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  1. I saw some at Dollar Tree. Sure, they were mass produced and not in Cherin’s fancy handwriting, but they were essentially the same. Small laminated prayer/Bible quote cards.
  2. I think AndKayley might be too based on Jill’s New Years Eve video.
  3. I hope she’s flying. I hope she has a meet cute and runs off with someone. Won’t happen though.
  4. I also found it weird that they never talked to each other. They’re about the same age/peer group and live in the same house.
  5. He’s grown on me a lot. I can’t wait to see how he tries to spin this. At the end of tribal council, he told Teeny he’d explain. Interesting theory about it all being a mind game, but wouldn’t he have told us in a confessional?
  6. Directed by Robin Givens.
  7. I told my daughter I hope they all fall off the mountain on the last day. Almost all of them are so annoying for a variety of reasons. I think the only one I like is Punkin. She seems cool. I don’t know how none of them have told Manu to go F himself. He shows up (fresh out of a copter?) and then just hammers them about how slow they are when they are hiking and doing climbs/whatever activity the MK makes them do. I could listen to him read the phone book and maybe roll around with him in one of the yellow bubble tents, but he’s pointless otherwise. Also from a few week ago, it was totally unfair when they couldn’t go one day b/c of weather and then production counted thet against them and didn’t add a day on the end. I'm going to finish this season b/c I hate myself apparently but I’m not watching if this ever comes back. MK can fly over my house to scare me but I ain’t coming back.
  8. They also used the maple syrup, although it was unopened in the CSK. ~~~ Besides the cake flavor, I thought this was one of the easiest CSK ever. They literally showed them a picture, called it a comic cake, and described the icing.
  9. The show is a year behind but do we even know what happened with Coyote Pass? Did they pay it off? Split it? Lose it?
  10. Why do K&R never bring the other kids? R is so sad about the family not being together but when they have family events (Mykeltis shower, visiting Mykeltis twins after their birth, and how Gwen’s engagement party), K&R show up alone. How is anyone supposed to spend time or get to know their siblings if they’re never around each other?
  11. My two cents—She played her SITD and (at least according to the editing) watched their reactions. If some of them had appeared happy or smiled now that she wasn’t safe, I bet she would’ve played her idol. This way she only loses her SITD and if the majority was coming after her anyway, her one vote probably wouldn’t have made a difference. Now she still has her idol. I actually thought it was pretty smart the way she played it (if that was her intent). She seems pretty observant and intuitive to me.
  12. 😂😂 Kelly and Judy looming in the back shouting “LINES”!
  13. She claims she didn’t know what was in the box. Huge eye roll! You call to tell him your sister’s boyfriend died and you need him to come home, he’s all “sure but I need you to move this box immediately”, and you do it without any questions or looking at what was looking in there?? I’ll never believe that.
  14. She does have to fill up the Mahmo only fridge drawer.
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