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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. I’m enjoying the Jenn back and forth. You all make great points. Her situation is odd, and her backstory has more holes than Swiss cheese. I think Gina is reaching a bit about losing 50 grand. There could be many reasons that broker didn’t want to share her clients with her, but it also looks bad that she vouched for a client that didn’t pay. Either way, her reaction was great reality tv, but I’d think she was unhinged and wouldn’t work with her Because of that reaction. A lot can go wrong and you have to keep your cool. She was also a bit pushy with the people she showed the house to. It’s like salespeople in a store. Ask me once if I need help, then scatter. If you keep trying to sell me, I’m leaving your store. (“you’re making an offer, right? Heehee kidding”)
  2. This is totally off topic, but Every time they’re passionately making a point, they do this sort of pointing hand gesture with all their fingers pressed against their thumb. It reminds me of the old Roseanne episode where they took self-defense classes. After, Roseanne is showing Dan what she learned and she makes this same hand gesture. Dan says, “what’s that a bird?” Then, (off screen) Roseanne pokes him in the eye. just pops into my head every time they do it, ‘what’s that, a bird?’ 🤣
  3. He’s doing something-money laundering for illegal gambling. (Allegedly) I guess I don’t fault Eddie as much since we’ve seen him working on and at their gym for years. Plus, they now have the edibles business. Ryan might be legit, and wrongly accused, but I doubt it. For Jenn’s kids’ sake, I hope he’s on the up & up.
  4. “It could mean promised in the eyes of the Lord” 🤣
  5. That house looked like they all just moved in, including Ryan.
  6. Excellent points about the Gina situation. I was perhaps too hard on her. I still get an uppity air about her this season, and the screeching at Jenn in public were very unprofessional, but perfect for a reality tv star, of course. Loved the look of 'wtf?' On Shannon and new girls faces when Jenn said Ryan doesn't have a job and she couldn't really articulate what he used to do. She's either really Dim or dumb as a fox. Probably used to getting by on pretty.
  7. Gina’s really stomping around like she’s the world’s best real estate agent and Ms. Hot Shit like she came up from nothing and hustled? Lmao Being a loud mouth on tv is how she hustled. The only one hurting her ‘career’ is herself. So unprofessional for an actual agent, but maybe a good audition tape to spin off into one of the endless reality shows about selling overpriced homes to rich people. I’m not into this new version of Gina. So, can one of those shows take her, please? She obviously wants that good life, thinks her shit’s ice cream, and if I were Travis, I’d get ready to be single because he won’t be good enough for her when/if she starts making more money. Alexis bragging about getting sex with JJ twice in one day was so gross. That’s not the brag she thinks it is.
  8. Extra Fabulous was just Whitney out to dinner with Jess and her husband, talking about how sad and broke hearted she is about the Frenchman. She asked their waiter if he had any single friends. Then, she talked about the hate she got for showing her Moms funeral on tv. That it was her Dad's idea and her Mom would've loved it. Jess has been trying for a baby for a year. They both squealed about Her husband getting his sperm tested. (Its the best the doctor has ever seen) And then more about Whit's frozen eggs & time running out to have a baby.
  9. She totally emasculated him. He wants to be the man of the house, but she doesn't respect him. Someone even said something like Sergio is like having a baby already. I'm a big gal myself, that's why I was wondering how they're handling that heat. I'd be a big puddle on the ground over there. I figured the skinny ones don't feel it as much, but they show up in the desert wearing long sleeves and pants and I sweat vicariously. Believe me, air conditioning is my best friend!
  10. I Love Ayan for working to stop FGM. It’s shocking that it still goes on today.
  11. I don’t think Ayan is that pretty. Sorry. And her constant bragging is obnoxious. But I loved her Egyptian fashions! Gorgeous. I thought-how are they not melting in those clothes!? Then you see them saying, “it’s so cold out!” Graphic pops up: 77 degrees lol I guess you really do acclimate to those higher temperatures, but I don’t think I ever could. I was surprised to see some chubbier women (in the background, makeup and helpers) I wondered how they stand that heat!! If Taleen begged Brooks to help her get on the show, and she did and then, Taleen crawled up Stansbury’s butt, I get why she’d be salty. However, that’s not the only time we’ve seen Brooks be a bitch. She’s always sour. She’s like that friend that you have to always be pumping up and taking her side or else she burns you. She doesn’t seem capable of fun. I don’t get why Sara is always backing her. That roof top pool!!! Wow. I got vertigo through my television. That view was Stunning!! I liked Stansbury’s house, but I’ll never be the one to own a ridiculously expensive white couch that you’re afraid to sit on. Just buy art for the walls and a comfortable couch. Stupid. I want to know about this man paying for their lifestyle though. That’s so weird.
