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Chit Chat

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Everything posted by Chit Chat

  1. When they were in the living room, I saw what appeared to be that front door with a lot of locks on it, but that might've been a different door. It was hard to tell. That's what I was thinking, but if it's a squeaky floor, that's not going to help!! She said that she doesn't cook very much, so maybe she won't be spilling anything on the carpet. At least it wasn't a shag carpet! The realtor said it looked like vinyl flooring.
  2. Yeah, us Bama fans were disappointed in the outcome of the game, especially the parts where our team shot themselves in the foot, but Michigan's defense was firing on all cylinders. We lost in OT, and it wasn't a blowout, so I can live with that! We didn't expect this season to go as well as it did, so there's still lots to be proud of with our team, especially beating AU & UGA. :) Saban said that some FSU fans texted Ms. Terry and were mad at her because their team didn't make the final 4. I don't know how they got her number (they did the same to Saban), but that's where they crossed the line. Going after a coach's wife is just classless. Those fans need to grow up! Roll Tide and to those who will be watching the championship game, I hope it's a good one!
  3. Her going on and on about the carpeted kitchen got on my nerves! Granted, I wouldn't like that either, but it looked more like indoor/outdoor carpet, so it probably won't be so bad, and it'll help keep her a little warmer! That looked like it was a big home at one time that got chopped up into apartments. Maybe the kitchen used to be a living space and they put the kitchen in there and didn't want to remove the carpet. It looked fairly new though. I wonder why they couldn't use the original front door either. So many questions!! I'd love to know the history of the place. Since she didn't mention "entertaining guests" in the beginning, I was surprised when she had a cow about the one apartment not having a separate bathroom with a shower and how a guest would have to go through her room to bathe. I'm assuming it would be a close friend or relative visiting, so having them use your shower for a few days really shouldn't be a big deal. She was a good sport though about the ground floor, not a ground floor apartment! It looked too cramped though. I love the balcony on the apartment she chose. That looked very relaxing. I'm glad she's happy.
  4. Almost every house hunter talks about hosting guests & family. I wonder just how many people they actually end up hosting! I would've rather had the apartment to myself, but hopefully he's happy with his roommates and the place he chose worked out just fine. I was more concerned when he laughed and said that he hoped he can find a job in his field of study. That's something you need to have some idea about before spending all of that money on college!
  5. I used to follow Angel & Dick on FB, but I've just skimmed over those posts for a long time. I lost interest once their show wasn't being aired. I hope they can keep their castle. I'll pay more attention to their posts!
  6. Mr. Chat & I jinxed it by saying how the team was looking much improved the past few weeks. I knocked on a wood table after I said it though!! ;) Sometimes the Bucs can beat the crap out of N.O., and other times they just completely fall apart. We didn't have much hope for them even if they made it into the playoffs, so at least our expectations aren't completely crushed! I don't think they'd last one quarter against the Ravens! We love the Bucs, and we're always cautiously optimistic when they play, but we're realists too, given their record this year and how inconsistently they've played.
  7. I left the house to run errands and came back to see that Miami is getting mauled, absolutely destroyed. WTH happened? My Bucs laid an egg today too. Sigh.
  8. Even with the outdoor space, that placed seemed claustrophobic to me. There really wasn't a view of anything once you went onto the patio. IIRC, you mostly looked up to the sky. I can't remember if the bedrooms had a view or not.
  9. She mentioned that if the move doesn't work out, she'll move back in with her mother. I'm not sure if she was living with her to start with though. I think she just wanted the cheapest payment she could get so that she could spend time doing yoga or meditating (something along those lines.) She mentioned how important that was to her. Apparently, an apartment for $400 comes with ants. ;)
  10. I liked how casually the Realtor explained the need for the little bowls under the dining room table legs was because of ants! You wouldn't set that up if it were just a few ants. There must be armies of them coming in! There's a good chance that I heard what I wanted to hear!! He's a cutie! I've never had a Scottish Fold kitty. I'm not familiar with their temperament. He looked sweet though and didn't seem to mind his little bow tie.
