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Everything posted by Crucial

  1. Kim is such a sad, sad person. Honestly, if you have to say you won't smile because of wrinkles and think having that expressionless face is worth it all then she's going to be a very lonely person. North will have her dad, nannies, her nieces, nephews, and aunts to see what a smile looks like. I'm sure when North is older when she thinks of Kim, her vision will be a vacant, expressional person more interested in taking a 'money shot' of herself - you know because she's feeling her look. And when North is older, Kim won't want to be her mom, she will be trying to get the same kind of guy North is into. Kim won't want to admit to being the mom of an adult daughter - even though that botoxed expressional face says otherwise.
  2. Score for Kris on this. I'm sure she kept tabs and knew when the right time to divorce. I hope he gets some dibs on that "church" she has. I think that is a gold mine for that family and in now way a "church" at all other than a means for a tax break.
  3. Never hoped more for a place to go under than the DB owner of "breastarant". What a total DB owner and person. Firing an employee who didn't want to spend their life being looked at. I never want to see people fail but I so want him to. How many of your bikini gals are in it for the long haul db. Your weak comment of giving her resume to friends? I'm glad she said no because I doubt the db has any friends worth a job. Disusting piece of "boss".
  4. @WendyCR72 I loved his handling on Homo Homini Lupus. Getting the rapist but his handling of the victim. Bobbie/Vincent did a great job with the scene. I came more aware of this seeing it today. Bobbie's hugging of her was perfect. Ahhh I love this character so so much. I'm thinking now at all the shows I watch and the only other character I really, really like is Elliot Stabler on L&O SVU. Maybe I like flawed characters on shows but I think both of these characters have a connection to nail all those criminals who will do harm, such violent harm. So give me a Bobbie Goren and Elliot, they will take care of business all day long.
  5. I think this is a win-win for both Kanye and Kim. Kanye doesn't have to spend time trying to get Kim pregnant, he can go off doing this own thing. And Kim, she doesn't have to worry about how she will have to photoshop her body while pregnant. Both of them can have someone else carry the child while Kim can continue to take pic of "feeling her look" and post them to instagram. Hey, a girls got to share a look with her fans. Only thing I feel bad is if, (and it's not said she is), if she has a child is the name. People have said Easton and these two will both use that as a name. But cart before the horse I guess.
  6. Nice to see Molly being Molly. It's her mother's home but yet Molly gets to say how Christmas is and anyone who disagrees gets her wrath. I'm kind of tired of her treatment of Vince. Everything is about Molly. Why is everything about Molly now. An unemployed, unmotivated, debt-ridden person living in her mothers home (rent free). Get a job, part time, while the writing thing is going on. We see everyone afraid of her. I'm sorry but all of this is from her dad being gone? No not buying it at all. She's rude and selfish on her own, not her dad being gone. I love comedies but when you have such a character like this how is anything she does funny. I'm sorry, I just don't see it at all. I look forward to the scenes without Molly on this show because it's much more enjoyable and really funny. No need to see Molly bitch to people and see her shop for her own self. I loved Carl wanting to do Christmas for the kids.
  7. Since I've been off work I've watched the reruns of this show (mostly because of the commercials for season 2) and I am addicted to it. I love Elena, Brianna, and Christy. The 3 T's I find tiring just a bit, especially Terra. I can't wait for season 2 to start now and to find out who is having a baby. I'm happy for any of the ladies but I hope it's Elena who is.
  8. It's nice to see that the article is using the photographer for info on Kim and Kanye. I mean they would have the best knowledge since they are the ones on speed dial for them. The article showed more pics from their Balmain ad campaign and if you didn't know anything about Kim and Kanye you'd never in a million years guess they were a couple. There is nothing sexy about them in the photos. The last photo looks like she is a hairdresser about to trim Kanye's hair. The article says the photos are nearly as sexy as the ones of them making out. Really, there were sexy photos of them making out? I can't remember any sexy photos of them together. http://www.x17online...t_photos_122314
  9. That was the best send off from Diane to Kier. To see her smug smile disappear was the best. Brittany was the right choice especially seeing how she worked at the fashion. She looked in her element while the other two seemed more star struck. Looks like Jessica won too because she gets to work with Brittany during her year long contract. I'm shocked they showed Jessica complaining about Brittany winning. Then they show Stefani saying if Brittany returns to being a bitch (or something along that line) who knows what will happen. I'm thinking Jessica and Stefani are going to be working to bring the bad Brittany out. Of course maybe their complaining was just to add drama to the show. I was hoping for more Michael at the fashion show.