  12. Whitney likes thin, pretty boys. Kenny's not her type. Its weird how she hangs out with the kids and not her sister. Maybe just for tv, but she treats Angie like she's much older than her. Granted shes in a state of arrested development somewhat. Ax throwing looked fun. I love an arcade. not too many around anymore. I'd also love to try fried turkey.
  13. 100%! I Love the house porn. I can’t afford to get new siding. So, it’s fun to watch what they do with their money. Unfortunately, I usually hate their choices. That’s probably for the reason you bring up-they’re remodeling to sell. I wonder all the time what kind of house and features I’d have if I could afford whatever I wanted. I’m sure the rich folks would hate my house, too. But yes, even as I roll my eyes at their ostentatious designs, I love to see how ‘the other half’ live. I agree about the kids. I’d Never let an ex put my kids in front of a camera. People are mean! Just look at us on this board! lol. But it’s even worse for kids because they live in the now. They don’t think about how something they do today can affect their future lives. Yes, They’re social media savvy, but one mistake lives online forever. It’s not worth it.
  14. Don’t leave that poor puppy with Ryan! He didn’t even want it 🥺
  15. Ryan’s not my favorite, But she’s always twisting what he says. It was obvious he was trying to be flirty with that comment about ‘I don’t care about your dads time, I want to love on my wife’ but she showed it to her parents as proof he’s controlling her. Then, when he said ‘that’s revenue’ about her social media, he was saying it in support of her, As in-tell your parole officer it’s revenue since he wants you to have a job. plus, He’s not a rich man. Nothing wrong with him freaking out a bit about losing a second income. She doesn’t want him. He is controlling, but that’s because she’s always halfway out the door to Ken anytime he says anything that’s not 100% Do whatever you want to do and I’ll sit here and have no opinion. She’s so viciously cringing any time he acts amorous towards her. It’s uncomfortable as hell to watch.
  16. “Take this whole walkway and move it to that side” Really? That’s changing things just to say you changed things. Meanwhile, in my tax bracket, “take this garbage can and move it to that side.”
  17. Separating just gives the ex what she wants, and seems to make Travis' kids more vulnerable with him on his own. Safety in numbers, I'd think. Although, it makes Gina's kids safer which is probably her main motivation and I don't blame her a bit. She might be realizing she doesn't love Travis enough to have his ex in her kid's lives long-term. She'll always be his kids Mom, and that type of obsessive never gives up for good. I don't see their relationship surviving, but I don't blame Gina. I'd put my kid's safety above anything or anyone.
  18. As long as it’s not all Whitney in stupid competitions with her niece. That got old before it even began. Glad Todd’s back. He can be such a bitch, but he makes me laugh.
  19. I love Sophia for how she handled Tamara. Showed signs of someone who had some therapy on dealing with a narcissistic mother. She stated her boundaries firmly and didn’t elaborate, giving Tamara nothing to pick apart and exaggerate like she is a pro at doing. Also, the comforting hug Sophia gave her while she fake cried, was very world weary, like ok mom wants her hug cuz she’s on her victim bullshit again. Imagine if the cast reacted to her like that? She’d lose her mind! Alexis with her ‘you’re the ex, and I’m the new’ was very telling. She really thinks she won some battle and came out the younger, hotter winner. Going to enjoy watching that relationship implode. I know we always say it, but Wow, these women are So skinny!! I admit I’m very jealous. I’ll never have a tight bod like that like, not even close lol
  20. I missed some of the Gina & Travis talk, they can't afford a place big enough for all their kids. So, he'll get his own place? And she'll stay at hers? Wouldn't it be cheaper to get a place together? Seems like one step away from broken up.
  21. Jesus Emily,, buy her dinner first. I think nose job. It's much slimmer in her talking heads.
  22. They're really pushing the Gina's a realtor thing.
  23. Johnny J?? Seriously?! That's some corny ass shit right there. Money talks. if Shannon was one of my neighbors, she would be walking around with an ankle monitor and ordered not to drink with random testing. She we t to a 'wellness retreat' Alexis is that girl who latches onto a man and acts like he's the greatest gift from God. No shock Johnny Jack off ate that up with a spoon.
  24. Did Gina get her face done? Why does she look so different?
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