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Everything posted by vibeology

  1. So I know Louis is a total pro and would never do it intentionally but that overstuffed samba he gave Tamar is probably Paula's best shot at staying in the competition another week. It's hard to criticize someone for saying " you're talented and I want to give you more content" but it was too much and Tamar did look off balance and rushed. When Mark walked to the door and knocked for the quickest flash I got a Jim Carrey vibe. It died, of course, as soon as Paula showed up. With a better dancer that would have been a fun concept and song. I'm quick to call out the edits on this show but I do think there is a connection problem with Mark and Alexa. From the beginning, they haven't seemed to gel. I imagine it comes down to personalities that don't totally mesh, no one's fault but it's going to sink this pair. The awkwardness reminded me of Cheryl/Drew and his switch with Witney. Once the problem was exposed they were living on borrowed time. I feel like despite being one of the better dancers, Alexa is in the same boat now. Alison is useless and that was proven twice tonight. First her V Waltz with Hayes was a mess with very little content- all on her and then with an actual pro Andy had his best week by far. I'm really looking forward to her maternity leave.
  2. I do think that helped. She did a really great job with Drew. Ultimately she was the pro with the most tap training and that's likely why she was paired with Alfonso, but if she hadn't shown a spark with Drew it's hard to know if the producers would have "wasted" such a good dancer on Witney. I like the switch up too. It's just a week. It's a new challenge for everybody and I think it really can shake up the couples.
  3. Don't forget Coco who has existed all season without any real character just there as a plot point to get Palmer to do what the writers needed next. Now she's dead and fridged for the sake of Palmer's man-pain and character development. Yay show! Good job!
  4. How realistic is it that Matan, who prosecutes high profile cases and probably has seniority , is the only da in bond court? Also, what happened to all the partners form FA? All the young fifth years who left? I'm really confused about what the writers think happened when Diane joined the firm? Why are there so many 80+ partners? Why is Cary the only partner under 40?
  5. When Peter fired Eli I knew right away it would be a problem with Alicia. Eli might have worked for Peter, but he was connected to Alicia. She doesn't really have friends, but he's pretty close to the best thing she has. Peter does not understand his wife if he thought she's be cool with a stranger being up in their weird marriage. It has very little to do with the show, but I'm excited to see Eli take Peter and Margo Martindale down.
  6. I love this book! This chapter is so good. Tyrion makes such a good intro into the crazy of King's Landing. This is his best book and best plot. I agree that the prophecy was added on. Cersei might have been too arrogant to worry about the YMBQ but I do think if she was aware of the valonqar prophecy its would have had a stronger impact on the Cersei/Tyrion dynamic. She even seems to be amused by him for a few moments here and there in the chapter. King's Landing became a huge mess so quickly. To be out of food and having dogs eat corpses in the streets is bad. For all of Varys' "I care about the people" how can he allow the city to fall so badly. The council is so useless. As for Selmy, god that was a stupid move. Cersei is such a moron for thinking that was a good idea. She just doesn't have the ability to think to the next step of her actions. It literally didn't occur to her that Selmy, who had changed kings before, might do so again because it was his duty.
  7. That Pope bit was awful. The show had such momentum going into WU and the first few jokes weren't bad but then out rolled the Pope and laughter died. How did they rehearse that and think it was good? That was Kyle right? It was horrible. That's what I'll remember tomorrow, the time wasted on an awful Pope sketch. HRC was fun. She went for it. She's probably not going to change any minds at this point. It's been over 20 years that she's been a public figure after all so I'm glad she seemed like she was having fun. As for Miley I weirdly love her. She's got the right background to excel at this and doesn't take herself seriously. I actually wish she would have been given more to do.
  8. The way they danced around the Andy/Alison problem was hilarious. He doesn't look polished because she doesn't look polished. I love contemporary dancing Alison but she just doesn't have the depth of training in Latin and Ballroom to be a pro. And she's been fortunate to get good dancers so far. If she gets Gary in the switch up (please make this happen Twitter) her total lack of skills will be undeniable. As for Keo when he was taking about the bracelet to help Chaka with left and right, what I couldn't figure out is why not use it on performance night. If Louis can talk Paula through her entire dance, why not slap a bracelet on her right wrist week after week to help her out?
  9. Alexa/Mark, Lindsay/Alec, Nick/Sharna and Carlos/Witney. I'd really love a break from both Derek and Val. I feel like I already know what their freestyles would look like and it would be nice to see a few different pros take a go at it. I know they're not all freestyle virgins but I still want good dancers to go deep in the competition.
