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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. Terry and Heathers scene with the realtor was the most obvious acting they've done yet, especially when the producer said, hold on a minute. You could see both their faces instantly disengage. Terry sits back, heather grabs her phone, then the realtors come back and Action!!! Wow. they can snap in and out of it in an instant. So weird. Jen's body is goals, but my boobs hurt in sympathy during that workout. Do you not need any support if they're fake?
  2. Hope the dogs get to actually leave their cages & enclosures, and run around the new house.
  3. I thought the last build was Heather's dream home? Can't wait to see how they strip the Beverly Hills property of all warmth and charm.
  4. Shannon doesn’t have stress inflammation lmao she has drunk bloat and looked hungover and shaky at the pumpkin patch.
  5. They don't know what's going to air, so its plausible at this point for Shannon to believe Heather brought her relationship problems on air. However, at the reunion, shannon better apologize to everyone except Tamra, who she better go after bigtime. But we all know, even if she does, Teflon Tammy will just cry and say I love you Amiga & Shannon will cry and it'll be another stupid, 'lets start again, I love you too, Shmoopie'' bullshit.
  6. He wants to hear her captors side of the story!? What a dick! That poor girl. And these people got such light sentences! She lives 13 minutes from the man who destroyed her life and her body. People get more time for drugs. What a country.
  7. “Do they have oatmeal?” has to be the most random thing I’ve ever heard someone ask at a brunch. Seriously, is oatmeal a brunch staple? I’ve never seen it offered. That just made me laugh out loud. Sai had a point about food in the beginning, but she’s ridiculous now.
  8. Jessel, 'Mommying is so hard. I have to pick out their clothes and find out what they're going to eat...' Not cook it or clean it up afterwards, just figure out what it will be. She's such a Princess.
  9. I can't believe I used to like Erin so much. She's just miserable all the time.
  10. She was better, but did you catch her saying she's on a thank you tour, then sad about Jenna's present, "this is a great reg-gift bag. Think we can get retail value for this stuff?' Lol
  11. Prajje’s fit the challenge Much better than Laurence’s did. His model was peacocking. They might not have loved the colors, but he was on dandy road while Laurence’s was working night shift at the slaughterhouse.
  12. I liked the cut of the vest on Bishmes. and I actually liked the copper shirt lol Rami?? Ok I give up
  13. I like that Brandon called them out on how they never gush over the female models bodies like they are the men.
  14. Brandon was savage with that “is it?” Definitely. His Raphaelite cherub face was selling that look.
  15. Love Christian’s jacket. Rami’s looks like the ‘make a dress out of toilet paper’ game at a wedding shower
  16. I can’t believe Christian said he loved the green pants Brittany made either. They make the model look like he just popped out of a lamp to grant wishes.
  17. Brittany just tried to compliment her, asking how does that triple crown feel? And she acted all insulted, “? What? It’s not a triple crown.” Then snotted in voiceover ‘I’m not here to win challenges, I’m here to win it all” or something like that
  18. Geez Laurence was being sour. “It’s not a triple crown.”
  19. Seriously. You call me after 11, it better be an emergency cuz if you're just drunk and want to ramble, that's text time. Night time calls at my age are for accidents and deaths.
  20. She's the epitome of frenemy. Soon as she got that gun, I knew she'd squirt Shannon in the face. Love her acting like she was sorry, and then, if course, throwing it away so no one else could get her. She's the worst.
  21. I can see the worry over a lot of the cast not coming to your party since that means less camera time which is the panic of any Housewife. If the others won't hang with you, you risk getting cut.
  22. Shannon’s more worried about all of the women repeating what she tells them about John, than she is about the things John does that she talks about! Red flags all over the place on this relationship. She needs to sober up because I feel like she’s staying with him because he has drunken antics dirt on her. So, she’s using that to rationalize away John’s behavior. Sober & Single should be Shannon’s goal for a long while. Figure out who she really is, what she really wants, and get her confidence back separate from a man.
  23. Lol @ Emily starting to wipe her apology tear away, then, stopping as if realizing, 'no, this single tear streaming down my cheek is good TV-it stays!'
  24. I thought it was so strange that two men would confess, if they’re innocent. Then, they showed some of the interrogation techniques and wow. They really don’t care if the right men are caught, do they? Cuz I couldn’t live with myself if I helped convict an innocent person. Still, no matter how many hours it went on, or how leading the questions you’d like to think you’d still say, ‘wait! No, I didnt do it!’ If my years of watching Law & Order have taught me Anything, it’s to yell, “I want a Lawyer!” As soon as I got in any interrogation room. Those poor girls and their families. I can’t imagine. Makes you want to never leave your kids out of your sight.
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