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Everything posted by peach

  1. Are you saying you feel like that's what he's become? A leader and a monster? I think the monsters are the ones who harm innocent people. I don't think anything he did to stop a true monster makes him one too. It was extreme, yes.
  2. I don't think it's a cult, myself, just a group that's decided to go this gruesome route to survive...but I'm with you that Beth might be down with it. She's sweet and all, but at the same time, she's kind of a wild card. She wanted to kill herself as soon as they had to accept that walkers were...walkers, and she asked Maggie to do it too, like they were talking about getting a pedicure or something. She shut down any feelings about boyfriend deaths. It was her idea to burn down a house with moonshine just to say "f*** it." I think she might go along with Terminus, why not? I can see her shrugging her shoulders, and saying, it's just meat.
  3. I know a lot of people have said the very end felt anticlimactic, but it still got to me, because when Glenn's group saw Rick's group, there was absolutely NO expression on their faces of Thank God you're alive, or anything of the sort. They looked only very, very sad that their friends had met the same fate. So they must believe the situation is hopeless. I realize they also have no idea which Rick actually stepped into that train car. They don't know yet that Farmer Rick is dead. Nebraska Rick, Honey Badger Rick, Let It Go Rick is here, gang. Things are looking up.
  4. Maybe that's what she wants you to think.
  5. That's maybe the funniest comment I've ever read about TWD. lol Well, you know what happened to the last guy that took Michonne's sword.
  6. I thought Rick should have just belted out Let It Go the morning when he was feeling so good after taking out all the bad guys. He was finally embracing his powers. Favorite thing whole episode: the guy patting down Carl, asking him if he deserved it, and Carl's, "Yes." I love Carl. Second favorite: Rick telling Daryl he was his brother.
  7. I thought that WAS the popular opinion. lol I will be unpopular and say I like Sharon. lol But I missed at least a decade of this show, so maybe that's why.
  8. "Carl would have probably taken their weapons. Or trotted out his line "If you believe in that, you're an idiot!" If I had a choice between being stranded with Abraham or Lil' Hat-bastard it's not even a dilemma." Word! As much as people complain about Carl, to me he often seems to be the smartest person in the group. I'd want to be with Rick, Carl, Carol, Michonne and Daryl. Everyone else, even characters I like, are expendable to me. (I hope the writers agree!) (edited because I messed up the quote thingy)
  9. Journey would tell you don't stop believin', brave little toaster. It should really only take them one long day, but somehow I think we're looking at six months.
  10. I just find it interesting that for a year and a half they haven't been able to get out of one county in Georgia, but somehow Washington, DC seems doable.
  11. Rick drives me crazy!! BUT, I felt like Rick had stuffed everything down since he killed Shane, and he zeroed in on one single purpose: finding some kind of safe haven for Lori to have her baby, while keeping everyone else alive. So when Lori did die, and he'd failed (and Carl had to do the worst), everything he'd suppressed finally came pouring out, and he broke down in a giant PTSD event. Andrea and Carol each had a terrible loss, but Rick had all the pressure, and I think his breakdown was mostly based on guilt. He even carried guilt for what happened to Sophia. Each person suffers their losses, but Rick feels those in addition to his own, because he's made himself responsible for the group. Also, Rick was a few months behind everyone in their coping with the situation, because he was unconscious for the collapse of society, and he had to catch up to the others in terms of really grasping the enormity of what's happened to the world. As far as his indecisiveness goes, I think it was all about being almost incapacitated by being afraid to make a mistake. But hopefully they're all learning, that whatever decision you make, someone's still going to die. So you have to act and move on. Which is how I interpreted the ending of the first half of the season when he said, "Don't look back."
  12. I thought he was great in season 3, but he's been stuck with a fairly boring plot line this season, to set up the next season, so that isn't his fault. He was farming and staying out of everyone's way, then they had a showdown where he got beaten almost to death and has been trying to recover, and then has barely been seen for the back half. I think the finale is going to bring Rick back into the chaos again, so he probably needed the rest! lol The only meat for Rick this season was when he banished Carol, which was infuriating, and THAT is the time I felt like he was being self-righteous. But plenty of fans think he should have done it. And to quote Mika's mom, everything works out like it's supposed to...maybe Carol being outside the prison saved her life during the Gov's attack. And she was able to witness what happened to Judith and track them down. It's so easy to get mad at the writers or characters episode by episode, until you see how it all unfolds! Now we have a delicious irony that Rick tossed out Carol to protect his kids, but it is Carol and her willingness to do anything to protect the group that has saved his kid. Getting kicked out worked out for the best for her, too, it unfolded with the only opportunity for her to confess to Tyrese and not end up with a hammer between the eyes. Anyway, things are about to get horrible with/for Rick again, so who knows what we will all be thinking about Rick tomorrow night.
  13. I thought Nebraska was memorable. His eyes hardened, and suddenly you knew that diplomatic, democratic, indecisive Rick was going to kill those guys, and he did, because they were a clear and present danger. That look in his eyes still stands out in my memory. But the dithering around with Randall that season was torture...for the audience. I like Rick's character, even when he's frustrating, because he's frustrating in a realistic way, in the same way real people frustrate you when they don't do what you want them to. I hope he gets a haircut soon, because everyone else seems to be able to, and keep reasonably clean. When he found a clean t-shirt in that house, I almost cried with joy.
  14. I sure as hell would. Free Clinique for the rest of my probably very short life. No reason you couldn't fight zombies with some lip gloss in your pocket. Rosita's hoop earrings are pretty stupid, though.
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