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Everything posted by Lisin

  1. Me! Yes, sorry guys, I'm in the DC area and neither of these episodes have aired for me so I thought it was on a break because of the Olympics.
  2. The children who appear on this show are fair game. People can call them ugly and that's ok. People can call them beautiful and that's ok too. What you all are not allowed to do is be rude to each other. Posts have been removed.
  3. Guys, please remember to watch your tone with each other. You're totally free to snark the housewives all you want but remember to be respectful to each other. Thanks!
  4. Man! My friend who normally tries these sorts of things absolutely HATES the combo of peanut butter and chocolate... I suppose I could just omit the chocolate part though right? Also Barf. LOL
  5. I also really enjoyed the Tesla review. I’m also constantly impressed whenever they have one of those Fords on. Man. I have no need for it but Jeremy always makes me want that truck.
  6. They're fun to have on in the background if you're able to do that. Like, if you work from home and just have them running on the TV while you're doing other stuff etc. Then if something "big" happens you can pay attention for a bit, then go back to doing real life stuff.
  7. Aaaaand she’s going to be on the US Celebrity Big Brother. God help me I’m so happy I have the live feeds. This is going to be a shit show.
  8. It depends on the show and device I believe, and I can't remember how to access them through Roku so sadly I'm not much help, other than to say it depends. Sorry! That being said I know I've seen subtitles on Amazon Prime shows on a Roku, so they do exist, but it also does depend on the show/device.
  9. You are all free to agree to disagree as always; however, please stay on the topic of the Housewife/show/situation which is the subject of the thread. Neither the fans of said Housewife/show/situation nor your fellow posters are up for discussion.
  10. When they were driving through the town Jeremy said "Easter Sunday in Telluride" and then something about how it was deserted so they, being Jag drivers could steal stuff etc. so maybe because of the holiday it was already closed? I mean... that can't be true but maybe?
  11. It's an electric pressure cooker that can also be used as a crock pot and yogurt maker.
  12. OK everyone, 1) This is the Lu topic, please keep it to posting about Lu, if you want to talk about Bethenny take it to her topic. 2) We've already asked you agree to disagree and to stop going in circles. Posts have been hidden. Warnings have been issued. Please move along.
  13. Hey everyone! Please remember that discussion of politics (even politics of long dead presidents) is a no go at PTV so let’s try to steer the discussion back to Carole and whether or not she’s awful! Some posts have been hidden. It's time to move on. Thanks!
  14. Abuelita is the brand of Mexican Hot Chocolate I see up here in the north. It's good. It's no Ibarra but it still hits the spot!
  15. Mine's similar to yours @DeLurker frozen leafy spinach (not the kind in a brick), frozen berries/mangoes/whatever frozen fruit is on sale, ginger, coconut water sometimes a scoop of greek yogurt, sometimes honey or a banana.
  16. Hey guys, lets remember that no matter how strong our opinions are we need to be civil to one another.
  17. While I totally agree with this I feel like I have to point out that Lu wasn't driving. She was just shitfaced at a hotel.
  18. And here we go again! @Tara Ariano's pick for Winner: Mark Tara's Winner Tally: Donna 3, Steve 2, Tom 2, Cliff 2, and the one offs: Beth, Casting, Chancellor Arnold, Claire and Steve's colons because of all the root vegitables, Dean Shaw, Dick, Dr. Martin, Frankie, Grampa Silver, Hal, Jackie, Joy, Kelly, The LAPD (for once), Mark, Mariah Parker Lewis, Prof. Langley ley eley, Rob Samantha Sanders, Val, Valet Guy. Tara's pick for Loser: Kelly Tara's Loser Tally: Brandon 6, David 6, Kelly 5, Tracy 3, and one offs: David and Claire (together), Donna, Donna's nipples, Jason Priestly, Kelly's Gyno, Kerry Strug, Phil Harris, Sara (the grandmother's helper, not Sarah D. Bunting... though that's debatable since she's having to watch this...), Shiela, Val, the Writers. @Sarah D. Bunting's pick for Winner: Nat Sarah's Winner Tally: Dick 2, Sean Donnelly 2, Tom 2, and the one offs: Baby Deer, Beth, Bill Taylor, Carole Potter, Daniel's friend, Dean Shaw, Dick's dealer, Donna, Dr. Candyman, Felice, Fired Car Museum Guy, Frankie, Hal, Luther Vandross's Manager, Mark, the Nat/Prof. Langley/ely/eley tag team, North African Couscous, Ron Duguay, Rusty, Steve, Robber girls, Tony, Val, Wardrobe. Sarah's pick for Loser: Brandon Sarah's Loser Tally: Brandon 7, Kelly 7, Tracy 2, Donna 2, and the one offs: B-Sure Condom Corporation, Bouvier Brows, Camera 2, David, Dick, Dr. Martin, Mariah's Guardian Angel, Mark, Sarah (again, the helper not SDB), Steve, SWAT guys, Val's dad, the Writers for egregious retcon, and the one honorable mention loser of the season: Israeli Large Pearl Couscous
  19. We did. It was... not good? The filling was cold which was odd IMO, plus canned icing = blech anyway and yeah, adding cinnamon didn't make it better. The cake itself wasn't awful, because store bought angel food cake isn't terrible... if the filling was warm and maybe just like some chocolate ganache or something it wouldn't be terrible? I don't know why I'm trying to make this cake better lol.
  20. Here's apparently the only picture I still have. My friend is lighting the candles and I am now remembering that we couldn't find corn nuts or someone ate them before we finished... we were very drunk lol. Our favorite part was that we assembled the monstrosity on a Waterford crystal cake plate. Like real ladies.
  21. Did I ever post pictures of the Aunt Sandy cake my friends and I made one night? It was a drunken joke, we didn't think it was like, actually nice or anything... it was from the same show as the Kwanzaa cake but we did the one with apple pie filling and... corn nuts? (Sandy called them acorns like only she would.)
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