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Everything posted by Crucial

  1. I know his episode was set up to test Todd but Julie's best friend was a pain in the butt. If I was Todd no way would I be running around getting her food (while she complained it was cold and she had pizza and then crashing on the couch). Julie should have been taking her for the treat no Todd. For how demanding she was she should have stayed in a hotel. I would have said no. You're in someone's house be respectful, just because you are having a baby doesn't give you the right to be awful. I get that Todd's oldest daughter Lindsee's husband doesn't get along with Todd (I think they both are to blame) why can't she bring the baby over to see the family? Lindsee said it was both of them hating each other but the grandchild shouldn't suffer because of them. I love this show but this episode was not my favorite.
  2. My opinion of Molly hasn't changed. I find her a selfish character. Didn't tell Mike about the class out of state and then with an advanced check goes ahead and spends it without telling him. And who is to say that her book sells. I'm assuming it's a given that his checks are spent where both parties are aware of but Molly's is Molly's? That's not fair. Hers should be no different but since Molly, with all her debt, can spend anyway she wants is it supposed to be cute/funny? Need a new car get one that is sensible. I guess I just don't find Molly all that likable when she tells Mike he can't do things but yet she hides the fact she signed up for a class out of state and then neglects to tell him about a car purchase. They have a lot of debt (it's mentioned it's hers) so she spends freely. I'm sure he can afford a newer car but why not pay off debt if the car is still running ok.
  3. This was a nice mid season finale and that was such a great twist with Esther. Make her the monster she created her children to be. I can't wait to see Kol get his, although it would probably be different if the original actor was portraying Kol. I'm very glad Cami is still Cami and not Rebekah that would have been horrible to see her playing Rebekah.
  4. For me, I think Bill sees Erin as a tough competitor and has said it a lot that she is the one to beat. Ugh, my nastiness says that Duff wants her for the win. See I originally thought she was a sweetheart but now I wonder. We see that oh so happy face for the judges and then the cuteness for the camera. It's probably me but I have a hard time believing someone in that "on" all the time. I'm sure she is nice the overdoing she is showing makes it hard to believe it's real - for me that is. I keep seeing someone in the family messing up a fruitcake, cookie, or decoration and her going postal, lol. I'm so sorry but I see her being this way.
  5. Good gosh I swear Erin is Duff's favorite. Her "creativity" saves her twice and now this round when Terra was better. I'm just so frustrated that Erin is saved yet again after two judges aren't fans of her food but Duff is. I'm not a Terra fan but she deserved to stay above Erin who was bottom 3 for the last three challenges. I don't understand the judging and will have to let it be at that because this show allows a judge to help a contestant in an elimination round and allow some contestants to stay because they take risks while others were sent home at the beginning.
  6. I love the colorized Christmas episode and cannot wait for the Candy Factory in color too. They are also going to show some extra scenes not shown as well too. I love Hallmark's Christmas movies but I have to admit I miss I Love Lucy to watch. Glad for Hulu this time of year.
  7. I love the Candace Cameron Christmas movies (3 of them) Let It Snow, Moonlight & Mistletoe, and Christmas Under Wraps. My least favorite was the "under wraps". Some of the cast was ok (the nurse and the lady at the diner) but everyone else didn't work well with each other. I know Candace was yet again a snob only to be turned around but I just love the actress somehow. Maybe it's the whole 2014 Christmas movies on Hallmark. I think almost all of them weren't that good, definitely not like years past. I normally watch these movies more than once. Now trying to watching them for the first time is hard. My complaints for this years Hallmark Christmas Movies - 1) I'm sorry but Hallmark doing the male version of Mrs. Miracle - just not good for the plot line I read. Why change it up and why Rob Morrow. What a shame. 2) Another princess movie. You had a good premise with A Princess for Christmas. Why use Jane Seymour and Lacy (whatever her last name). Horrible acting and just plain awful for a movie. 3) Cookie Cutter Christmas - Awful and not worth mentioning more. 4) North Pole - Selling the DVD while Hallmark is still showing the movie on their station. Sure pay $20 for the movie even though it's being shown about 10 more times on cable. It's not even pay per view. Maybe the movies I liked were lame but somehow I think the previous movies were so much better than this year's crop. Santa Suit, Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Naughty Or Nice, A Princess for Christmas, Let It Snow, Moonlight & Mistletoe, Moonlight Over Manhattan, to name a few. I must be just a scrooge....
