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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. Janelle turns to Carl for support; production for the movie commences; Sasha takes an interest in Helen.
  2. Oh screw Helen. She wishes cancer death on her ex husband who took the rap for her hitting Scotty in the car and he was the one who went to jail. He was nothing but nice to her on the day of Vic's funeral and she is so bitter and angry. I am not part of the Maura Tierney love. She annoys me in so many ways. I am not even sure if it is Maura Tierney or Helen. Plus, Helen has some real nasty habits.
  3. It is so obvious to me that Jackson is going to win this thing and he will be sitting next to Holly. I am always angry on finale night. But unless he goes on Thursday in the double eviction, he will be there on finale night. And he realizes this. He is trying to improve his social game. I can't stand him.
  4. I keep thinking maybe it was a suicide and the second version was the wrong version of Alison's death. The band aid is proof of nothing. Ben had an alibi. So unless the time of death is really off, maybe the real version we have yet to see. Maybe Ruth Wilson filmed that before she made her exit from the show. I keep thinking if the detective said he was positive it was suicide... it had to be from more than just that bang on her head when he thinks she hit the rocks in the water. Did they not check her house to see if there was any sign that she had any visitor? Did the detective make such a huge mistake? Did he not explore that she might have been pushed and banged her head and carried alive in to the water and drowned in that way? What was Ben's alibi? That he was in a bar getting drunk? How long was he there? The detective did a crappy investigation.
  5. I do not think the show is a train wreck. I think season 3 was awful, with all of Noah's hallucinations after he was in jail... but it got back on track in season 4. I am looking forward to this season. I think episode 1 was fabulous. While WE know Alison was murdered, her death was concluded to be a suicide. So maybe Joanie will solve that crime and finally Ben will be arrested for murder. I cannot see any other reason to even have Joanie there in the future in the show except to bring justice to her mother's death.
  6. You are saying the first part of episode 9 of last season was the correct version (and somehow she commits suicide which we did not see) and not the second part where we see Ben murder Alison? That would be an interesting twist.
  7. Maybe she will solve her mom's murder. But, it has to be at least 25 years in to the future. So Ben Cruz is how old? 65? And how will Joanie solve the crime? The only way is if Ben confesses. Maybe we will get to see Helen and Noah together as grandparents. Maybe it will be some journey in to the future like the last episode of SIX FEET UNDER. I LOVED this episode 1. The only part I found irritating was that guy at the beginning copying Noah eating eggs.
  8. Nick had the ability to reduce Holly to only making one nomination?
  9. OMG I cannot follow any of this... Christie put herself up on the block?
  10. Isn't he told to not talk about any of that?
  11. I am all confused. How did Cliff, Jess, and Nicole get voted for a punishment? When was that vote?
  12. I find it ridiculous how they sob and wail and weep over an eviction. They get more upset than men on death row.
  13. I sense Holly is decades older than what she claims to be. She has to be in her mid forties.
  14. I think she needs to stay under the radar right now while the more visible "power" players pick each other off one by one. Nick will go then Michie, then Christie, then Tommy then Holly.... down like dominoes. I think Jess, Cliff, and Nicole just night be the last 3 standing. This is the BB pattern: the weaker "nerdy" players get put up at the very beginning. If they can manage to hang in to the half way mark, the other two stronger sides start to wake up and pick off each other one by one and the last ones standing are the ones who the others wanted out at the beginning.
  15. OMG Sis get a grip. You are more upset than innocent and guiltless Anne Boleyn was the night before she faced the executioner.
  16. This is an extremely well done series but it has a definite political preference. It is going to be hard to discuss the episodes without going off on tangents and creating political controversies. The first two episodes hardly spent any time on the murders of the three Israeli Jewish boys by Hamas. Maybe that will come later. But a great deal of time was spent on the missing Palestinian boy who was later found murdered. I hope there is a balanced presentation because all of the murders were horrible and heartbreaking.
  17. But why would anybody vote for a guy they can't stand for a field trip?
  18. How is Michie safe this week? Am I to conclude he is actually liked by a majority of viewers out there? I cannot stand this guy.
  19. I am lost.... do Michie and Holly and Kat all know each other outside of the house? They never actually denied it.
  20. Jack is in the hammock with Nicole giving her alone time with him. And you know what? He is probably doing it to get her vote to stay, but I don't think it matters. He is capable of being nice to her and I think she is liking being there alone with a "hot guy" who is giving her attention. That is why I prefer Jack over Michie. Michie has such transparent contempt for Jess and Nicole because they are not "hot babes." Michie is just a pompous jock who hangs out in sports bars and thinks his shit doesn't stink. He probably made fun of nerdy girls in high school and ridiculed overweight girls. I know his type. I was made fun of by his type and can spot them a mile away. I hope he goes Thursday and gets confetti on his shoulders when he is evicted.
  21. "How could Jimmy even know where those bodies were if he was not involved in the murders? And who was that woman whose car broke down? How could it be Rachel? Jenny would know who her husband worked with I can buy that the brother let it slip out. These are some dumb ass criminals. I like that Ward & Co. is on to him now." But Jimmy was there, so wouldn't Jackie realize if he knew where the bodies were that he was involved?
  22. How could Jimmy even know where those bodies were if he was not involved in the murders? And who was that woman whose car broke down? How could it be Rachel? Jenny would know who her husband worked with.
  23. I feel so confused by so many of the characters on this show. Who was the woman who pretended her car was broken and got into the car with Jackie's wife? (It looked like "Rachel," but wouldn't Jenny know who her husband's coworkers are?) Who was the woman at the door? I think she is the wife of that guy who is in jail who they think is part of the murder of the guards. What is the name of the guy in jail? Was the woman at the table Tommy's wife?
  24. Jackie celebrates a win in front of the cameras but reaches new low outside of the limelight; a shining moment from Decourcy promises a potential future in politics; Siobhan discovers she has been betrayed.
  25. She reminds me of Carole Lombard. I watched her do that silly thing in the shower with the shampoo where she makes her hair into a tall twist on top of her head and it collapses on to her forehead and she was so "madcap." This woman can go far.
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