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Chit Chat

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Everything posted by Chit Chat

  1. I just get a kick out of watching people go into these properties and check off the same boxes every single time: Double sinks - check; marble countertops - check; no carpet - check; huge kitchen because they're going to cook for mega crowds apparently - check!! I think double sinks look good on a wider vanity. Two sinks on mine is overkill! :)
  2. Probably so, but their relationship was a bit more complicated. I loved how the original series showed how Frasier, Niles & Martin all came to see how much they loved each other, despite the differences between them. In the end, I think Frasier & Niles really appreciated who their father was. Niles dressed up as his dad for Halloween for the "who is your hero" theme after all. We know that even though Frasier was miles apart from Freddy, he was always thrilled when he came to visit him in Seattle. Besides the Goth phase that Freddy went through, and when he was a bit rude to his dad, they seemed to get along so well. I was thrown a little bit by seeing a grown-up Freddy having such resentment towards his dad. I wasn't expecting that, given how they seemed fairly close when he was growing up. I know things can change, but I really don't like that premise, but I understand there has to be some conflict, so it gives the characters something to work towards as far as a reconciliation. I would've been fine with them getting along and watching their antics around Boston though. With Frasier & Lillith, their expectations for Freddy were pretty high. That was a lot of pressure for a kid to live up to. I'm curious as to Lillith's reaction to him quitting school. They'll have to understand that Freddy doesn't want the same things as them, and hopefully come to respect his decision.
  3. I agreed with him about not needing the double sinks. Our house has double sinks in the master bathroom, but our vanity is rather small, so 1 sink would've been better. I would rather have more counter space than 2 sinks. Mr. Chat & I are rarely brushing our teeth at the same time. Oh well, that's how our house was remodeled before we bought it, and I don't want to spend more money undoing it! YMMV.
  4. For me, it's not about whether he attended college or not, it's that the constant pissing contest between him and his dad over it has already worn thin with me!
  5. I feel that way too. Olivia as a Craniac was funny. When they did the flashback to Frasier's Chicago show, there was a woman in the audience with a really big afro sitting on the aisle seat. Maybe that was Olivia. I should've gone back and looked at that scene. I don't like the premise of Freddy having quit school. I think they could've come up with something more original than that. It's going to get tiring listening to him and Frasier go back and forth on that subject. I liked the retrospective of Frasier's career the past 10 years. He went from "I'm listening," to "I'm glistening!" The hat was the ultimate insult to his very being. Poor Frasier. Dance, bear, dance!!
  6. No offense to anybody who lives in Iceland, but that is not a place I'd be uprooting my family to, mostly because of the cold temps and the days of all sunshine or barely any sunshine. No thanks! The city looked nice though. That lady can say the move is for her kids all she wants to, but it's for her. At least she compromised on the choice so the husband doesn't have to walk so far to work. She also mentioned that she hoped that issues such as finding a doctor or hospital wouldn't be a problem. That's why you find out about those things BEFORE you move!! Ugh. Again, almost every single episode features people who are, in many cases, willing to pay a lot of money per month, but it's never enough! I thought that $2800/month was a hefty budget.
  7. I'm curious as to how many stories they came up with for the first 2 episodes before going the direction they did. I like your idea, but I'm wondering if they were concerned about the show getting bogged down the first episode with Frasier dealing with grief. I would've been okay with that direction, but with so much going on in the world, maybe they wanted to keep things a bit lighter. I liked the tribute to John Mahoney. That was nicely done.
  8. I think so too. We're still watching reruns of Cheers, and we're in the second season of Kirstie Alley's arrival. I had forgotten how much of a role Frasier had on the show. The guys weren't too nice to him at first, but then he became part of gang! Except for Sam, I don't think Frasier missed the rest of them once he moved to Seattle. They were a fond memory for him.
  9. I think they could've come up with something better than having him move in with Frasier, but that's okay! I'm willing to give the show a try. Hopefully it'll find its footing and we'll get some good laughs out of it. It's a lot better than some of the crap that's on TV these days!!
  10. I wonder how co-parenting with Lilith would've gone if he hadn't moved. She's a ball-buster! Thing is, Frasier kind of rescued his dad by taking him in. Martin was a very bitter and lonely man after being shot. Although Frasier wasn't there for Freddy, at least he helped his dad, which then led to Freddy and his grandpa having a good relationship. I've always loved the episode where Freddy came to visit Frasier at Christmastime and all he wanted was some robot action figure. Frasier didn't listen and bought him all kinds of science type of toys. Frasier was upset that he didn't get him what he wanted. Then Martin handed him a gift and told him to open it (it was Christmas Eve). It was the robot Freddy wanted. It was a really nice moment between Frasier & his dad because now Frasier got to be the hero for getting Freddy what he wanted.
