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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. it was a weird thing to say to a sick kid: You can't die or I will kill you (paraphrased). They are too young to understand that type of tongue in cheek biting humor. It may be a way of showing that her husband is a nut.
  2. At some point I may PM you to ask who did it. But not yet. I will wait until my frustration level has peaked.
  3. I once read that when trying to unravel a mystery, always look for the character who is not necessary to the piece. Elena did not need to have another child in this story. Why did Miguel skip the bus and go to the studio? He wanted to see if his mother was really dead. He discovered the body; he did it. Maybe he hated that school. How does that tie in with Grace's family? Maybe Jonathan was having an affair with Elena and paid for the school.
  4. I am also riveted and as I said, I do not understand why HBO just does not put the entire series up On Demand. I remember waiting week to week for "The Night Of" also to crawl to the end.
  5. So why would Cody and NIcole take each other knowing the vote will be so close. I still maintain a smart move would be to take Enzo. If they take each other they both deserve to lose to the other.
  6. Thanks for this speculation thread. I have not read the book so anything I post will not be book talk. I think this is connected to the kids. Elena's son Miguel looks guilty to me. I think something went down with him, possibly a fight with with Henry. Maybe some bullying? Elena kept quiet because she did not want to damage Miguel's scholarship? Maybe Henry killed Elena during a rage when she confronted him about the bullying. The kids just look like they know something.
  7. I love this show. I totally love it. I hate that we cannot binge watch it. HBO never drops the whole series, they make you wait week to week. It does get frustrating. Can we get a speculation thread so we can indulge in some amateur detective work based on clues we see? I have a few thoughts but if I am right, I don't want to spoil the series. Can we speculate in an episode thread?
  8. Seriously, Cody and Nicole are both imbeciles. I said it before but now that I know that either Cody or Nicole will have full control on finale night, why would they risk winning to the person sitting next to them? Loyalty? I don't get it. But I predict Cody wins. Boring season, boring winner.
  9. They do these shows every year where they all sit around and reminisce. I hate them. I have always hated them. I am more interested to see how foolish Cody and Nicole are by sitting next to each other in f2. Whoever picks the other deserves to lose. I am obviously rooting for Enzo.
  10. I like Enzo. A HG that is liked and does nothing has to be dragged to the end so the other stronger players can win. It's a crap shoot if two strong players sit next to each other. Cody and Nicole should realize this. if Cody and Nicole are in f2 the vote will be close and split. They both need to be sitting next to Enzo. About 14 years ago, Ivette took her close friend Maggie to f2 and she lost to Maggie. Her mother told her after the show: this game is not about being loyal to your friends. it is about making smart choices for yourself. I like Enzo so I am hoping he is in the f2.
  11. Maybe Tic is not dead and they were planning a season 2 like in Game of Thrones when Jon Snow comes back to life?
  12. Maybe like True Detective: with a whole new cast and characters and story plot.
  13. The whole episode made no sense to me and had none of the artistic touches of the previous episodes. I think it was a hot mess.
  14. I thought all the episodes were masterpieces except this last one. It was a sloppy mess of nonsense which i think will appeal to "fanboys" of this genre but it was very uneven and in some scenes it was just awful. The only scene I liked was all of them in the car singing "Life Could Be a Dream." And I hated the actress who played Christina. I think that role was miscast. Her blond wig was terrible too. With Tic dying, how can there be a season 2?
  15. I don't get it. Why would Enzo and Nicole take Cody to f2? Are they there to keep his friendship or to win the game? They have to realize he will win against them. If Nicole and Enzo are f2 it is a crapshoot. Nicole will not win because she was a former winner. She will be judged to how she played this specific game.
  16. Cody is not locked in for the win. He will only win if he wins the last two comps and chooses himself who to take to f2 (which will be Enzo and then Cody wins). Nicole will not take Cody. She will pick Enzo so she wins. Enzo rode Cody's coat tails but he knows he will not win against him so he will take Nicole thinking the jury will not reward Nicole twice and make her a millionaire. He will not put his friendship with Cody over winning the prize money. Enzo stands some chance against Nicole and he has no chance against Cody and he knows that. If Cody evicts Nicole and Christmas stays in at f3 and she wins the final 2 comps she will take Enzo. So how is Cody guaranteed the win? He is only going to win if he wins those final 2 comps and it is a crapshoot. Who else will take him to f2 and risk losing?
  17. Christmas could win veto, why is she so upset? She still has a chance to go to final 3.
  18. "I don't wanna be f*cked in this, yo." "This is what I am here for, yo." "They hate you more than me, they love me man." "Whatever yo, she won her money, yo." "I am going to finger my asshole now yo I don't want that to happen, yo." "Yo they can't disregard what we did this season, yo." And Cody sits there and laughs. I think Enzo may have Tourette's. No disrespect intended, just presenting it as a possibility.
  19. I like Enzo. I would like him to win because he did nothing and won nothing. That would be funny to me.
  20. Wow shocker for final 4! Grodner got her faves in to the end: her two girls and her two boys. What a borefest.
  21. Well now is the chance to get Cody out. This might be the only chance to ruin Derrick's plan. If Nicole does not use her veto to take down Christmas and put up Cody, I suppose she thinks in her own mind she will win against him. As much as I dislike Nicole, I dislike pre game planning more. So leave Memphis, Enzo, Christmas and Nicole in the game and let it ride to finale night. If Nicole does not use that veto and put up Cody, I suppose she is delusional and thinks she will win against him? Not using the POV will be the stupidest move since Marcellus played BB.
  22. It is a combination of labels but regardless, it is tampering by former "contestants" who were on this show who tried to influence contestants who would be in the new season of the show. CBS may be allowed to influence the game, but they are production. (After all, they script the diary room dialogue). It is quite different when the players engage in behavior that decides the outcome prior to the show even beginning especially when the prize is money. THAT is a scandal.
  23. If Derrick really did influence this season, and a money split was decided beforehand... I think CBS should investigate it. It may be allowed and not a real violation but it is tampering with a game show and that sh*t received high profile press when it happened with Herb Stempel's run on Twenty-One. He blew the whistle on it and the press did not respond favorably. And Derrick is a cop? It's a breach of ethics and an attempt to manipulate a game show.
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