  8. What an unfunny and irritating episode. Worst one, for me, from any season. The houseguest sleep over was so tiring probably because it's been done so many times. You have a new white couch just say you aren't sleeping on it but then again that's the plot line. Why a white couch when you have a child and Cam spent more time keeping Lily off the couch than enjoying it. The other two storylines were just as bad. What a shame.
  9. This was a hard episode to watch because of all the fighting and over-talking. I kind of felt bad for Kier when she came down at the beginning of the shoot. All 3 girls were looking for her to start a fight and she said nothing wrong. And if she wanted to question why the change, she did have every right to since she knew nothing about the change. She didn't even put up a fight. I'm all for Amanda having a voice but you don't go steal someone else's sale. If someone was helping me and a family member and was approached I'd be irritated, especially when you see we are being helped. Then again, I hate pushy sales people and a second one coming into the mix wouldn't help. Brittany needs a smack down like Kier had and hopefully Jessica gives it to her. I liked how Diane sent them off when they were fighting. I'm glad Jinna is gone. It wasn't the first or even second time she was drunk. I'm sorry for her past hard times but she isn't the only one who has a sad story. That would be a reason, for me, that I wouldn't be getting stupid drunk on camera and with your competition. These episodes are much more enjoyable when you get some screen time from Michael. He's the only person that is enjoyable to watch.
  10. I'm sad to see David leave. He did make a Yule log it didn't look that great and didn't seem to taste good either. Two things about that competition 1) I didn't understand was if it was a Yule Log you had to do then how come two made a layer cake can then call it a tree stump. 2) I don't think a judge should be used as an advantage for a contestant when he is doing the judging also. Granted Duff only made the candle but he said he could have done more.
  11. The food made looks fantastic. If she made it, I bet she made some (maybe all, haven't watched her show to know). It looks perfect, maybe that's the problem but maybe she doesn't like a mess. The table is what I personally don't like. Your table should have food to share with everyone not covered with so many flowers and candles covering the table that only your place setting shows. I mean the dinner table is stacked with flowers and candles but the table behind is too. I like people passing the food so everyone talks about it and your hear the comments.
  12. That was so funny and add in Chase planting the fake snake for Todd to freak out about too. If I was Todd I would have pulled the RV to a Hotel but that would not have made good TV. There seems to be a lot of work with an RV. Good gosh Julie and Savannah both failing the drivers ed class. Wow. I'm way too addicted to this show.
  13. I like these photos of North. She looks like she's happy and sassy. I don't like the furry/hairy coat on her (or Alexander's niece). In my mind I see the child pulling on that hair/fur and going straight for the mouth. Same would be if there were any bedazzling type stuff as well. Loved her shoes and how her hair was styled. Although some color wouldn't hurt and I bet North would look adorable.
  14. My first love of Michael came in episode 2 but this one sealed it for me. I loved how he smacked Kier down so effortlessly. And I love to hear him speak. I think Jessica is fed who has problems because Jinna didn't look hung over at all. And her comment to Dianne about Brittany after the event. You bring that up now? After we see her call the girls checking on them (even though she didn't have all their stuff done), commenting on Jinna drinking while she did also. Jessica wasn't there so how did she get this vibe on her. I don't think she's that smart. Stefanie reminds me of Nina Garcia from Project Runway (if someone said this I am so, so sorry). Both ladies love themselves something fierce. You have to "see" them at all times. That's a sign for me to ignore.
