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Everything posted by grandmabegum

  1. Sting starts to say "Don't I know you from somewhere?" and Charles immediately jumps to Brazzo's. The same sort of thing happens with Mabel in the pilot but Oliver interrupts. I don't think they're talking about Brazzo's and they aren't referring to the just seeing him around the building. Please let this be something that does get revealed. I don't care if it's something like he had to take a job bagging groceries or being a clown at children's birthday parties. Just let it be something. The nod to Serial about being sponsored by Squarespace made me chuckle.
  2. I did post a theory in the episode 4 thread about why Oliver and Charles didn't know about the murder of Zoe which would negate the Anzar theory. Basically Oliver and Charles were both dealing with losses of relationships that they were to pre occupied with their own grief to notice. That negates my thought that Emma and Lucy left cause Lucy saw something. I hope I'm wrong about the pair being grief stricken and that they are just self absorbed cause the thought of Tina Fey being SUPER pissed that Anzar is in her circus baby group and thus agreeing to do the podcast out of spite fills me with such glee.
  3. And please believe me when I say I am not doing this to be a jerk about it, but just so you can be as annoyed about it as I am. Her name is CindA, not CindY. Please refer to her however you wish. We all know who you're talking about.
  4. Yesssss! Even the link to Gus Montrose is a stretch. I'm a little scared cause I just looked up Hardy Boy book titles as I am not familiar with the series and there are a ton they could absolutely use as clues to drive the story. I imagine "What Happened at Midnight" might come up if they start tracking Zoe's murder.
  5. I would assume that's the mother. When talking to Charles about Splash/Splat, he mentions that it broke his family up. Do we know when Splash went Splat? Cause I had a thought about why Charles and Oliver didn't know about the murder. I believe it's okay to post it here as it's in the past, but please flag me and remove if I'm wrong. What if the failure of Splash and Emma/Lucy leaving happened around the time of Zoe's death. During that time both Oliver and Charles would both be even more distracted (and grief stricken] than usual and maybe just didn't pay attention to it? Again, please flag me if this is inappropriate.
  6. Yeah, I'm kind of fence sitting on it. On the one hand I can definitely see that if you felt you/your daughter were in danger you would not want to tip your hat to the person you are in danger from - hence the "hard break." On the other, if you did feel you were in danger, why would you let your daughter still stay in touch with the family. Either way, I think we can all agree that Lucy is missing out on that circus class with Tina Fey. Oh wait, nevermind. If Lucy was seven when they moved in and they were together for 6 years she'd probably be too old for the class. Nards.
  7. Oh, I didn't mean to imply that that wasn't tie-dye guy that was bleeding with Mabel. I'm sorry if I said something that made you think that. I just don't think tie-dye guy is the murderer. Hmmm, interesting. This might be a good reason that Emma broke up with Charles. Maybe Lucy told her something about Arnav and she didn't feel safe in the building anymore. Also perhaps why Arnav still keeps in touch with Lucy (via Arnav's daughter -- I think that was who was Facetiming with Lucy] to keep tabs on her.
  8. I don't know whether it is a reference to their being 2 murderers in just Tim's case or if it means they also solve Zoe's murder and there were 2 separate murderers or, hell, why not both, but Cinda's podcast is called Only MurdererS in the Building.
  9. I still have to rewatch after morning turkey, but these are thoughts that I had/can remember. I totally agree with you that no one needs to do this, but if Sting tells you that a building feels like guilt, it hits you where it counts. Is Rod Stewart a common tune to learn on your bassoon and accordian type instrument? (I can't think of the name] I know it's just an issue of time, but it took Jan like 15 seconds to get from her place across the courtyard to Charles' place. Do we know what floor Jan lives on? It's below 1O cause she got on the elevator after the group. Just curious. I can only hope there's some kind of secret passage. J/K ETA: We live in a world where most of us lock our doors, but it made me sad when after what happened to Winnie Oliver started locking his door. That is a hard lesson learned.
