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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. I love her Poodle. That’s all. 🤣
  2. Chanels gone costume,for sure, but I dont hate it? Its more interesting than the endless run of classy and sensible whites, blacks, and creams. She doesnt need the theater wear, but I like seeing what she'll wear next. It honestly doesn't come across as try hard or unnatural as it does on Lisa. In her talking heads, Lisa always looks so uncomfortable and ready to spill everywhere. She's a beautiful woman though, prettier than Chanel IMO. Stansbury is one cold momma, but I'd much rather hang out with her and Talene than Brooks and Sara. They always seem sour about something, whereas the former know how to have some laughs. Brooks, she's one of those friends you have to diligently walk on eggshells around because they take notes on everything you say, only to cherry pick and use things out of context when they feel like it. And Sara just has no chill.
  3. I did feel bad for her. It’s hard when your peer group are moving on and you feel left behind. She seemed humbled this episode. We’ll see how long that lasts. Hopefully, she’ll engage in some introspection, and realize she tends to bulldoze over people in an effort to always be front and center. I didn’t understand why the baby reveal had to be a surprise. If it were more of a shower, they could’ve gotten gifts. It was awkward to be all ‘Yay! Here’s our baby!…..Ok, guess we’ll go home now….’ I’d have wanted to give them something. I also had a judgy moment of-that’s baby’s too tiny to be around all those virus and bacteria vessel-adults right now. But good for Lenny. He was beaming with pride. Buddy’s got a type, eh? All his girlfriends, and now wife, look like a thinner Whitney.
  4. She will never life a life off camera. She’s always performing. I don’t know if I’ve seen one genuine moment from her where she wasn’t hyper aware of the camera. Her Step-Mom never should’ve done this show. She’s not coming off in the best light. Still really like her Dad. But he’s outnumbered by women living for all the clicks. I guess that’s the world now. We’re always on someone’s camera, so act and speak accordingly. Ryan never stood a chance. His controlling behavior was probably seen as ‘protective’ to her until she lost interest. I didn’t even think he was that controlling. He just wanted a wife, and Gypsy wanted the bigger, better deal. Soon as the baby comes, and Gypsy’s not the most special girl in Ken’s life, I see him becoming ‘too controlling’ as well. PS thanks for posting the video. but I can’t get through it.🤣 That kind of stalled, performative way people talk in videos like these annoys me to death.
  5. I wondered that, too-why their colors are always so muted. I thought maybe it was my tv.
  6. That was so cringy! No way he came up with that on his own. The man was gorgeous, but seemed more like a cousin visiting than a love interest. I like (most) kids in real life, but want my trash tv to be the adults and their pets only. No one finds your kid(s) as entertaining as you do. Sorry, it’s just true. Speaking of, Sergio is like a child himself. Maybe he just wants someone else to play with? I cannot imagine why they married, knowing she doesn’t want another child & he’s dead set on it. Sergio wants her to be someone she’s not. There’s nothing wrong with either of their points of view, but I’d feel awful for her future kid, seeing how their Mom had them reluctantly. And her poor in-laws, hope they don’t do a whole screening party to watch these shows. ‘There’s our daughter-in-law, giggling with glee about getting away from us’
  7. Shannon’s in denial. Her girls are beautiful tho and good for Stella (?) for getting to do all that traveling. WOW, what a privilege at such a young age. Tamra opens with sex talk with Eddie, Zzzzzzzzz. Her face is different, again. Thank you, Emily, for being honest about how you got your new figure and not saying, “I drink alot of water and get 8 hours of sleep every night” 🤣 Save Archie!
  8. I, also, would’ve been happy with any of them winning. I was surprised they didn’t comment on how sloppy the lines were on Chris’ cake. The stripe going around the bottom tier and the skyline were wonky. They usually jump on that. The complaint about the red looking like pink made me roll my eyes so hard. The inside of that cake was a color explosion. It wasn’t baby pink. Guess they had to nitpick to keep the suspense up. As always, I will Never stop complaining about that minuscule cash prize. Contestants on Wheel of Fortune win more than $25,000 total every day. Thats pitiful compensation for weeks worth of content that they slam a million commercials around. And asking how great it would be to win that money? lol of course it’s better than nothing, but I’d be like-“Wow, yeah! I can buy half a car!!” Of course, it would make a nice vacation or help pay for a wedding…but, come on! Give them at least $50,000!
  9. Puppy is so cute 🥰. Wanted to punch Ryan’s face in when he said you stick their nose in it when they pee. Omg read a training book asap!! Poor doggy. The only human I can stand out of this group is her Dad. He seems to have a solid grasp on everyone’s motives and a good head on his shoulders. If only he’d fought harder to stay in Gypsy’s life. theres no more proof needed that Gypsy is Not ready to be a mother, than her giggling throughout taking the morning after pill. Yikes.
  10. Wow, it is not unreasonable for Ryan to ask Gypsy to keep their sex life conversations with her sister off camera. No man is going to be ok with you telling the world you never climaxed with him, even if it’s from past abuse. And for her to manipulate the situation and say ‘that’s how my mom made me feel’ is really unfair. Please get on birth control, get a divorce, and get into therapy before you have a child and ruin its life with your gaslighting and manipulation.
