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Everything posted by peach

  1. I agree. I've never been under the impression that the Roman Empire was some kind of secret. That sounded somewhat like an episode of Ancient Aliens. lol
  2. Evidence? You were told? By whom? Your blog post names people that were let go by the show, and the show said they let them go. What does that have to do with this? How is he related to this person? Why would it even matter? I've never heard of Holly Briley and couldn't care less about it. Seems like this just benefits your blog and your personal battle with this person.
  3. I think Siggy might be cast aside by Rollo now. Because, no, Floki cannot keep a secret, and Rollo looked like he was disgusted with her before he went to take care of Borg. I like how the Seer says what he says, and people hear what they want to hear. She asked if the gods would ever smile on her again, and his reply was that the gods smile on brave women. He didn't say they would smile on her. I think he meant Lagertha, like he did when he was talking to Ragnar. The Seer loves Lagertha as much as everyone else does! Also, you'd think Rollo would start lusting after some sons of his own at this point. At the rate these people die, they need to keep making more.
  4. I think Ragnar and Rollo had planned all along to take care of Jarl Borg once they lured him in. I loved Rollo's face when Borg was chatting with his skull, like, mmmkay? I always like to watch it a second time to pick up on everyone's expressions and little hints that happen during the show. Ragnar definitely had a look of mischievous glee in his eyes when Rollo came sailing up with Borg. And I'm not gonna lie...I could watch Rollo burst through the doors of The Great Hall, well, a lot of times.
  5. Hmm. I don't think Athelstan's ever really had any choices. He was a monk who would be at the behest of the Church, and then a slave, then pretty much had to go along to get along in the Viking clan. I think the idea of personal choices about your future is a fairly modern concept. I took his reaction to be from King Ecbert saying if he ever told anyone about the Roman artifacts, he would crucify him. Again!
  6. Well, that's alcoholism for you. Leads to taunting a woman who can and will stab you in the eye, and also to having all your men be glad to be rid of you. Hail Lagertha!
  7. Well, my teenage son had been watching it in the first season, and I caught a bit of it here and there, and thought this is not appropriate for a 14yo!! He tried to convince me it was about survival, not zombies, that I would like it, etc. So, I decided to watch it during some marathon they were having over the summer, you know, to judge it as a parent (negatively) and omg. I was hooked!! lol! He was pretty much, I told you so. So by season 2, I was all in. I love it even when it's exasperating. It's great fun to talk about, and a great bond with my son. We have some great conversations about the moral dilemmas as well as just the fun stuff like "weapon of choice." lol We even went to the theater to see the Paleyfest panel of the cast. The family that watches zombies together, stays together!
  8. I will go back and check the last ten minutes of the recording. The split screen was kind of funny, it looked like Ryan Seacrest and Randy Jackson were giving the weather. Then my satellite went out, and I went in the basement! Hope you're okay. Everything okay in my neighborhood.
  9. I live in an area where tornados were going through and the whole show was preempted. Glad to hear Sam got the save. I like him, and as Keith says, his voice is like buttah. Who were the bottom three?
  10. Exactly. "You need to stay in your lane." What's always funny to me when they complain about them not "changing it up a bit" is that no one on that panel really does that. I'm a huge fan of Keith Urban, but all his songs are pretty much the same vibe. All of them. He does know how to put on a hell of a concert, though (but I'm sure he didn't when he was 17). J.Lo is pretty much one flavor. And Harry Connick, Jr sticks to his very talented lane. That's what people want! They want JLo to be JLo. They want predictable. How many times have fans complained or gotten mad when their favorite band does something different? That being said, Caleb should probably sing a ballad. ha. I hope he sings "Beth" for the pure cheese factor.
  11. Thank you. I knew he reminded me of SOMEONE. Duckie it is. At least Sam managed to escape from the stylist this week and was wearing somewhat cool, normal clothing, and no stupid hat. Funny, but he sang much better without a stupid hat on, too.
  12. I think Rick is inconsistent in the way that real people often are. I think that's why it pisses me off so much! ha. I don't think it's a problem with the writing, I think it's his character's struggle to figure out who he is or maybe more who he thinks he "should" be in this new world, and he goes back and forth trying to come to terms with his brute instincts vs his humanity. I think the end of the season was supposed to show that he's finally reached equilibrium. Looking at the overall picture after 4 seasons, I think it's pretty realistic in terms of character development. I've felt like the Farmer Rick prison scenario was mostly an overcorrection on his part (mostly for Carl's sake), but I now think the flashbacks were meant to show that they needed that time at the prison to regroup and heal themselves a bit before forging ahead into the world. That's my interpretation anyway...from that scene near the end of him saying maybe it wouldn't last, but it was enough to have it right now (or something like that).
  13. I plan to be chock full of preservatives. Maybe Glenn should have mentioned his icky virus plague he had, oh, about a week ago. Don't eat me!! I'm contaminated!
  14. Too bad he has to get me all excited about Season 5 when it's only April! Andrew Lincoln Promises "We Will Rain Hell On These Termites!" http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/03/31/walking-dead-andrew-lincoln-season-4-finale/
  15. Well, it would be an enjoyable twist (to me, at any rate), if it were Beth coming to rescue Daryl, guns ablazin', after wondering how or when Daryl could find and rescue Beth. And weak little sister rescuing big, strong sister. That would be fun.
  16. Oh, I think the new Honey Badger Rick will be completely forgiving of Carol. He might have been inclined to feel that way anyway after the fall of the prison. And when he finds out that her same willingness to take care of business saved Judith's life, I think they will all be on the same page.
  17. I could not start eating people until the very last Vienna Sausage on earth was gone. And I think that would take a long time.
  18. Well, to be fair, they generally can't even seem to hear people walking through the woods, which in my experience, is usually loud. So, they might not be able to hear from inside a train car. But consistency isn't a strong suit of this show. lol So, they're all freelance graphic designers. Makes sense. Beth is probably hanging out with the singer-songwriters.
  19. Here's a quote by Robert Kirkman about the nature of Terminus: "Woodbury was much more of a return to civilization. It was a safe place. It had a leader who had a lot of secrets, but, on the surface, it was a place where families could live and people could survive. Terminus is not that. It’s a completely alien environment with very strange people that live in a very specific and strange way that is in no way any kind of remnant of what we knew before. They’re actually a lot more dangerous and a little bit scarier when it all comes to light." Also, I need to rewatch it, because what in the heck were they doing in that room when Rick & Co came in through the back? They were all at desks like they were researching or something.
  20. I was just a lurker on TWoP, but when I heard it was closing, I decided to join over here. Love, love The Walking Dead. I think they start filming season 5 in a couple of weeks. I have a few more weeks of Vikings to pass the time, at least. Otherwise it's a long wait for October.
  21. Andrew Lincoln was on Talking Dead last night, and kept talking about how excited he was about all the new changes with his character. So I guess he was sick of Rick, too. ha
  22. I assumed they could hear what was going on out there. LOTS of gunfire, for one thing, and Rick's voice. Possibly even Gareth shouting for "the ringleader, the archer, the samurai, and the boy" to line up. The ZA is a small world, who else could that description be? lol Rick was shouting about his son right outside that container, so (IMO) they had to know it was him.
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