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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. I never said she "needs" to talk about her personal life. I said I would find it more admirable and interesting in an interview if she did. If you are in the public eye, I personally feel it weird to not talk about the obvious. But, it is her choice if she chooses to ignore it. I do not think a journalist should go there unless she first green lights the topic. And if she opened up, she would be praiseworthy and her story would be perhaps inspiring. She would be spectacular in the details and I would find her story fascinating and she would rise to a level of depth passing the interviews of those who ride a shallow wave on talk shows. It would be 60 Minutes worthy not a Jimmy Fallon superficial laugh fest. But I read Joan Didion's "The Year of Magical Thinking." She opened up about her personal pain and she did not need to do that. In "The Center Will Not Hold" she detailed her struggles. No journalist forced her to do that. No interviewer in the documentary demanded she answer questions. She agreed... and the result is beyond breathtaking.
  2. I do not live with celebrities and their sex lives are not a visual I will ever see, hence I have no questions or interest in their sex lives. Her weight is the obvious every single time I see her. Her visual is not private, she puts it out there every time she is on TV. I may have no right to know anything about her weight, but the question of why she is so obese becomes part of watching her every time I see her. And if I actually saw two celebrities having sex I might have questions about that too. My questions do not demand answers. But they are there and I personally feel that if she addressed that elephant in the room she would be more admirable instead of maintaining privacy about it. It is sort of like Eugenia Cooney never addressing that she is anorexic and continuing to broadcast and display a body that is totally alarming. Eugenia
  3. She might try being as open as those on My 600 Pound Life.
  4. I disagree. When you are in the public eye and famous, it is weird to ignore the obvious. It IS the viewer's business to ask why. Why not? And if she has no obligation to discuss it she should say that. I am not "concerned" about her weight or her health. She makes her choices and I do not care. I am curious why she chooses not to lose weight. I would like to even hear her say: I am happy being overweight and do not care.
  5. I had read somewhere that it is in her contract that she cannot lose weight while the show is running but after the show ends they will arrange for her to have bariatric surgery. She now looks like those on My 600 Pound Life. I am surprised she is mobile. I know it is NOT admirable to "fat shame" and I am overweight myself but in some cases it is just weird to ignore the elephant in the room. Kelly should have asked her about her weight and if she has any plans to lose weight after the show ends. Why ignore it in an interview? It is just weird.
  6. FUN FACT: the credits: Bill Hader as Irma Kostroski lol added on 12/22: I saw the above and now it no longer says Bill Hader as Irma Kostroski.😲
  7. It actually is totally Xander's fault he lost. He took Erica to final 3!!! She was in! If he made her go to the fire making challenge there was a 50/50 chance she would have lost. If he was sitting next to Heather or Deshawn he may have won; his chances would have been greater. What was he thinking? He was afraid she would win the fire challenge? He took her anyway! Stupid move.
  8. By announcing the winner to them back in May, didn't they run a great risk that one of them would spill the beans?
  9. I think it is way deeper than that. They find younger women much more appealing and many are repulsed by older women. These men have huge egos and they never think of themselves as nothing but "babe magnets." They do not care how old they are. They are only interested in being with a woman that arouses them in one way. Trust me, I know. They are snickering and critical and entitled. Trust me, i know these men.
  10. Who played Dierdre, the daughter of Irma? And, it was Irma who should have been repulsed by Larry. But of course he does it the other way around.
  11. He thinks because he is LD he can do anything and be adored. He does not think he will ever be criticized and yes, he does not care. He is so out of touch he does not even see himself as an almost 75 year old man. He loosely scripts the show for a guy of about 45. No backfire, no backlash, no negative reviews... he is untouchable. He has ramped up the Yiddish I noticed: punim, schlepper, zei gezunt and this week mechayeh. You have to read between the lines there. He is creating a show now like his own inside joke. Think about it.
  12. And again we get Cheryl shoe horned in and still she is totally unable to finish a sentence and more miserable than ever.
  13. This series had great potential but seasons 2, 3, and 4 were victims of horrible writing. Seriously, could the plots have been any worse?
  14. Human trafficking.... why do so many shows include that in the plot?
  15. He almost totally dropped the "bad actor" Marsha Lipschitz plot, except for referencing how bad she is when Jeff and Larry walked through the airport. I am sure he will get back to her and Young Larry but the last three episodes were not part of this season's theme. Not that it matters, just an observation.
  16. OMG I am late to this unbearable show and watched episode1 and I can't stand it. The picky minutiae, the self- absorbed trivialities, self-indulged people, over analytical spouses, and the dissection of everything... how can they live inside their own heads let alone live with anybody else. All of them are huge pains in the ass. This is spot on!
  17. I am not done. I had a thought. It is not about the age of the women LD does cast. It is about the women he does not cast. He is married to a woman in her 30s (that's his business) but he casts his romantic interests as also very young women and in doing so he shows clear contempt for older women. He should cast 60 year old grandmas to be his girlfriends. How about Caroline Aaron or Diane Wiest?
  18. He is just too old for this shtik in my opinion. He looks horrible and he looks more than his age. The role as scripted should be for at most a 55 year old man. How is an almost 75 year old geezer pulling this childish shtik and not considered a cantankerous fool ready for nights of gin rummy in an assisted living home? The script is funny but he just doesn't suit the part anymore IMO.
  19. Great comment! Larry sets himself up in the scripts with a 36 year old because he does not accept he is now an old man. He looks every bit of almost 75 and what 36 year old woman would go with a man who is old enough to be her grandfather? Well, Katherine McPhee. But I think there is something weird about it.
  20. His real wife, who he married a year ago, is in her 30s. Larry is almost 75 but I think inside his head he thinks he is 45. He writes scripts for a younger Larry. I believe in real life he does not see himself as having aged or in being involved with women his age romantically so he casts accordingly. There have been signs in all the seasons he has a type and even as he has aged his type never changed or was ever age appropriate. Look at him. He is the same age as Shelley Berman was when Shelley played his father. Larry looks his age and this show is now about a cranky old geezer. You are an alteh cocker Larry. Marcia Jean Kurtz should be your love interest. What happened to the "Young Larry" theme? Two episodes now with no sign of the Marsha Lipschitz wannabe. These two past episodes could be in any random season they are so disconnected.
  21. I did not know this episode was the final episode of this season and perhaps the series. What kind of stupid cliffhangers did they leave the viewers with? Just awful.
  22. It is so obvious she will become a major star and win an Emmy for Young Larry.
  23. Really? One more episode? And then what? I am surprised I stuck with this. There is no part of this that even remotely makes any sense. I like Isaac though. Maybe it is David Alvarez I like.
  24. Sonia was a bore. But this season is boring so whatever. I just don't care who killed Percy or how she died or whatever.
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