  11. A lot of influencers, lately. Can’t imagine there’s much money in that unless you blow up in popularity. Vanautu wife was ready to swim Back to Australia. Don’t blame her. I was shocked those houses would go for $160,000! Definitely paying for location. A lot of money to live bare bones with limited conveniences, but I accept that sounds like paradise to some. Is it really this easy to just up and move to another country? Immigration doesn’t require you already have work there or a work visa, etc?
  12. They need to give them more time. It’s not exciting to me to when they do the ‘30 minutes!’ ‘10 minutes!’ stuff. The drama for me is seeing the end result and if the judges like the risks they take. When they brought the twists back, I actually groaned. Make them all have to do the same technique. That might be more suspenseful than trying to shoehorn in a flavor when we can’t actually taste anything.
  13. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but why marry if you only expect it to last a decade? Why this need to pretend to pledge your life to someone 'til death do us part' if you really mean 'til I get too old for him?' Just live together. Loving their new house, but when I saw the hanging lanterns, I thought, as I always do when I see a rich persons house, "what about all the dust?!...oh, right, they're rich, someone else will clean it." "can i put aluminum in the oven?" 😂 She only made 4 cookies? So, she made box, but didn't read the box? That's not a result of having staff, that's just stupid.
  14. I’ve noticed that alot in these competitions-whichever baker wins the ‘helpful gadgets’ always biffs the decorating. I knew as soon as she won those that Stephanie’s decorations would be subpar. I liked everyone this year, but wasn’t blown away by anyone’s decorating. The finishes this season were always messy and kind of amateurish. Better than I could do, of course, but I never got excited to see what anyone would come up with. This last challenge had too many parameters-cage, shark outside the cage and surprise! Blood orange! I don’t think you can say “the bakers were allowed to make anything they wanted..” with such a big bunch of “but”s added on.
  15. Does anyone (except the stepmom) really believe Ken broke up with Gypsy for her own good? Sure, Jan.
  16. Why is her Stepmom telling her all that stuff about Ken and messing with her marriage?! Wow, I thought she was nice, but she’s messy.
  17. Yea I’m watching…and giving my useless opinions 🤣 When they walked away from her grandmothers grave, I really wish they’d have picked up those two pots that fell over at the next grave 🤣 Gypsy’s tattoo is pretty. Shameful how many family members knew something wasn’t right, but just didn’t want to upset her mother. I’d like to believe I’d have never sat by and let my sister treat my niece like that. I’d be telling everyone-she can walk! I think it was more they didn’t want the responsibility of what they believed was a very sick girl who needed a lot of attention and expensive medical care. Step mom is showing a new side with the ‘just because my kids break up with them doesn’t mean I do” yeah, it does if they’ve moved on and married someone else…right? Strange. Ryan isn’t going to miss Gypsy that much, he just doesn’t trust her to be out of his sight. He works with special education students so that gives him leeway in my eyes, but he’s trying too hard to hold onto someone who is already halfway out the door.
  18. I also feel bad for the people who live in the homes they’re criticizing. When they walk in and go Ewwww! I cringe a bit, someone still lives there!🤣
  19. I like the show. It’s not must see tv for me, but I’ll watch. I still have some empathy for Whitney. I think she’s incredibly insecure which fuels a lot of her childish behavior. I do think she’d be the world’s biggest mean girl if she were very thin. As a fellow fatty, I see that chip on her shoulder from miles away. If nothing else, I give her props for still putting herself out there in spite of all the criticism (which she thinks is just because she’s fat, but a great deal of it is because she’s got a mean streak, but thinks she’s the nicest one in the room.) I always love the travel porn on these shows. I did get very bored during the Mommy & Daddy years. No offense to them, but Zzzzzzzz. The show was more fun when it was her, her friends & frenemies. Guess she drove them alway or the notoriety of tv did. Not too invested in her love life, but I’ll take it for less Daddy and (sorry) Babs remembrances.
  20. Everyone of their interactions feels forced. She never loved him. She often looks at him with a lot of impatience. She wants to be young and free and impulsive and he wants to lock her down. You can see his fear of losing her in how he’s always grabbing at her and she’s always stroking his ego. Doomed from the start. Kind of the same thing over and over, so far. The paparazzi, her doing interviews, random clips of strangers giving their useless opinions….
  21. Brisbane rental prices were insane! I know: Location, Location, Location! (& Im sure the wages are higher there) But where I'm from, you won't net $6,000 a Month let alone afford that rent and still be able to buy food and utilities lol
  22. Thailand wrestler’s kids were mean mugging the camera every time like a pair of serial killers 🤣 I liked this realtor, very matter of fact and I liked his dry sense of humor. Wanted to mush up his hair tho. Cuz it was too perfectly combed stuck to his head. Nothing wrong with that at all, of course, but just wanted to mess it up a minute.
  23. New Zealand buyers-I was surprised they picked the low glass railings house. Although, the house and views were gorgeous (except that weird ship door which was ugly,) but that tiny patch of grass isn’t worth how she’s going to have to be watching those kids constantly to make sure they don’t ally-oop over the railings. Kids are dumb and they love to climb. I’d be a nervous wreck every time they went out there.
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