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Chit Chat

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  1. Thanks! I had forgotten about that. I've rewatched the original series but don't remember some of the details!
  2. On the original show Frasier, did we know that Niles & Daphne's son's name was David? I can't remember. If not, it's a nice shout out (I'm assuming) to David Hyde Pierce. I could be way off base on my assumption though!!
  3. I think this could've worked even with Freddy living across the hall, kind of like the show Friends. It's nice of Freddy to give up his place to his friend. Staying on the sofa long-term isn't a good option if he's going to allow her and the baby to stay. I'm excited for the series and for the other Frasier actors to show up.
  4. That would've been hilarious! I loved how he would fly off the handle looking for something in the studio, and then see it and then act like nothing rattled him. I loved the tributes to John Mahoney. That was nicely done.
  5. I have a similar situation with my refrigerator. Although it's not a particularly large one (French door style), it's the door hinges on the right side that's the problem. If I push the refrigerator closer to the back wall, the side wall prevents the door from opening. I'd have to have the side wall removed in order to place it where it should be. It would be an expense repairing the ceiling & drywall if it were removed.
  6. We lived in an apartment for a while, and we were on the first floor. We heard every step the upstairs guy made because the floor in his apartment squeaked in certain areas, and he wasn't a little guy! It was super annoying! The first house the guy looked at was nice, but I wouldn't want to move to another country and sign up to room with several people I didn't know. The house out in the woods was a little creepy, as in maybe not up to building code. Although the bathroom was just a few steps away from the main building, I wouldn't like having to step outside in the dark. Snakes crawl at night!! I didn't like any of this guy's options!!
  7. I tuned in to watch our hometown chef, Kelsey. I'm glad that she won! I was surprised that she put the crispy catfish on top of the vegetables, therefore making it a little big soggy in that spot (isn't that what the judge complained of?) That seems like a rookie mistake! Tiffany's fish looked delicious, and I would like to try it that way, but I don't know of anybody who eats catfish cooked that way. It's always fried around here! However, salmon would probably be good prepared that way.
  8. I know several people in my area who substitute for teachers and seem to be in demand. I think they have to take some courses or some kind of seminar before they can substitute. I know a guy who retired from another job and has found steady work with the same high school by being a substitute teacher. I liked the apartment they ended up with. The view was beautiful! The other episode with the guy who owns all of the shoes was a little much. A closet full of shoes is one thing, but to put them on display "front and center" (I believe that's what he said), was ridiculous.
  9. I find the whole thing annoying! I hate when they pan up to the stands for long periods of time. I'd much rather have the players miked up so I can hear them trash talking each other!
  10. We didn't have much expectation for the team as the season started, but we are always hopeful, and it makes us happy when they win a game. We just take it week by week and hope that they don't rack up too many injuries. It didn't help that Brady was preoccupied with his crumbling marriage (as he should be). I'm not placing all the blame on him for last season, but all of that drama going on off the field with him didn't help things. I'm thinking back to all of the discussions and complaints about the media frenzy over Tom Brady and can't help but think how that was nothing compared to the Swift-mania that's going on right now!! What a distraction (and I mean that for the fans!!) I hate when the cameras constantly pan up to the boxes in order to show us some celebrity watching the game. We don't care!! Show us the damn game!
  11. The Bucs seem to be improving, but they keep getting injuries. Mike Evans tends to get hamstring injuries, so he might be iffy on when he'll play. Hopefully they guys can stay healthy and have a winning season, if nothing else. Hoping for the best, but always prepared for the worst!
  12. It wasn't to this level, but the cameras constantly panned over to Kurt Warner's wife when he was playing. They made a big deal that he married a woman who had kids and apparently, he was the only male on the planet to have stepped into the role of stepfather so beautifully. 😏
  13. I liked this couple! Maybe the "messy" guy is not quite as neat as he thinks, or the other guy needs the bathroom to be super-duper clean, as in spotless! I'm glad they got their separate bathrooms. Hopefully they'll find a balance of being in one place but being able to travel too.
  14. No offense to Georgia fans, but should the Bulldogs go down a notch or two in the polls since UAB scored 21 points on them last week, and they struggled today with Auburn? They were very sloppy at times today too. As a Bama fan, I realize that our team has been sloppy too, so it's no surprise as to our place in the polls.
  15. I was rooting for either the comedian or Hurricane & Adrian, since I fast forwarded all of the other acts the past few episodes! I'm tired of seeing magic acts, and some of the big group dance acts do nothing for me. Most of the others were boring to me. Yay for something different! Who's a good dog? You, Hurricane!!
  16. I don't use both hands to, um, tidy up after doing my business, so the clean hand can turn on the faucet. The same could be set about the door handle, but I don't know the habits of those who share the bathroom with me!! ;)
  17. Yeah, she seemed a little hurt. Maybe she felt like Julia was insulting the culture and their way of life. If Juu has never been to the U.S., it's probably very difficult for her to imagine all of the little luxuries we have that are sometimes taken for granted, so when people are looking to move abroad, they can be rather harsh in their comments of the homes/apartments they're looking at. As with most of these shows, the buyer/renter can sometimes get too picky though. I didn't like the apartment that had the bathroom sink outside of the bathroom. I hate when I stay at a hotel and that's the way it's set up. It's really gross to go from using the toilet to touching the door handle before you wash your hands. I carry a travel size of Lysol for such occasions. I always Lysol every door handle in the room before I do anything else!! Oh, is that what she does for a living? She wasn't too clear on that! ha ha!
  18. We weren't very happy about that. And to top it off, they didn't show Ronde receiving his HOF ring. Stupid network. I did see it on YouTube though and loved Ronde sarcastically thanking the Eagles fans for coming down to help him celebrate! Well done, Ronde, well done.
  19. That guy needs to shut his pie hole and show some respect when talking to others. Good for Tiki for walking off. No need to sit there and put up with that shit. Don't jinx us!! Dammit, MNF. Why couldn't you have shown Ronde receiving his HOF ring? I'm assuming it was done at half-time. Neither Joe nor Troy made mention of it either. I'm sure Troy is pissed that Ronde called him out in his latest video (Prototype: The Legacy of Ronde Barber) where Troy doubted Ronde's ability at that Eagles vs. Bucs game many years ago.
  20. Mayfield arrives at Buc's stadium in Ronde Barber jersey. So glad to see the respect. Ronde will be presented with his Hall of Fame ring tonight. Fingers crossed for the Bucs. They usually lay an egg on Monday Night Football. I need to go get my #20 jersey out for good luck!!
  21. The media attention on this is already annoying. I hate it whenever the camera crew pan up to the booth whenever there's a player's wife or girlfriend up there. We don't care!! Remember when the camera crews had to give us a shot of Kurt Warner's wife every 5 minutes when he was playing? Ugh! Show us the damn game!!
  22. It's been a long time since we've watched a Super Bowl halftime show. I'm not impressed by the League's choices in this regard.
  23. Me either! I think that was an eye opener for a lot of people!
  24. They are a nice couple! I'm happy that they got the house that best suited their needs. I love the deck on the back of that house! I loved the 3rd house. I just love that older style of home, and the kitchen was really nice too. They had some good options to choose from. The first house was too small if they're going to be entertaining, so the 2nd house seemed to be the best for that. I hope the neighbors don't mind the outdoor concerts!!
  25. Bwah!! While watching the episode, I was thinking about how much my cats would love the outdoor space with that apartment! The house in the country needed too much work. The realtor said that the improvements would be done in a couple of weeks, but it looked like it would take longer than that to complete. Plus, the place wasn't furnished so their expenses would start adding up quickly.
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