  10. I love Sansa's chapters in this book. I feel like in GoT, Martin really went over the top in his Arya/Sansa contrasts but now on her own in King's Landing, she really gets to shine. She reads Oakheart perfectly and it's a shame she isn't given a chance to use her observations to her advantage. She also manages to get a few over Joffrey. In addition the better relationships she's building with Tommen and Myrcella are smart since one day she could benefit from them. As readers we know how it's going to pan out but it shows that Sansa at least is doing the most she can to forge friendships where she can. The Dontos thing really shows that she's Ned's daughter. She acts because it's right without thinking through the consequences and assumes that people will do the good and just thing. Unlike Ned, she has the sense to lie and get along with those in power to save her life. Finally, her thoughts about Tyrion explain quite nicely her feelings on their future relationship. She's been burned by Lannister kindness before and refuses to be fooled again. Can't blame her considering. I would probably call Sansa my favourite character and I remember on first read that this was the chapter that really won me over. She's flawed and makes mistakes but you can see her learning and growing every second. I never want to see her be the perfect mastermind. I want her to keep her dreams, her kindness and her courtesy while still looking out for herself and hopefully one day her family.
  11. Isn't this Carrie Ann every week then? She's a dancer just like Alfonso but not a ballroom dancer. In fact, with his time on the show, he may have more experience than her. I'm pretty sure the epic CAI and Tony feud was all about how she didn't have ballroom experience and shouldn't be judging on the show. As for Alfonso, he works for ABC. He might be happy to be back every time, but it's not really his choice. Some network bigwig is working that cross-promotion hard.
  12. The best part of the whole episode was seeing Anna in the Morticia costume. She needs to take that home for Halloween. I'm so glad she's back. I also really liked the knock-off Versace the show put Lindsay in. I really enjoyed Mark and Alexa. That was trippy, intense and really well danced. I also liked Tamar and Val, though I can see that they're not connected on the dance floor. Nick and Sharna danced beautifully as well, but I did not like their song. Andy's touring. I'm not surprised. His dances lack polish and if he's splitting his time that won't help. Of course, Allison won't help in general since she's frantic and unpolished herself. I was really sad the Professor wasn't a part of the Gilligan's Island number. I mean, it was a bad number so why not add one more dancer? Witney and Carlos got such an awful song. What are you even supposed to do with that? Derek shouldn't be breaking hold in a Quickstep. I like to imagine that Len wakes up Tuesday mornings and watches all the dances. If that's true, he'll be yelling at his computer.
  13. I know the Wall is in need of men, but really what can the Night's Watch do with Rorge and Biter? They are in chains in a cage. If they're that dangerous how can you ever trust them on the Wall? I do like that we get a sense of how bad things are in King's Landing with the boys voluntary leaving rather than starve. I also really enjoy the Arry/Gendry/Hot Pie/Lommy roadshow. I get a sense of all three boys right away and think the way they're presented is very real. Hot Pie and Lommy are bullies but I still end up caring about them.
  14. Nothing more appealing to younger viewers than Gilligan's Island, The Jeffersons and I Dream of Jeannie, right? This show needs to figure out right quick who it's for and what it's trying to be. I like to think I have some real TV history knowledge but I don't know what the American Bandstand theme sounds like and neither will most young viewers. And that would be totally fine if not for the Vine star, the Twitter comments filling up the screen and the constant whiff of "please think we're young and cool" that comes pouring off the show each week.
  15. I love the prologue. We've gone a whole book hearing about Stannis and with this prologue we get to meet him and see Dragonstone in all it's messy, gothic glory. The way Stannis treats Cressen does seem out of character with later Stannis but it does get the point across that he is a hard man with little emotional attachment to people. The whole chapter is spooky and sets the mood for a book where bad things happen to many very nice people.
  16. A Game of Thrones is either tied for second or third depending on my mood. It does an amazing job st building the world and giving us exciting characters. Dany's best plot is here. I really love it. It basically lives In a tie with A Storm of Swords for second. Clash is my favourite but the first three books are all so well written and full of interesting points of view. GoT probably does have the best editing and a very tight plot but I do love the character and atmosphere stuff I get out of Clash.
  17. Its very true. There are so many names and so many people that keeping everyone straight was so hard my first read through. I only put together that Lord Mormont and Jorah were father and son when Lord Mormont gave Jon Longclaw even though the have the same family name. I struggled with who's who in the Kingsguard the whole first book, all of the Northern Lords who weren't The Greatjon and Roose Bolton totally blended into a mass and getting a handle on the Targareyn family history took getting through all the books that were out at the time (the first three) and a re-read. I knew Jon's parentage was something of an issue because of the line in the first book where Ned feels shame about Jon and the bed of blood thing, but it took a reread to connect that with Rhaegar and the Queen of Love and Beauty. I read these when I was in high school so some time around 2001-2002 and I didn't know anyone else reading them at the time. I'm sure if I'd gone looking I would have found people online talking about them, but I didn't use the internet the same way I do now. I missed things I would have figured out if I'd been talking to people and I developed theories and ways of remembering characters that have been disproven by the later books. There is so much information coming at you the first time you read these books and so many mysteries that you tend to fixate on some things and miss others until you have a chance to go back and look over things again. With TV its a little easier because you get visuals that you don't get in the book, plus the economy of TV means fewer characters, plots that are somewhat scaled back and someone overseeing the story always thinking about how to catch new viewers up even if they start watching partway in.
