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Chit Chat

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Everything posted by Chit Chat

  1. Yes, they chose house (condo) #2. I liked the first property, but it was under construction, so I can understand the hesitancy about moving there. I liked the architecture of the that one though. The one they chose was pretty nice, although it does need a little updating, but even if they choose not to remodel, it's still a nice, spacious place for them. The 3rd option (house with a rooftop terrace) was really nice, but it seemed like too big of a space for them. There was a big bedroom on the upstairs level that was accessed by going outside and up the stairs. That might be an issue during bad weather. They seemed to be happy with their choice and being close to town and the beach.
  2. As long as they're on TV, the interpretation will continue! All of us come from different life experiences, and some more than others have lived the same type of dynamics these ladies did with their mother. I appreciate all of the different viewpoints because it helps me to try and understand WTF is going on with Kyle, Kim & Kathy!! Their dynamics have always been a trainwreck. People smacking their gum and food grates on my nerves really badly. I hate hearing it in TV shows and movies too. I wish I could flip a switch and it wouldn't bother me, but sadly it doesn't work that way!
  3. I would love to see the outtakes for this episode! I'm sure they have so much fun making this show.
  4. Did they say that his original name was Higgenbottoms?
  5. I said "or maybe if ratings took a hit.." I don't know if they did. I'm trying to figure out reasons that they may or may not have planned this storyline all along. :)
  6. The wife looked terrified to be going off to work while her husband was at home with the kids, especially after he mentioned that they could just run loose outside like he did when he was a kid! He's a big guy, so I thought he'd want more space so that he'd be comfortable, but that didn't seem to bother him with 2 of those properties. As I've said many times about these people moving abroad, just pick the best property you can and then scope out the area for however long your lease is, then if it's not what you wanted, you can move. Some of them act like they're going to be stuck in the one they pick forever!
  7. I didn't like the style of it either. It was too much dress for her small frame. My favorite color is green, but that was way too much of it! I didn't like Dorit's 'Little Red Riding Hood' getup either. It was interesting that Kathy said she was way more sensitive than Kyle. It's as if it's a competition between the 3 of them as to who has the most problems, or is the neediest, or isn't gettin' any love from the other sisters. It's very exhausting to watch.
  8. Crystal and AnneMarie finally moved closer to Andy, but I don't know why they didn't do that immediately after Sutton & Garcelle left.
  9. I've got mine set to record, so I don't pay attention to the day and time of airing. Sorry! Sometimes I have 2 recordings and sometimes it's just 1. I can't keep up with their schedule!
  10. I laughed when he said that they could "just add a bathroom" to one of the homes, and the same with removing the stove. I don't think he realized there's a stovepipe involved and that's not going to be cheap to "just" remove it. One of my pet peeves is when my boss wants me to "just" do something, because it usually requires more than the 5 minutes he's thinking the project will take! Cam talked as if he could just turn the kids loose in the city because that's what he did when he was growing up. One property had a "garden" that was about 7'x10', so that's useless as a space for kids. He kept saying how they could make the home with the smallest kitchen work. That means that he doesn't cook, so she'll just have to deal with it. Argh! That attitude bugs me! I'm glad she got the property that she knew would work for them.
  11. That's a good point. I wanted to hear Kathy's side of the story about Mauricio leaving their company, but Kyle cut her off quickly! Exactly! I've always thought that the 3 sisters have the most effed up dynamics I've ever seen.
  12. They said her blood pressure was elevated too, and then the paramedic said that her symptoms were getting worse (when they were in her trailer). No disrespect to AnneMarie, but in that instance, everyone needs to step aside and let the paramedics handle the situation. Thanks a lot Bravo for letting Kathy hijack the reunion.
  13. I'm curious as to how many viewers of YS there are, and how many of them never watched TBBT. I'm also curious as to how those viewers felt when there was so much angst between George & Mary and they quit watching YS. Maybe they planned to retcon George's storyline all along, or maybe if ratings took a hit because the show wasn't funny anymore, they had to alter it. Maybe someday Lorre will explain it all. ;)
  14. IIRC, I don't think he was rude to anybody else. He just got annoying to Mary because he wouldn't shut up about it. It was funny how she responded to him. Honestly, I don't feel too pleasant whenever a baby or child is crying and/or screaming on an airplane (or a restaurant). I sympathize with the parent(s) who are traveling with little ones because I know it's difficult, especially the pressure on their little ears while flying, but I think it's okay if I grumble one time to Mr. Chat about it!! I didn't mind Sheldon not liking the crying, but when there's nothing you can do about it, he needed to let it go and just sit quietly.
