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Everything posted by grandmabegum

  1. Janelle found out about an alliance against herself? I kid, I kid.
  2. It's nice that they acknowledge it, but there's nothing they can do about it since they cut everyone else off after they went over Cody's time. I don't think that was a production thing, I think it was just a timing thing to fit the show in to the 2 hours.
  3. I don't think this is true cause of the comments people posted about Nicole F mentioning the costumes, but I think that would be awesome -- especially if Janelle went after Nicole and lost to her and Nicole has a smug grin on her face and then Kaysar comes in and saves the day. Also it would make her pity party even more obvious that she's upset about the noms.
  4. I love the idea of adding shit stirrers. But you're right it definitely depends on the quarantine. I would assume if they have anyone else enter that would affect they game they would have had to start quarantine before last night, cause if they have access to computers, TV or phones, they would know what's going on in the game and that's an unfair advantage.
  5. Also, "Hey! My accomplishment was having people take pity on me!" Like, the pity card is okay sometimes. I know Derrick is not everyone's favorite, but if I remember correctly when his grandfather died he didn't milk it. Hell, (sorry for the Survivor crosstalk) I'll even take the actual strategy pity party of Johnny Fairplay.
  6. So did Janelle just not play? Any word on who got the punishment? This is if I'm right in remembering there was supposed to be a punishment.
  7. That seems like it would be the logical conclusion. And sorry I was going to reply to something earlier but it wouldn't delete the quote. In other news, I'm not an instagram user, but I had to check it out with the posts upthread. I nearly threw up. It made me realize how much I love candid photography (or like nature or animals cause they aren't posing) There's one shot of Tyler and Angela in their bedroom (nothing sexual) and like you guys said, they clearly hired someone to do this, cause it's not like your friend walked by and casually snapped it. Don't get me wrong, there's a time and place for professional photography, but not all the time and all the place.
  8. Oh, I don't know if anyone mentioned this before (I watched super late at night) but it made me laugh when people would burst through the door and not go directly to the backyard. Like that was part of the instructions you dumb dumbs.
  9. If BB allowed luxury items the way Survivor used to you know he'd bring that book and carry it with him at all times.
  10. Hell, tons of people I know who are self quarantining (myself included) are going a bit crazy and we're not even on a show that includes back stabbing and lying. Of course, none of us are doing it for prize money.
  11. This certainly seems like an absurd thing to do, but people on American Ninja Warrior do it all the time.
  12. So they shouldn't be seen together, yet they're sharing a bedroom? I guess that makes sense?
  13. Are they sleeping in the same bedroom or just talking in the bedroom for the time being?
  14. This was my first thought as well. Certainly doesn't mean that people won't be cuddling and crawling all over each other. I think the bigger risk of getting sick (though hopefully no one does) is whispered conversations.
  15. I think this actually originated on Out of Control, which I have zero idea how I know because it was on when I was 3.
  16. I didn't realize that this had come back until last night and I wasn't aware there was a forum for it until I post in Challenge in the media. I wish the housewife had gone. Sadly Brian wouldn't have lasted long either way. He just doesn't move quick enough. Strangely I always thought that that was just a bit that he did as that's legit every character he ever plays, but then I remembered working with him and I was like, "this is not a bit." So sad cause he's really sweet. At first I when Johnny was doing his antics I thought I would hate him. But after being warned that he should take it seriously, I think he realized this is not The Challenge and these people are not going to tolerate your behavior. He did kind of retreat a little back into Bananas mode when he cut himself and he kept trying to keep going. I don't think that was malicious, I think it's just his nature that you don't stop when you're hurt on the Challenge or TJ will tell you he's disappointed in you. It also made me laugh when he, rightfully so, during the horse/identify the food challenge called someone out for cheating. Yes, they totally cheated, but when your slogan is "if you're not cheating, you're not trying," you gotta get over it.
  17. Yeah, he totally toned it down. I finished the two episodes, but I wasn't sure if there is a Worst Cooks forum so I didn't want to post more here so as not to spoil things for people. And just as I say that I'll wrap it up with this (sorry mods please delete if this violates rules. According to IMDB Coulier did the Surreal Life and Battle of the network stars. I feel like I watched the Surreal Life and he may have been a jerk on that as the premise was basically you were big time and now you are a nobody, so that's major I need money so I'll take it, but you can't make me like it territory. Also with a lot of the cast of Full House, they wanted to change their image. I may have worked with one of them who was perfectly nice but had rules about things they would not do or say because they didn't want to be seen as a continuation of their character. ETA: Just looked there is a forum. I shall take any none Challenge players talk over there.
  18. This shouldn't take long, he's already cursing, jumping over tables and making drinks instead of cooking. Also he and Dave Coulier and not going to get along.
  19. I haven't watched yet (have to find it online) but for some reason I assume Bananas would be a good cook. And yes, I assume Chef Anne rips him a new one.
  20. Oh, I loved the whole thing, but I have a very soft spot for actors that in general are more well known for serious roles and then you see that they're willing to make fools of themselves -- the other way around, not so much, but that's also cause I shy away from most serious movies/shows unless it involves cops or doctors.
  21. If you live in LA and have twins (or more) there's a good chance you are whoring them out to movies/TV. During casting for a pilot I worked on that had multiple babies the office basically became a nursery. Huh, and now that I think about it, that pilot was also from Dan Goor. And here's some insight into Season 8 (spoilers) https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/brooklyn-nine-nine-mulling-how-incorporate-covid-19-season-8-1291440
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