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Ann Mack

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  1. Great episode tonight. Out of most the of the CW Superhero shows Stargirl is really keeping it action filled. I hope they continue to show them more as a team. I know each character have some personal issues they are dealing with. I however, did not like how the show was having them deal with them separately. I do like they are at least letting Beth and Rick confide in each other as well as Courtney and Yolanda! I am enjoying this season. They have definitely stepped up the level of interaction with the bad guys and the dark side.
  2. Unfortunately IMO they won't stop bashing Iris they will just want her replaced. Sadly, I do feel as though from ALL the talk Eric is doing the network may be also trying to "Sleepy Hollow" their "Leading Lady" and bring what as stated above a certain fraction of a certain type of gender & of the Caucasian persuasion both male and female may want which is a white power romantic couple that "THEY" can see themselves in. Everyone knows Iris is Barry's endgame that however doesn't mean she has to always be seen. The whole introduction of Sue was catered to a specific audience again IMO. Hopefully, I'll get proven wrong but if Sue starts to get more screen time and development in 1/2 a season when it took 6 seasons for Iris to finally get to her journalism arc then not only will I be able to see the OBVIOUS I think a lot more people and fans of Candice/Iris and of the overall WestAllen relationship will too!
  3. I seriously disliked the Sue character. Maybe she will grow on me later but this was too much, too soon for the first encounter. It was like some teenage boys wet dream of how they would build a girl if "Weird Science" was real or if they got a chance to revise with a 2.0 update. Overall the episode even with the overkill of Ralph and Sue and Cecile's ridiculous written scene to prop them up managed to be a good episode. What is really keeping me interested right now is Iris and how she will escape, how is Barry going to react once he comes to the realization he wasn't there for her, and how everything to some degree is ALL leading to Black Hole. Even Joe's bit tonight pertained to the Black Hole. I liked the Eva character and her performances was top notch in my opinion. The actor and Candice had a good rhythm and chemistry together. Plus I'm giving them props for the way they are believably working all the characters in without making it seem forced. Seems next episode is going to heavily focus on Barry. I am actually enjoying the pacing of episodes with character interaction. S6B has actually been quite good so far. A few hiccups here and there but nothing significant that is completely screwing with the story line. Plus When does the show go on hiatus again does anyone know? Thanks,
  4. Oh boy here we go. There is probably going to be a lot of characters talking about the connection and vibe they are getting off Sue and Ralph. Sure there will be a lot more telling than hopefully seeing. Something tells me they are going to rush this relationship and give them A LOT MORE intimate scenes and screen time than what we have gotten from the interracial or brown faced character couples in this show. Its been said its in an 8pm time slot or its not that kind of show you know bullshit excuses. I know I saw a scene where "Batwoman" was definitely acting out a sexual scene in her show (not sure what time that show comes on). Sara Lance has definitely had her share of sexual content scenes on "Legends of Tomorrow"! So I want someone to tell me why its okay in some shows and not in others. I do believe "Arrow" has some intimate scenes when they moved to the 8pm hour as well. But after that 1 scene with Dig and Lyla I think in Season 2 they never were portrayed as intimate either. I just have this feeling the show and network are going to give more loving and intimate scenes to them as a new in love couple (excuse they will use) while Barry and Iris continue to act like a young sexless married couple who have no desires beyond a shoulder rub, a long ass hug, or a quick kiss! Hope the show proves me wrong but I don't think I am, Time will definitely tell the story.
  5. I truly do not understand why the ratings continue to slip. The episodes have gotten so much better, both 6x10 & 6x11 trended on Twitter something The Flash hasn't done in quite some time. Now is the time for the CW to do more promotion. I would even suggest a photo shoot and have Grant and Candice do some talk shows to talk up the remainder of the season. The arcs are so much better. Wonder if its comic bros who can't get behind Iris having more of a presence I mean she's ONLY the leading lady of the show and her story line is interesting. Well at least they have been picked up for Season 7 and hopefully Twitter posts, good reviews, and folks just using social media to talk the show back up will help. Even if ratings don't matter too much to the CW I would like the numbers to reflect the efforts and talents of this cast. They may well be the best thing happening on that network right now!
  6. Those are the Whisperers you hear not Walkers.
  7. Thank you. I'm really excited well more excited. Really loving this season.
  8. Can someone please post the new promo or let me know where I can view it at. Thanks
  9. Good job for Legends Of Tomorrow for reaching 2M viewers after the crossover episode. Hopefully, they will keep numbers like that when they return in January and come on after The Flash! http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/daily-ratings/thursday-final-ratings-dec-8-2016/
  10. Supergirl got lower ratings but had a slight advantage in viewers over Arrow at least for right now 3.53-SG an 3.52-Arrow! Arrow could still possibly adjust up.
  11. I thought 5x05 was going to be a very "Olicity focused episode" upstream in one of his comments he states it as a very "Olicity-ish scene". I'm curious if that's just verbiage he's using to try to attract their fans but not give them any more focus that usual (unless I misinterpreted Marc really needs to recall what he previously said before saying something different). I'm not watching this season until I hear something that interests me (that does not just relate to Olicity. I'm just currently not that enthused) and right now Marc words do not sound that encouraging for them (Olicity) in the front half and possibly the back half of this season. Although I'm not watching I still browse the site and specifically the reviews you post to stay informed. I'm not quitting just deferring my viewing until I read something I want to watch. BTW I am trying to delete my post from the spoiler thread. Posted to fast and in the wrong one. I apologize I haven't been on for a while. Thanks for understanding.
  12. I usually like Robert Dougherty's (The Movie Network) reviews: http://www.themovienetwork.com/review/arrow-s5-e1-legacy
  13. Hi, where is the list of who has been filming provided at? Thank you.
  14. Some how some where I believe someone became aware they actually need to promote what a lot of viewers tune in for. I think the network, EPs, showrunner hell all of them realized dropping all the new names and current information was not being received well. There has been an onslaught of promoting Oliver, Felicity and Diggle (OTA) at SDCC. Wonder how much of that will carry over into the season? My hope is a lot.
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