  11. My refrigerator isn't as big as the one shown in this home, and it only sticks out a little bit, but it bugs me that I can't push mine closer to the back wall. The fridge in that house was huge! I really liked the exterior of Bee's Balm. My first thought about those bigger homes was the cost to heat and cool them, and to maintain them overall. Hopefully her settlement will help with that for many years to come! I'm glad she found something that worked for her.
  12. Thanks! I had forgotten about that. I've rewatched the original series but don't remember some of the details!
  13. On the original show Frasier, did we know that Niles & Daphne's son's name was David? I can't remember. If not, it's a nice shout out (I'm assuming) to David Hyde Pierce. I could be way off base on my assumption though!!
  14. I think this could've worked even with Freddy living across the hall, kind of like the show Friends. It's nice of Freddy to give up his place to his friend. Staying on the sofa long-term isn't a good option if he's going to allow her and the baby to stay. I'm excited for the series and for the other Frasier actors to show up.
  15. That would've been hilarious! I loved how he would fly off the handle looking for something in the studio, and then see it and then act like nothing rattled him. I loved the tributes to John Mahoney. That was nicely done.
  16. I have a similar situation with my refrigerator. Although it's not a particularly large one (French door style), it's the door hinges on the right side that's the problem. If I push the refrigerator closer to the back wall, the side wall prevents the door from opening. I'd have to have the side wall removed in order to place it where it should be. It would be an expense repairing the ceiling & drywall if it were removed.
  17. We lived in an apartment for a while, and we were on the first floor. We heard every step the upstairs guy made because the floor in his apartment squeaked in certain areas, and he wasn't a little guy! It was super annoying! The first house the guy looked at was nice, but I wouldn't want to move to another country and sign up to room with several people I didn't know. The house out in the woods was a little creepy, as in maybe not up to building code. Although the bathroom was just a few steps away from the main building, I wouldn't like having to step outside in the dark. Snakes crawl at night!! I didn't like any of this guy's options!!
  18. I tuned in to watch our hometown chef, Kelsey. I'm glad that she won! I was surprised that she put the crispy catfish on top of the vegetables, therefore making it a little big soggy in that spot (isn't that what the judge complained of?) That seems like a rookie mistake! Tiffany's fish looked delicious, and I would like to try it that way, but I don't know of anybody who eats catfish cooked that way. It's always fried around here! However, salmon would probably be good prepared that way.
  19. I know several people in my area who substitute for teachers and seem to be in demand. I think they have to take some courses or some kind of seminar before they can substitute. I know a guy who retired from another job and has found steady work with the same high school by being a substitute teacher. I liked the apartment they ended up with. The view was beautiful! The other episode with the guy who owns all of the shoes was a little much. A closet full of shoes is one thing, but to put them on display "front and center" (I believe that's what he said), was ridiculous.
  20. I find the whole thing annoying! I hate when they pan up to the stands for long periods of time. I'd much rather have the players miked up so I can hear them trash talking each other!
  21. We didn't have much expectation for the team as the season started, but we are always hopeful, and it makes us happy when they win a game. We just take it week by week and hope that they don't rack up too many injuries. It didn't help that Brady was preoccupied with his crumbling marriage (as he should be). I'm not placing all the blame on him for last season, but all of that drama going on off the field with him didn't help things. I'm thinking back to all of the discussions and complaints about the media frenzy over Tom Brady and can't help but think how that was nothing compared to the Swift-mania that's going on right now!! What a distraction (and I mean that for the fans!!) I hate when the cameras constantly pan up to the boxes in order to show us some celebrity watching the game. We don't care!! Show us the damn game!
  22. The Bucs seem to be improving, but they keep getting injuries. Mike Evans tends to get hamstring injuries, so he might be iffy on when he'll play. Hopefully they guys can stay healthy and have a winning season, if nothing else. Hoping for the best, but always prepared for the worst!
  23. It wasn't to this level, but the cameras constantly panned over to Kurt Warner's wife when he was playing. They made a big deal that he married a woman who had kids and apparently, he was the only male on the planet to have stepped into the role of stepfather so beautifully. 😏
  24. I liked this couple! Maybe the "messy" guy is not quite as neat as he thinks, or the other guy needs the bathroom to be super-duper clean, as in spotless! I'm glad they got their separate bathrooms. Hopefully they'll find a balance of being in one place but being able to travel too.
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