  10. I have not seen that movie, but hey if you are PRODUCING and DISTRIBUTING crack you probably need some room!
  11. I think you're right about it being Oscar. After I thought about it it makes a lot of sense considering Mabel's conversation with his father. He was very adamant about Mabel staying away from Oscar, but he can't keep Oscar away from Mabel. Also, you know, I'm sure his parole/probation officer would not look to kindly at him being caught near the scene of a crime. Even if he didn't actually kill Tim, which I think he didn't, he'd probably have a difficult time proving he had nothing to do with it. ETA: but I still standby my thought that he had nothing to do with it.
  12. I think because it seems like there's only 2 elevators, it took me awhile to realize how large this building was. I completely agree that that's probably a reason some people aren't aware of certain people/events.
  13. No thoughts on the murderer yet, but I think that tie-dye guy is actually a good person. I think he ran away from the Tim Kono murder cause he was too late and needed to avoid detection and I think he's following Mabel because he does believe she's next. Who the tie dye guy is, I have no idea, but I think he's a red herring. I also think this might explain Mabel's "It's not what you think," line in the pilot episode. He is deaf. The actor that portrays him is deaf. I always like when shows cast actors to portray characters with the disability the character has. Maybe he's the person who pulled the fire alarm cause the noise would not bother him at all. Now, off to the market to purchase a turkey to cook tomorrow morning and then to rewatch after my coffee has full set in. ETA: Wasn't there another speculation thread or did I just have a strange dream last night.
  14. I should not be rewatching these again, but I'm actually sitting down and not eating a meal so I'm noticing other things. Bunny knows sign language? She was signing with Theo before the memorial.
  15. If a seashell necklace pops up as part of the jewelry haul I think this case is going to go in a whole new direction.
  16. Has anyone pointed out that Tim Kono is an anagram for "I'm not OK"? It's not a clue or anything cause that seems to be his given name, but hey, fun fact!
  17. Oh, I just meant gossip within the building. It wouldn't even have to be gossip. Looks of pity and whispers can also have an effect on people.
  18. And not sure how exactly it fits, but apparently that book is about a group of pick pockets, so it seems somewhat relevant to the fact that they are stealing. Maybe?
  19. I found this funny, too. I'm actually curious if people still do this. I come from a cold, rural area and this actually wasn't super uncommon. If you had a small animal that passed in the winter and the ground was too frozen to bury it, you shoved it in the freezer and waited until thaw. Of course, you would also, you know wrap it, but for the gag to work we had to see it.
  20. Definitely agree that some people should have known Tim Kono. Also, the money thing leads to all sorts of questions. As for Zoe's family, I can easily believe that after such a tragic event they had trouble staying in the building (not just for the memory of their daughter, but I imagine gossip was flying] and decided to move.
  21. Steve Martin did not surprise me at all. He's done a few comedy/mysteries in the past. considering he also created this. I feel like he really enjoys them and I enjoy watching him in them. Martin Short pairs so well with him, so that's delightful. I don't know anything about Selena Gomez, so she's my wildcard. I also randomly stumbled upon this cause it came up in my suggestions. I love it so far. Blazed through the first 3 episodes in no time. Can't wait for the new one tomorrow and looking forward hearing people's thoughts.
  22. Surely you remember the classy Jenny McCarthy on a toilet ad?
  23. Yeah, gluing seems weird. It's a special kind of glue, but I just keep thinking of all the different kinds of glue I use (glue stick, Elmers, craft, hot/cold glue) that I can never get to stick to what I want, just to my fingers. I have the same feeling about long hair. When I was in high school and college it was long. It sounds super dumb, but I really liked the way it swished when I ran. Then sometime after college I chopped it off for Locks for Love. Eventually, I switched to a lopsided shaved and like, ear length flop (I don't know how to describe it). Every once in awhile I'll think about growing it out, but then I remember all I ever did with long hair was braid it or put it in a ponytail so I keep it short and at least it looks like I put effort into it. Most importantly, I have never heard the word "crinoline" and now I want to use it all the time.
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