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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. As much as Wendy irritates me, I have to admit to loving the dress she wore today. Thought it worked great at somewhat minimizing her gigantic boobs and making her look not so top heavy. Best dress I've seen her wear. I think it's cause she wasn't wearing a belt with it. She usually loooves snatching in her tiny waist with a belt and then she looks like she's going to fall over. JMO. I still have to snark, though. I hate the way she holds her arms up and tippy trots over to her chair after announcing ' let's get to hot topics ' or whatever. Drives me nuts. Can't she just walk normally?? Ugh. ETA - and speaking of that moronic clapping and hootin' and hollerin'... they are starting to transfer that tactic to the guests. Today Whitney Cummings was on and ahole Suzanne probably had them clapping after everything she said. WTF???
  2. Martha Stewart and Wendy Williams just don't go together if you ask me...on totally different planes. I had to roll my eyes,
  3. I get the feeling that Wendy keeps little Kev on a short leash. She mentioned he was with her when she did the cohosting of the New Year's Eve show. I can't imagine he wants to spend time with his parents at his age. She's not about to let him out of her sight if she can help it. I bet she's scared shitless over the whole ordeal but she's certainly not going to let her adoring public know her fears. She wants us to think she's in control. Good luck and God bless. I don't know anything about synthetic marijuana, but is a vegan lifestyle supposed to help?? I just think Wendy is paranoid about soooo many things, she's on overload.
  4. Recently seeing reruns of all the Gilmore Girls seasons and I remember once again why I hate every episode with Christopher in it. Can't stand him as a wimp-ass character and the two of them together. Barf.
  5. "When you have that much money you can hire people to do all of that for you, even deliver and decorate the tree for you." Yes, but then the "killer" would know where she lives.... (p.s. don't know why I am not seeing the usual editing options)
  6. The character Mr. Carson has the most wonderfully expressive face, especially in his scenes with Mrs. Hughes.
  7. That Paul Hornsby character (and actor as a matter of fact) totally icks me out. Him and that blond woman getting it on grossed me out. Ugh Ugh.
  8. Did anyone catch the Sisters movie tie in with Hoda & Kathie Lee's sisters?? Kathie Lee's sister looked about a hundred years old and she's supposed to be the younger sister??? She also looks like a good candidate for their Thursday Makeover segment. Yikes.
  9. Gawd... venting here, but could that Dante character be a bigger wuss???? Ugh Ugh,
  10. To quote a favorite phrase of hers - looks like she needs to moisturize... lol
  11. I prefer the British version of this show. Couldn't get invested in any of the contestants. Did they really know what they were doing? This was the best of the best??? Duh, pretty lousy if you ask me. Didn't like the host/hostess either. Imitation is not the sincerest form of flattery in this case. Mary Berry is probably embarrassed to be a part of this show. Fail.
  12. Geez Loueez, was it just me or did Wendy sound especially manic today??? I thought she was hyped up on something. She was loud and shouty.
  13. I agree something is going to change soon. I think the extreme weight loss is a preparatory step to ensure she is desirable to a new man. I'm really getting sick of watching her. I get nothing out of her show and am fading away fast. Her show is strictly a love fest for herself and she's constantly encouraging that adulation from her adoring fans, like she couldn't exist without it. I used to get a kick out of her, but no more.
  14. Why does it look like Mr. Style Tim Gunn's suits just don't fit him correctly!!! Drives me batty!
  15. Yes, but then she went on to say that she is still in love with them (her boobs, that is) and it won't be anytime soon. But It won't surprise me if she does something sooner rather than later. She seems to be sooo obsessed with being thin and it's so obvious she's still suffering from insecurities about having been called fat by her own parents when she was young. Yeah, Wendy has issues that's for sure and the longer she's on air, the more gets revealed. And the sad part is, you know she's not joking.
  16. Suzanne is THE.Most.Obnoxious person ever. her screeching like a banshee when she rolls that wheel is just plain sickening. But I guess she gets the job done and ass kisses her way to her salary. I couldn't do it.
  17. Why do none of Tim Gunn's suits look like they fit?!?!?
  18. I'm surprised Wendy didn't request it have humongo boobs and a cinched in waist...
  19. The guy that lives with his mommy got his comeuppance from Judge Judy to be sure, but the chick who gave the guy $1500 after knowing him 4 weeks needed some humiliation doled on her too!!!! How dumb can a person be?? - pretty dumb she proved.
  20. I bet any money Wendy is getting some kind of kickback for her Halloween show being ALL Peanuts related.
  21. Wendy continues to crack me up when she mispronounces names. Today she screwed up Amy Robach's husband's name. Duh... Start paying attention to your background notes, Wendy or have one of your co-hosts do the interview.
  22. This whole season is one...big...bore...
  23. That must be why Wendy made a point of saying when the guest foodie said how she 'glows from the inside out and it must be from the clean eating she's doing' and Wendy shut her down by saying 'no, it's cause of the sex I had... blah blah whenever' (not a direct quote).... Interesting....
  24. I couldn't believe that today Wendy implied that Kim Zolciak was faking her TIA incident to get out of dancing on DWTS? Really? I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough over that one!! She'll say or do ANYTHING to get attention to her Talk Show. Sometimes it comes across as really pathetic.
  25. I just have to say that Sara Haines is really starting to annoy me the more I see and HEAR her. She's like a pesky gnat or a yappy little dog (no offense to yappy dogs). That's all, I feel better.
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