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Chit Chat

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Everything posted by Chit Chat

  1. I walked out of the room several times. I wandered back in whenever they finished singing. The only thing worth seeing was the Klingons dancing at the end. Why are the Star Trek shows getting so damn emotional about everything? Ugh. Sorry, I'm just not that emotional about everything. I want SciFi, not a soap opera or musical. YMMV. And then there was Pike with his weekly cooking segment. They really didn't know what else to do with him this season, did they!
  2. The wife assumed there were other children in that neighborhood. I wonder if she actually saw any while touring the area. I wondered about that. I liked the house they chose, but the backyard appeared to be all grass. He's going to need a tiller in order to start a garden. That's a lot of work plowing up the grass to cultivate an area for a garden. It's nice that the kids have a backyard to play in though. He has room for a garden, but it's going to take a bit of prep work to make it happen. He might want to stick to container gardening. :) On a funny note, Mr. Chat tills up a small area in our backyard for a garden each year. The first time he got the soil turned over and ready to plant, my cats thought it was a big sandbox for them. It's been appropriately named The Poo Patch.
  3. Please show, no more musicals!! What a waste of an episode. 😝
  4. He wasn't worried about the practicalities of owning a much larger home, i.e., how much more to heat & cool; cost to furnish huge house, etc. I hated that bigger house. The bedroom with the toilet & shower out in the open? No thanks! I'm glad that the older guy pointed out how stressful it was going to be for him to pay for the more expensive home. The young guy's immaturity was showing. Sometimes it's not about what you want, but about what you can comfortably afford. Even if the inside of the 1800 sq. ft home (which is big to me) is too small for your parties of thousands(!), they've got the outdoor space, so quit whining and appreciate what a beautiful place it is!! Don't these people who move abroad ever think that even if they buy or rent a house/apartment, that they can consider moving in the future if it ends up not meeting their needs? It's not like it has to be a forever purchase!
  5. My CPAP machine doesn't make a lot of noise, so it doesn't mask sounds. I've used a small white-noise machine for years. The times when we've had a power outage was brutal because I can't sleep with it being quiet! That still wouldn't be enough to mask the sound of a bus or train going by though. I liked that apartment the best, just not the location of being next to the busy road. If they were used to that in London, maybe it hasn't been much of a problem for them.
  6. He's too busy in the kitchen! Mr. Chat read an article that said he was going to be taking some personal time off this season, so that's why he's not front and center (a new baby, perhaps?) Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't find any info about it. What bugged me about Pike was the attitude (and I think he said this) was that everybody deserves a second chance. Um, no, not everybody. YMMV.
  7. He's certainly had his share of cooking scenes this season!
  8. I'm very disappointed that they wrote Pike's character in this way. He was completely oblivious as to how some of his crew would feel about Rah being on their ship, and then he basically expected them all to stand around and sing Kumbaya together. What he expected from his crew in this particular matter was ignorant on his part. YMMV.
  9. What can I say, I expect a lot from these shows!! If my first thought was that someone/something was trying to communicate, then I'd expect someone of her caliber in the communications department to at least have that thought. I can accept that maybe I'm not being rational in this regard, but I have high standards for these super-duper smart Star Fleet graduates.
  10. It seems like she would've had many examples demonstrated to her of how an alien might communicate with her or her ship while becoming a translator and communications office at Star Trek Academy. That would be Communications 101 in my book!! ;)
  11. I liked the episode but didn't understand why it took Uhura so long to figure out that someone was trying to communicate with her. That was my initial thought when she heard the humming in her ear while on the bridge and the alien appeared in the turbo lift. Yes, the hallucinations were scary, but that initial contact seemed obvious to me. Sam comes across as a whiny brat. He's too old to be acting like that! Can't say that I do! I liked the closing scene with Kirk, Spock and Uhura. Nicely done, show!
  12. It's not working for me either. It went off the rails last season for me, but I thought I'd give it a try this season. I've already taken it off of the DVR list to record. Yeah, I didn't care for that scene either. I didn't find the last 2 episodes funny at all. Sorry show, but I'm done.
  13. Sometimes they complain about the dumbest things! I don't know why some of them can't figure out that it's rare to get every single item on your wish list! It's all about what you can live with or make do with. It doesn't always have to be perfect!
  14. Other than the cherry blossoms in bloom, the whole city looked dreary and lacked "curb appeal." The beach house was pretty nice, but its surroundings didn't look so good either. I thought that one of them said he might have a 4-5 year contract. That's a pretty long commitment!
  15. I thought that Daniel & Geraldine realized they liked each other at the end of Season 1. Of course, there's a good chance I'm not remembering it correctly! I liked Season 1, but the Dark Ages season was my favorite. I did not like the Oregon Trail season (except for Daniel's dance number!) I'm kind of meh on this one so far. I'll stick with it though.
  16. That part makes sense, but I still didn't like the episode. It was just so boring. ;)
  17. Thank you! I missed that key point. I've got to quit watching this show when I'm so tired! I still think the mission was unnecessary. You've got a very small population that can't remember anything (which Starfleet didn't know), so I don't see them as a viable threat to anybody. The episode was pointless to me. I want adventure (this one doesn't count), not long, drawn out soliloquies. YMMV.
  18. WTF did I just watch? I was expecting them to drop into a large, thriving city, and that they were going to go on scavenger hunt of sorts to find whatever technology they left behind. Instead, it was basically a desolate wasteland with a handful of people barely capable of taking care of themselves. Where was the threat from these people? Did I miss something? Another episode that I had a hard time staying awake through. Yawn.
  19. I pictured them in some dive like the one Kyle Reese & Sarah Connor of The Terminator movie stayed in, not some 5-star hotel!!
  20. That's a good idea, but the mom said she wanted to live in the carriage house, so I'm guessing they didn't offer an alternative plan to her. I'm not sure that they could've made the carriage house into a 2-car garage though. It might not have been wide enough. The outside lacked the charm of a former carriage house. The inside was pretty though. The drop-down light was odd. I didn't like the ladder for getting to the higher cabinets. It would be in my way. I'd just leave those empty and not worry with them! The story about the guns was interesting. I'm glad that they were able to find out what the story was on them (or most probable one). The producer almost had an anxiety attack when they uncovered them! He motioned for the camera person to stop filming. I'm not sure what the big deal was. They did the right thing by stepping away and getting a firearms expert to check them, but no need to panic!
  21. It would be difficult to relax with lots of commotion going on in the area. He's a nice enough guy, but if I'm Googling ads for massage therapists and it said to go to someone's apartment/home, that would be a big fat no for me! Hopefully things are working out for him there. He seemed happy when they checked back with him after 3 months. That's all that matters!!
  22. I worked in the hotel business 30 years ago, and that's not how it worked. A credit card was required for check-in. Things may have changed since then. That hotel room appeared to be top notch kind of room. I really don't believe that he made that much money playing chess to have afforded it! Plus, I don't think he had any I.D. either.
  23. Hotels normally required a credit card on file, even if you intend to pay cash. It's required in case you have any add-on charges to the room. Also, if you steal or damage something, you're going to pay!!
  24. Her and me both!! I just try to roll with it and try not to understand it. I was still bored throughout most of the show though.
  25. He would've had to ante up in order to get into the game, wouldn't he? That was eyeroll #1 for me; the super fancy hotel room was eyeroll #2; leaving a (presumed) loaded gun next to a child was eyeroll #3. Another boring episode except for the last 15 minutes. YMMV.
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