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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. So True! I shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
  2. I instantly thought of huge gums with teeth! I would’ve loved to try all of those. I love little bite sized treats. ”There’s a holiday on the first day of May…it’s called May Day!”…cut to surprised “oh!” reaction shots🤣 Alex’s chocolate basket decoration was really clever. His was my favorite. I actually liked Kate’s purple wreath, but Robert’s was much more balanced color-wise and prettier. The pole was such a dumb requirement. I laughed.
  3. They had a very interesting look, but I felt the acting was flat. I’m biased because Hoffman did a lot with that role, but from the first introduction where they had Freddie standing in shadow like a Marvel villain, they seemed too polished and unthreatening for the role. The actor who played Ripley killed it. Every time he showed disgust for someone it was a highlight. I don’t think they did enough to show why Dickie ended up wanting him to stay. In the Jude Law/Matt Damon version, you felt a friendship growing. In this, they seemed to barely tolerate one another. Cat was the real star. Loved the tiny paw prints in the blood, little rascal.
  4. That cat was the real star.
  5. The acting by this Ripley has been excellent. Everyone else seems to have been directed to “speak your line, smile, then stare suspiciously” it’s beautifully filmed, but very drawn out. I feel like half the show is watching people climb up and down stairs.
  6. The black and white is pretty, but it seems such a waste to film there and not use color. It also gave the films sleepy vibe which might be intentional, but ended up muting the emotions in many scenes. Guess I’m one of those unsophisticated types who finds B&W a bit boring.
  7. Ripley struggling through Marge’s book was hilarious.
  8. Scott’s subtle facial expressions where he’s showing obvious disgust but trying to hide it are genius. not as into this Dickie. He doesn’t have that primal allure Jude Law had, but who does?
  9. Am I Next?— Was Janelle even involved in an online fight with Billy & Billy Jean? Or did she make that up too? I know they kept saying she had mental challenges, but wow was she a manipulator. Breaking down in tears when she ran out of lies in the interview. She’s a better liar than her mother, that’s for sure. Odd family is an understatement.
  10. Ending the night with this-Tumor show deserves a more dignified title. Lots of filler, but the life changing reveal at the end (& in previews-wow!) got me all verklempt.
  11. Way to go, Mimi. Hope to see your skin surgery episode. I want to see Dr Now holding up those knockers in awe and delight.
  12. 393? Wow. If she got a breast reduction and lift, shed look thinner than green shirt. I hope her heart improves. That breathing must be exhausting.
  13. I don't know how they know what is what in there. I'd be pulling random organs out, whoops.
  14. Kids can be little sugar junkie nags, but they'll eat fruit and veggies if you take all the effort away for them and leave them out. You have to peel the oranges, cut up the apples and carrots, serve with yogurt already in a cup and/or peanut butter to dip. If you serve it bite-sized with no effort on their part required, they'll nosh.
  15. Damn, her breathing getting to and into the car. Scary. Was that her grandson, "you better be ok". Wow. losing your babysitter or something?
  16. Really, it should be no surprise most gain or stay the same after a loss. EVERYONE knows its not losing that's hard, it's keeping it off. Hence, the need for surgery or medical intervention. Always annoys me when he asks What happened?! Duh. What always happens and that's why they're 600lbs.
  17. Your lattice work is so pretty.
  18. Aww Mimi was cute with those kids. I like her. Oh F right off Jenny Craig.
  19. "All that good fattening stuff" sing it, sister.
  20. Late to the show, catching up on your comments😅 Rose is singing the first verse of the addict blues, 'I'm willing to do whatever it takes' Ends with, 'But, I worked so hard, and had so much stress!'
  21. I’m getting way more out everyone’s comments here as per: what the hell is going on? vs what’s actually being shown. If it’s everyone’s honorable duty to defend their leader even at risk of their life, and even from mere insults, perhaps Taranaga should try a little communication with his people so they don’t do stupid stuff like his son kept doing. Blackthorne is being played like a clueless, petulant child who still, somehow, keeps saving Taranaga’s life and so gets gifts and a personal translator, but is just supposed to play house and keep his mouth shut. I might have to try-watch from the beginning because I don’t see how, if they can get away with ‘bandits’ just killing inconvenient people, why the Regent Council is still going through the motions of doing things appropriately. The women, who talk in code and nuance, are making much more sense than the men.
  22. I’m actually getting confused myself. We seem to have 2 or 3 season 12 live chat threads.
  23. There were alot of comments during live chat.
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