  11. I noticed that too! I think I heard his name wrong. I thought it was Fergus! :) Either way, he's a cutie! I hope he adjusted to his new home.
  12. Finally! A buyer/renter says what I've been thinking, and that is to rent something and get settled in, then they can decide if they want to find something else later on once they figure things out! Of course, they want to get something decent as they start out, but sometimes it takes a while living somewhere to decide if that's the location you want long-term. It's too bad he didn't splurge a little so that she could have the appliances she wanted. If he was the one doing the cooking and cleaning, he probably would've opted for it. The wife didn't want carpet because she said it would be extra work cleaning up the cat hair. How? You vacuum over carpet and cat hair usually gets picked up easily. With hardwood or vinyl planks, you've still got to either vacuum or use something like a Swiffer sweeper to remove the hair, and carpet hides the hair better!! She didn't say that the cat had an issue with missing the litter box or puking, but it was the hair. I have a mixture of carpet & vinyl planks & some hardwood in my house, and no matter where the cat hair ends up, it's not that big of a deal to vacuum it up. YMMV. They make different kinds of brushes (a glove type is good) that easily grooms a cat. Fergus (the cat) was really cute, and I liked his new collar & bow tie.
  13. The ones who have to live in a home that "feels" like the country they're in drive me nuts. If you're in Sweden and your house is more modern, just step outside. You're still in Sweden! Go to the city center and soak up all of the charm and local culture that you want! I get it that some of them want a certain type of charm, but sometimes they need to be realistic and choose a place that meets their basic needs before worrying about the charm of it.
  14. I just watched that episode. I'm still blown away by that budget, especially for rent!
  15. Oh, Erika. You're going to have to deep throat a foot-long schlong if you think that'll help stretch one's esophagus! 😁
  16. Article about Frasier and some of its issues.
  17. Moved to the media thread. Sorry!
  18. I think there to use to be a lot of prestige with playing a Bowl game. It doesn't feel like that so much anymore with so many players hitting the transfer portal or sitting out the game. I guess for some, Bowl games have lost their luster over the years.
  19. You're right! It takes a while to jog my memory! IIRC, he was going to move to Florida, but everybody started talking about how they'd miss him (they weren't serious), and he changed his mind. Frasier & his family were at the party. That's all I remember! I feel the same way. Most new series take a while to find their footing, so I'll continue to watch even when some episodes aren't so good to me.
  20. Thanks for the reminder! It would be nice if there's an eventual nod to Cheers, and/or if some of that cast will make an appearance. I think that Frasier would have to end up at Cheers. I don't think any of them would go looking for him, and they probably wouldn't know that he's living in Boston again. Maybe Frasier's building is on Cliff's route, and they could bump into each other sometime (assuming Cliff hasn't retired or been promoted!)
  21. Doesn't Sam eventually close the bar? I'm rewatching the series, and we're close to the end of the show, but I can't quite remember how it ended. I think he closes it. I'm not sure why Frasier can't at least say the word 'Cheers' though. Me too. Much like Sam & Diane (Cheers) and Rachel & Ross (Friends), I loathe those storylines because they drag on and on and on......
  22. That was nice. I recently watched one of the Christmas episodes of the original Frasier series, and Martin had Frasier's apartment decked out in every Christmas decoration imaginable! He dressed Eddie up and tried to take him for a walk, but he sat down and wouldn't budge until Martin took off the hat and little coat! It was great to see Roz again. I hope she'll be making some more guest appearances and that she'll have more screen time.
  23. It's better than just a phone call for some folks, and even better for people who live far apart. I'm referring to the years after the first Frasier series ended. Technology was much improved after that!
  24. It seems implausible that they wouldn't have Skyped (or some other type of video call) during all of those years. I don't think Frasier was the kind of father who wouldn't try to reach out to Freddy. If they're trying to recreate the Frasier/Martin dynamic with him & Freddy, it isn't working for me. I was hoping for something different. YMMV.
  25. I don't normally watch many games outside of the SEC, but I thought that Washington looked really good against Oregon. Their game with Texas should be good. I don't know much about Michigan, other than something about a cheating scandal, so I'll be interested in what they bring to the table. :)
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