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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. Holly will NEVER even consider not taking Jackson to f2. Having him as her boyfriend outside the house means more to her than the money. And that is ridiculous because next year at this time their showmance will be history. He will cut her loose at the first chance he gets.
  2. How could he not know what she meant by "you're good?" She basically was saying he is trying hard to NOT BE sooooooo transparent in his manipulations and trying to find out who she would take to f2 or who she would vote for (I can't remember which it was). How could he not know what "You're good" means?
  3. Kendall looked like she was scared to death. I think some of the audience was laughing... so may be she freaked out.
  4. Because this season is thriving on the Joanie teasers and everything else is filler. This episode about Sierra is shoe horned in I feel. And Helen's conflict with Vic's mother is also extra. I am frustrated to get to full Joanie episodes, because I think that is all this season should even be about.
  5. He is not intrigued by her. He is pandering to her and blowing smoke up her ass to get her jury vote. He has contempt for her the same way Jack does. But Jack's contempt and scorn was blatant. Nicole is nothing like a girl he would pursue and it completely showed. He did not even try to hide it, he seemed to enjoy making fun of her with the expressions on his face. I even saw it in the jury house when Nicole's name was mentioned.
  6. I intend to tune in for the last 15 minutes only when the votes are read nd the winner is announced.
  7. Holly wants to keep her "boyfriend" after the show more than she wants to win. She will do anything to keep her delusional dream alive.
  8. Sierra struggles to balance motherhood with her burgeoning acting career; Sierra's mother visits uninvited; Helen works her first design gig and begins to focus on herself.
  9. It seems to pretty much be a done deal that Jackson wins BB21. I am always angry on finale night. The money will not change who he is. Adam won and landed in jail. And Survivor's Brian had his problems. A half a million after taxes would not even buy him an apartment in NYC. Jackson is hateful. So on Thursday he will still be hateful but with money. It is not huge Kardashian type money. I can't stand the guy. He can buy watermelons for the rest of his life. And if any rumors are true about him... he can use the money down the line for bail.
  10. This is a live feed discussion with spoilers. Are you aware of who won comp 2? Do you want to know? We are talking about it here because we already know. Holly and Jackson will only take each other to f2. It is a done deal.
  11. Holly is a dumbass. Of course she will take her bf to f2 but why lose to a guy who by next year at this time will be history? Pick Nicole you fool and woman up and go for the money yourself. Why hand him a prize that YOU could win?
  12. I can see Nicole really becoming a breakout star from this season of BB. An entire sitcom can be built around her. She has a natural comedy talent. ETA: She reminds me of Mayim Bialik.
  13. If this aired on ABC and not CBS, the day Michie breaks off with Holly would be the same day he is chosen for the next The Bachelor. He will surface on one of those shows. HE is so "obnoxious." Oh, ETA: I think they will vote for Michie to stay on the good side of production. Maybe they see themselves being cast in shows like The Bold and the Beautiful. OMG this makes me so sick I think I need mental therapy.
  14. The problem is that this asshole Michie thinks he is so damn "hot" that he probably thinks he is doing Nicole a favor with that move on top of her. He always looked at Nicole like the "nerdy girl" who he probably made fun of in high school. I really think he thinks she should be glad he did that, that he thinks he is a "gift." I know his mentality. OMG I hate him so much. He is so fake. I so want this asshole to lose on finale night. Can I manifest that?
  15. I really am furious. And this has happened for MOST of the years I have watched Big Brother when it comes to finale night. I was furious whne Maggie won and furious when Evel Dick won and well I was angry so many times I cannot even recall most of the winners. My anger becomes so intense my blood pressure rises. So basically this show is hazardous to my health. A game show is not supposed to impact a person in this way. But Michie makes my blood boil. He never liked Nicole. He snubbed her for June and practically all of July into early August. He crafted a hinky vote and she was blamed for that and bullied because of it. Michie is as fake as a four dollar bill. If he leaves with his stupid confetti on his shoulders I will be physically sick. How does anybody handle all this anger when watching this show? I prefer to be angry at real world news not this crap.
  16. I watched that veto comp and wow! Jackson sure had to have taken more than 11 minutes to complete that task. I call bullsh*t.
  17. I really think Cliff is pissed off and when he gets to that jury house and talks to Tommy and they both really put together all of Jackson's lies, Jackson will not win. Holly (if they are the f2) will get the votes of Christie, Jess, Tommy, Cliff, and Kat and probably Nick. So how can Jackson win? Only Annalyse and Jack will vote for Jackson. Nicole might if she does not get a chance to talk to the rest of them. When Cliff talked to the camera on BBAD and he said there will be "repercussions," he seriously meant that.
  18. I had just said that this is a rip off of Friday the 13th. Is that all there is to season 9? So they are filming a movie? Didn't they do that shtik in Roanoke? There is nothing new here. It is awful. And I cannot stand Billie Lourd's acting. She is always the same with those pompous sarcastic lines like "I am the suspicious type." And Leslie Grossman is the same as she was in Apocalypse.
  19. It is such an obvious rip off of Friday the 13th. Is that all there is to AHS season 9?
  20. I have said this for weeks. She does look about 45, but I read she had multiple surgeries after an accident. Could that make her look so much older? Holly has to be about 45, even zingbot alluded to it and he did not mean a few years older than Jackson.
  21. Maybe an old Ben confesses to Joanie because he is sick and dying anyway. I somehow have a feeling we will see a 35 year old "Eddie." I think we will see an older Whitney too. Maybe Trevor is happily married and in some big Broadway play. I just have a feeling we will get a sort of "Six Feet Under" ending and see a very old Noah and Helen.
  22. Next week is already episode 5 and Joanie's story is not even developed. I am really getting pissed. I like the show a lot but the Whitney plot is boring for me and the Trevor plot seems shtiky and shoe horned in and Helen is annoying. If I do not get more Joanie next week I am going to go crazy on twitter.
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