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Chit Chat

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Everything posted by Chit Chat

  1. She wasn't going to budge on that point! She may be taking public transportation on those bad weather days! What I didn't like about the place they chose was that it felt like you were in a box. The front windows were covered or frosted since they were on the ground floor, and even though there is daylight on the back patio, you're looking at a wall. That would drive me nuts. I need windows that I can see the world outside! They showed his office facing the patio, so at least he does have some greenery to look at, but the rooftop terrace would've been my choice.
  2. Many years ago, Mr. Chat worked for a man from Germany. He said that American beer is piss water. He wouldn't drink it. In fact, he had his own little still that he made his own alcoholic beverages. His wife made the best egg liqueur.
  3. For Erika: Sung to 'A Hard Day's Night.' It's been a hard day's night And I've been hummin' like a whore It's been a hard day's night Take me to the jewelry store. 'Cause when I get home to you I'm going to give you a screw You make me feel alright. You know I blow all day To get some diamonds and some bling And it's worth it just to hear you say You're going buy me everything. So why on earth should I bitch You're going to make me so rich And then I'll feel okay.
  4. Probably because she cried. We see that happen all of the time on this show. One of them cries and usually the rest of them come to the rescue. I'm not much of a crier, so this bugs me whenever I see it happen on the HWs shows. Kudos to Garcelle for not caving. I noticed Crystal was very quiet in all of this! PK looked so frustrated when Dorit was haranguing him to come home for Mother's Day. I can't imagine living with her constant harping. I think that in between them calling each other by their pet names, he's screaming in his mind for her to STFU.
  5. She did have to brown the ground beef for the spaghetti - which isn't difficult, but since I haven't seen her cook a meal before (maybe baked some cookies?), I was impressed that she pulled the meal together (same with breakfast!). She matured from a whiny teenager into a very capable young lady! Good for Missy!
  6. I'm so hoping this is the case! I'm thinking that Stephanie (attic girl) left and it's Flower under the covers in the attic. Crash said Stephanie was asleep, but did he actually look and see that it was her under the covers? Maybe Flower was visiting her when she got sucked off and then fell asleep in the attic. I loved Jay's enthusiasm when first looking for the ghosts by running into the kitchen to search for them, then quickly realizing that he can't see them. Poor Jay! I want him to be able to see them too! He feels so left out.
  7. I think the near-death experience with the tornado was a catalyst for her to step up to the plate while Mary is gone. I was actually shocked that Missy knew how to cook! I don't recall ever seeing her cook or bake anything, so good for her for figuring it out!
  8. Mary tends to approach things in the wrong way, but in this instance, her heart was in the right place for wanting to be with her family. Drunk Mary is pretty funny though.
  9. In Mary's defense, I'd want to get back home too if my community just got hit by a tornado and my mother's house was destroyed. I wouldn't care how many people told me not to worry about it and not to come home!
  10. I'm holding out hope that Flower is actually asleep in the attic, and it was Attic Girl who got sucked off. I haven't kept up with any news or info about the show since it last aired, so for all I know, the actress playing Flower may very well have left.
  11. His character was a 17-year-old girl though. There's no way she would've learned that in "Finishing School!" I don't appreciate heavy-handed teaching moments in my TV viewing, and I thought the plotline of the treasure hunt was dumb. Too many plot holes in that episode. YMMV. I think it was the blonde hair. He looked washed out.
  12. I don't think she'll ever understand why the other HWs questioned her about the earrings and her response to that particular issue. In her mind, she's right and that's the end of the discussion! She should just drop it, but she's not going to be happy until each of them apologizes to her. She's going to have to wait a long time on that one! She is truly tone deaf to the room.
  13. Well, that hour was a total waste of my time. C'mon, show! You can do better.
  14. Kyle laughed when she said that she spends money and Mo pays the bills. You'd think that she'd put 2 & 2 together and understand that he's got to work his ass off just to pay for her apparent out-of-control spending habits. She can't even get from the car to the memorial service without having to stop and eye more useless crap that will probably end up stuffed away in the closet or dresser drawer.
  15. Maybe production was trying to spare the local E.R. the drama that would've come with the other HWs!
  16. IIRC, she was on board with the move. On one hand, I understand her concerns about putting her career on hold, but on the other hand, she seemed annoyed that she would be taking care of the children all day. I was annoyed by the husband's lack of empathy for her needing a washer & dryer. It looks like it wasn't too big of a deal to get them installed though, so at least she got a nice house, and she can do laundry at home.
  17. IIRC, one of them was going to go, but someone in the background spoke up and said that someone on the production side was going with her.
  18. I thought of another slogan for Ziploc bags (sorry, sometimes you just have to have a sense of humor about morbid things!) 'Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, using a Ziploc is a definite must!'
  19. That was just a handful. A normal-sized man's ashes fill up a big urn. The family probably gave close friends & family a handful so that they could honor him in their own way. Maybe Ziploc needs a new ad campaign: "Ziploc baggies: Whether it be human remains or perishables, we've got you covered!
  20. I got the impression from her comment ("we'll see") about the man cave, that maybe he thinks he doesn't have to help with the kids in the evening and he can retreat to the man cave. She seemed a little bit resentful that she gave up her career and will now be at home with the kids. That annoyed me because they both came off sounding like they'd rather not have to deal with the kids. I'm probably wrong in looking at it that way, but that's how they sounded to me. The daughter likes to bake, so she needed a bigger oven for cookie and cake pans. Not everything fits in a countertop oven!
  21. So sorry, Lion's fans. They played a hell of a first half. Unfortunately, they followed the Buc's recipe on how to lose a game. 😧 We were rooting for you. I will be surprised if SF can beat the Chiefs, but I hope they do.
  22. I forgot to mention that one of the places they looked at didn't have an oven. Is that a normal thing in that area? The house looked nice otherwise.
  23. You and me both!! That was one chopped up living arrangement. Surely there had to have been a better way to make that building into "normal" apartments! That staircase is a "one-way street" kind of thing, so if you do end up on the staircase at the same time as your neighbor, that would be so awkward. They did say though that 3 months in and they barely saw their neighbors, so that helps. I wouldn't like it though.
  24. All I could think of was the tsunami that hit that region in 2004. I'm not sure if it's the same beach that they were showing, but if so, the images from that day were all I could think of. :(
  25. I quit watching after LVP left, and then only tuned in occasionally, but tuned out quickly because of Rinna. Fast forward to this season and I started back about halfway through. It's the only HWs franchise I watch anymore, but if the show gets bad again, I'll quit watching it. I can take it or leave it. It's interesting watching Erika try to redeem herself. She shouldn't have mentioned her victory with the earrings knowing the controversy it caused, but she needed so badly for them to know that (in her words) she was right. She is very tone deaf in regard to the issue. With Kyle, at first, I thought she was making up her issues with Mo in order to have a story for the show. Sadly, it does appear that there is trouble in paradise. By the way, when did he start calling her "love bean?" I don't remember him ever saying that to her before. It was cringe-worthy to me. Kyle seems a bit lost and is trying to find her identity. Maybe it's because her kids are growing up and leaving the house, or Mo being gone so much, or her ongoing issues with her sisters, or the loss of her friend to suicide, or all of those things. She talks about loving her sisters, but their whole dynamic is one big clusterfuck. Her constant primping bugs me. Just relax, Kyle! You look great with or without the makeup.
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