  18. I wasn't saying, and I probably could have been clearer in this regard, that Jeyne=Elizabeth, only that the act of a king secretly marrying a minor noble who actually hurts his cause and destroys an alliance is borrowed from Edward IV and Elizabeth. Martin doesn't have many 1 to 1 matches with the War if the Roses but he borrows traits and ideas often and more than once. I do think Robb shares enough with young Edward IV that it's no coincidence. A huge success on the battlefield, fighting to avenge his father, ties to the North. Martin took pieces just like he took old Edward IV for King Robert. Fat, drunk, likes to sleep around while having this history as an epic warrior king. I was just trying to point out that secret stupid marriages do happen without being a conspiracy from the start so readers looking at that historical background might not jump to Tywin did it.
  19. I think you're giving Tywin more credit than he has earned so far in the books. From just a book point of view, we know that before the books start he didn't really participate in Robert's rebellion until it was clear who was going to win and then in the first book he's shown up, won a minor battle but in doing so misjudged Robb's character as a battle commander and ended up in a pretty bad situation on the battlefield. Sure, he was the "hero" at the Blackwater, but he only showed up in time because his son did such a good job preparing the city for battle and if that hadn't happened, he would have been too late to save his family in King's Landing - so its a win but not really an impressive piece of foresight on his part. So if you don't know that the Red Wedding is coming (with the Frey and Bolton alliances required to make that happen), its hard to see Tywin as some master strategist who put a Westerling plot together. (Really, I think Tywin is overhyped in general and gets way more credit for his actions than he deserved. It seems to me that his reliance on extreme violence has given him a reputation that's so much bigger than his strategic actions deserve. And the fact that we hear about him mostly from his children who idolize him really helps build him up.) So on my first read through, I assumed the Westerlings saw Robb as the guy currently on top and sent Jeyne her way because it would be good for their house. Elizabeth Woodville's family fought for the Lancasters and she still married Edward IV. Its not an out there thing to happen and is the event that Robb/Jeyne seems to be based on. That had nothing to do with some larger plot to bring Edward IV down so it didn't seem likely that Robb/Jeyne's marriage was anything more than a bad choice that would alienate some of his allies.
  20. I enjoyed seeing Amy Acker sitting in the audience far more than I did any of the segments so this did not work for me. I did like Gloria Gaynor but I do wish it hadn't been ruined by silly "karaoke challenge" that involved getting 1 word right. The physical challenge was fine though I never doubted taller, stronger Neil was going to win so not suspenseful. The Voice promo was bad, the stalking could have worked with maybe a more animated couple, but as it was felt very flat. I'd like to win those 7 prizes but watching it was dull.
  21. Can't blame them for going supporting. Even the actors with the most screentime are probably clocking only a hour or so. Peter, Lena and Emilia are probably the closest things GoT has to leads and sometimes they're only in episodes for a scene or not in episodes at all. I'm hoping with Fresh Off The Boat getting a full season this year will help develop a following and Constance will get her recognition next year. So often I forget Maslany plays all of them than if clones who aren't normally in scenes together share a scene its exciting, like seeing two actors for the first time. She's truly amazing and while it feels like the nomination is the reward in her case she'd be more than worthy of the Emmy. The Emmys need to badly shake things up, though its hard to say how. Based on episode length?Season length? Based on genre? Based on single cam or multi cam? Traditional broadcast and new media? The Emmys are already a long show so how many categories to you add? What do you cut to make room? I do understand why they haven't made any changes because its not like there are easy decisions.
  22. I assumed so as well, She has the same IJ brand on the back of her neck just like the wives so I figured she'd once been in their shoes.
  23. There's this workplace principle that says that incompetent people can't recognize that they're incompetent because that would require them to have the skills they are missing. I think privilege is often the same way. You can't see the privilege because you're too in it and you would need to have it pointed out by someone outside before it became apparent. Matt let that air because he didn't get that he said anything wrong; that may have changed now as the internet takes him to task.
  24. So I know its a moot point since the finale is over, but if Travis gets to dance with Jenna Dewan, Twitch and Channing Tatum should have done a number together. I was happy to see Jim, Neptune and Yorelis again. I forgot just how she killed it in every Street group number. She's a total star who will book work once she's done here. I'm not surprised Gabby won, but would have preferred Jaja. I really would have preferred Hailee, Jim or Yorelis but Gabby had enough solid work that I'm not mad. I just never warmed to her.
  25. I feel like injuries have always been a part of the show. Most dancers have always powered through as much as possible but there are always people hurt every year. Rama Lama was danced with 9 people because Natalie(?) was too injured to do the group number. The demands of this show just seem to lead to injuries.
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