  15. According to this Joe is leaving Master Chef Jr and Master Chef. I actually liked him on the Jr show because he was great with the kids on how he dealt with the cooking they did. Other show not so much. http://xfinity.comcast.net/articles/entertainment-eonline/20141127/b601838/
  16. For once Sophie and the one and only canned laughter is a time to celebrate. I'm sorry my jaw dropped when Caroline said the fee for that seminar was $1000. What a joke and such a scam that that thing was that much money. All it showed was how a con artist scams people out of money. I don't know what bothered me more Caroline falling for the scam or Max going along with it. I think that fortune teller for $100 bucks could have given you more insight on your business than the $1000 scammer.
  17. Maybe that was because there were so many problems with so many pies they didn't ding it? I, personally, don't see the problem with the Nilla wafers though. Why is that a problem? I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything like that I honestly don't know why the wafers would get dinged.
  18. I didn't find a majority of the pies all that appealing the contestants had. Dante and Tara were the worst and too bad both didn't go. I was happy David did win and both his pies looked good, so did Bill's banana cream pie. At least next week brings another opportunity to see what bourbon is added to Tara's baking.
  19. I would love to see a season without Liv, even if it was noted it was the last (17th season). I honestly think SVU would last without the ever Olivia. It lasted without Stabler so if they brought in others to go on without Liv it could work. Although this show anchored on her for so long that we are programmed to believe it couldn't last. Replace Liv, Amaro, Rollins, and the show could work.
  20. I totally missed that part with Penny and Bernadette and then Penny getting the job. Thanks for reminding me. How did I forget that part of the show. Still my Penny non love makes me believe Penny is not the 3rd best sales person when she's failed (lazily) in her jobs.
  21. Thank you for mentioning that. I forgot they said that about Penny
  22. It was Penny not Kaley the actress the poster was talking about (I'm assuming). Kaley is fine as an actress it's Penny the character that is the problem. Penny is horrible as a waitress and actress. I read it as if Penny was good at acting she'd be good at sales. BUT Penny wasn't good at acting so how could she be good at that?
  23. Oh good I'm glad there was the eye roll at the top 3 comment. I thought I was alone. I liked the reasons you gave ( bad waitress-->terrible actress-->stellar rep)
  24. As long as the lead is the producer I doubt there will be any female be likable and competent. If this show wouldn't have created the ego of Olivia Benson and the actress it may have happened. Maybe if Rollins was played by someone other than Kelly it could happen - if she was on another show. The best part was seeing Barba. He makes this show worth watching and you can throw in Finn too. I did love the attorney calling out Benson for her saying Amaro could control his anger issues (or it wasn't a problem whatever, yeah sure) but the defendant was in no way able to reform. I'm not defending the defendant (he shouldn't be) but I don't think either men are able to reform. It just suits her now.
  25. My favorite part of this episode was Sheldon and Amy. I thought their scenes were the best especially going back through all the episodes of "Fun With Flags". Betsy Ross as too funny. This is probably just my feelings of not liking the character of Penny the last few seasons so I am sure I am in the minority. Bernadette is now not liked at work and Penny, who just joined not long ago is a favorite (and top 3 in sales - is that what they said?). Did I miss some episodes that Bernadette had problems at work? Sure she is bossy but Howard was being lazy during all her bitchy times. And we are to believe Penny is flirting her way to sales because just a few episodes ago she was trying her pitch out on Raj's girlfriend. I guess my problem is, is that Bernadette brought Penny in and now Penny is a part of the group calling her out for her behavior. A behavior (maybe I missed) that talked bad about Penny a lot and was mean to her. I feel like I watched a different show with what Penny was saying about her. And didn't they have earlier that it was Penny who was the bully in high school and now it's Bernadette at work. And Penny was afraid to say anything? Maybe I'll go watch again and have a different view. Or just accept that I have a bias on Penny and have a problem seeing things differently.
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