  15. The news of her infidelity is still fairly new, so I can understand Pete's hurt over it. Maybe they can finally come to terms with what happened in their marriage and Pete can be at peace with that part of his life.
  16. In my experience, although my parents spoke correctly, it helped to have teachers who emphasized the differences in words such as 'their' & 'there,' and 'may I or can I,' and 'you're' & 'your,' and the list goes on! Being in school in the 60's & 70's meant that English classes focused on those things. Either some kids aren't paying attention anymore or it's not taught to the level that we had it. We didn't use acronyms for everything either. It's a different world! ;) Jim Parsons & Iain had their work cut out for them playing Sheldon and having to make sure they delivered their lines perfectly. Sheldon is quite the stickler about his grammar! I'm impressed with how Iain has been able to deliver the lines he has over the past few years, especially when it comes to physics.
  17. Wasn't it the school president who let Sheldon use the dorm room in the first place? Maybe she was hoping that Sheldon would stay in Germany permanently, so she let someone else have the room! I don't know why Sheldon didn't go to her first to solve the problem. Thank you for that reminder! That's an easy way to remember the rule. Back in the late 70's, we had to take exit exams in order to graduate high school, and one of them was all about grammar. For me, my brain doesn't seem to be able to remember all of the rules of grammar, which is frustrating because I want to get it right! It's as if my brain simply refuses to retain that information (especially where to put semi-colons, colons, etc.) My brain also refuses to understand those stupid train questions that involve calculating how much time it needs to go from point A to point Z, after making stops from point B to point Y, and looping around and coming back again!! :)
  18. I think that him learning about the affair was the final straw. He tends to be so patient and kind but learning of her infidelity really hurt him. I'm not surprised that he's still angry about it since he didn't get the chance to hash this out with her while he was alive. It would be difficult to have those feelings of hurt & anger but never be able to express them to the other person. Now's his chance!
  19. Pete said something along the lines of 'the irony of it all.'
  20. I am thrilled that we didn't have to witness it though! Comedies are supposed to make us laugh. The never-ending hostility between George & Mary was ruining the show for me. Even though I know how TBBT described those roles, I was always hoping that they'd find a way around it on YS. I'm hoping YS will end on a happy note and then anything after that can be left to our own imaginations.
  21. Poor guy didn't get his pool! Hopefully he's enjoying the ocean, and their business is doing well. What they chose seems to fit their needs as far as housing all of their outdoor gear. As much as I would enjoy a pool, having the roof deck with the view is nice too, even if you are looking directly over the busy road.
  22. I noticed that too. I wasn't sure if it was intentional or not but knowing that I wasn't the only one who saw it, I'm going with your explanation! Yeah, there are 2 sides to every story. It just seems like this past season he's doing everything he can to stay away from the house, which is sad for the kids. Dorit would drive me nuts though. Hopefully they can figure it all out. :)
  23. PK's been in therapy with her, but all I hear from Dorit is everything she thinks PK is doing wrong. I'm not saying he's perfect, but he looks like he's trying not to say how annoying she is on national tv, but he did tell her his point of view about her PTSD. Whether she tries to understand his point of view, well, that's on her. When there are problems in a marriage, it's not usually 100% one person's fault (even if they did make a huge mistake.) Sure, one person might be 80% of the problem with the other person being 20%, or it could be 70/30%, or 50/50, etc. Each person has to own their part of the issues. Just from what I've seen of PK and Dorit in therapy, she seems to be doing all of the complaining. I stand by my "nag, nag, nag" post and don't see it as sexist. YMMV.
  24. Even though Carol was annoying the other 2 guests, they shouldn't have been rude to her about it. They were trying much too hard to impress those guests.
  25. Mr. Chat was told that Germans generally start drinking beer in their teens. It wasn't a big deal (supposedly so many years ago). I don't know if that's still true. Maybe if it's the only beer they've ever tasted and known, then they consider all other beer to be inferior! Again, this was years ago, so I don't know what the norm is for beer drinking in Germany! Mary seemed to be enjoying it though!
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