought. So Meri got a big house and pushed it further with the wet bar option.
  6. Good old gospel pride in action. The Amish approach has much to recommend it.
  7. Jill has a spot near her left eye that looks about the same as the mole/piercing. It does make me wonder about her life that she posted about chocolate milk. Spendy chocolate milk does not make for good grifting, Jill.
  8. I once read that Chuck's mission was to the ex-Amish or Amish cast outs. That makes just a hair more sense.
  9. Regarding the proposed remodel, it isn't so much the mortgage as getting a building permit. I think the whole remodel idea was just a plot line. It would take them so long to get a building permit that it was moot from the moment the idea appeared unless it was just something to say for the episode. Ratings btw: 1.340 M viewers and a .41 rating.
  10. I was actually a little shocked to hear Meri switch from Christine's mom running the B&B to her own mother living there without it being a business. That's quite a money grab even for Meri.
  11. According to the internet Robyn was born in October, 1979.
  12. I fear it's been about the money and "fame" for a long time now. A few episodes, a season or two at most, is when it's about the lofty goal of educating the audience about little people. Besides the Roloffs had already been there and done that. And that is if they accept the production team's bait of that's why they're producing the show. It isn't. It's all about money from step one with TLC and the production company. They left the learning behind long ago.
  13. That fortress isn't coming down any time soon either. I don't care how many RU tours Josh does. It's going to take something besides more Bible memorizing to help him. He's had the patter down since he was eight or ten years old. It doesn't even register with him any more.
  14. Many times proselytizers hand out little stapled booklets of just the book of John and apparently Jill and her family do the same with the book of Romans. These come from Christian publishing companies and many churches put a little sticker with the church address and phone number and these days website on the back or inside the front cover.
  15. Didn't she go in sometime in July? I'm guessing there is time off for good behavior and part of the sentence will be served in the halfway house. So about 7 months in actual prison for a 12 month sentence?
  16. No ratings this week. The show did not make the top 150 cable shows.
  17. A clip on ET said Abby will be released Feb 20 to a halfway house in Van Nuys for an as yet unannounced period of time and that she's lost 100 pounds while in prison.
  18. This is a brief part of what Derick hears and reads regularly along with a lot of other evangelicals: It doesn't justify Derick's attacks, but it does give him a lot of latitude on not doing positive actions.
  19. I think the house is fine for a young couple and a baby or maybe even two. Beyond that, Austin needs to redo a larger house.
  20. Tons of "reality" is re-enacted, re shot, or scripted.
  21. You may be right. I'm a bit prejudiced since I lasted less than 5 minutes and TLC shows seldom pick up steam from the premiere.
  22. They got a resounding answer then. Seeking Sister Wife got just a bit over half the viewers of Sister Wives. SSW 882K viewers and a .31 rating SW 1.506M viewers and a .41 rating
  23. Ratings: 1.506 M viewers and a .41 rating. Still good for TLC.
  24. Due to the holiday, ratings are delayed. I'll probably be able to get them tomorrow. They were "good for TLC" last week.
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