  10. Oh yes, the sleazy coke addicted lawyer. He was really great with him. It may sound mean but I loved when he was going on about his size and then plops his big shoe on the table. I'm glad Ion will be back to the second half of the season. I love long marathons and USA gives maybe 2 or 3 at a time.
  11. Thanks WendyCR74 for the welcome :) That was my first time posting. I'm more partial to the first season being my favorite. I loved to watch him interrogate the suspect. His actions/mannerisms were so great. To see him invade the personal space of the suspect and then see him tilt his head to the side.
  12. If mid summer wouldn't have been that hard, they have July off and June is OTA's. If filming was in July then fine. What's the big deal, I didn't like having a player in a round that didn't follow with an elimination round. Both challenges didn't seem to fit each other and I question that. They did Fenway then don't do the Patriots in a small challenge.
  13. Wilfork would have been great too. I'm a fan of his as well and he cooks too. So awesome. they showed Gronk so I liked it I think this show should have had it separated. A show on authors for one episode and then the Pats for a second. If they couldn't get the Pats - as a team then forget it. I know Tom Brady has an extreme work out and the coach is well yeah. Still, if Top Chef wanted they could have a team tasting (or whatever challenge). But honestly how hard would it be to do a lunch for them during the season. Play by their rules and the challenge sets it up.
  14. Out of all the Law & Order franchises and characters Bobby Goren was my favorite. He had this brilliance about him that could connect (or pull out the confession) from the suspect. When I watch the reruns I'm always happy when they have him in them. I loved the way he went about it. I thought Eames was the perfect partner for him. I liked Benson & Stabler (well more Stabler) but Eames and Goren fit so well together. Maybe Goren is the character because of Vincent but I think both the character and actor were so perfect together it's hard to tell which one is more outstanding - at least for me it is.
  15. I'm a Pats fan so anything Gronk and sausage works for me, lol. I like the New England authors aspect but the Pats fan in me wanted a serving for the Pats team. Maybe have the authors for another time. Why waste Gronk on screen for this when your later task is authors. But I'm a fan so maybe that's why I am biased.
  16. Congrats Latasha. You were a strong and likable contestant on the show.
  17. The Christmas Wrap Up Episode was really good. Loved the presents everyone got, although it would have been nice for Chloe to unwrap a present. She was adorable and looks like such a happy baby (love seeing a child so happy and smiling all the time). Nice way to end the season. I can't wait for season 3.
  18. Of course she won. That was telegraphed from the beginning. Whatever. This is a typical Food Network Ending. There is NO way I will believe Erin is "On" that way. She was nothing more than a character for a show and Food Network buys this more than anything. Good to see Duff and Food Network got their winner, lol. For me Bill was the winner.
  19. I'm excited for the finale tonight. I really hope it's Bill who wins it but if he doesn't I hope it's Naylett that does.
  20. Wow those pics really show a lot. One sister, Kendall, who is fresh faced and naturally beautiful. Then you have Kylie who looks like an over botoxed nightmare with those lips. This is what you see on pics on magazines of what not to do. Nothing on her face looks natural and the girl is not even 18. Shame, shame, shame on Kris for allowing this to happen.
  21. Wow there was nothing likable about this episode at all. Amanda's phone isn't charged to get the calls - sure. Brittany and Kier being themselves fighting in front of clients in full view. Sure Lenore was there. Amazing that some didn't want the party yet participated with alcohol. Not one girl (and I'm looking at Brittany because she claims to be this all knowing woman) didn't know to take the DVF dress off the client. Poorly scripted reality tv. I blame this being on E! I honestly don't know if the slime that is Ryan Seacrest is a part of this or not but it just creeps of him. I should check and see after this many episodes but still. Revamp and move off of E! or anything related to this station and I think it could be a fun reality show.
  22. Good gosh what a dysfunctional family. You have a mom that pimps her kids out to no end (and no price) and then a father writes his daughter about her body and the attention from men (he tells her this at 13). That's the conversation you have, not in person but in a letter? The girl had self esteem issues and you mention attention from men and you don't think that's the one thing she will grasp on to? That's like a neon sign for someone like Kim who finds attention equal to love/confidence. I must be living on a different planet because I find that so bizarre. No wonder Kim is the way she is. Her blaming God for her weight gain instead of what she was putting in her mouth is just laughable and I don't think even Kim can be that stupid to believe that. That's the thing God will punish you for Kim - gaining weight.
  23. Wow was this a sitcom tonight? I thought it was a prelude for a fashion show in place of 2 Broke Girls with guest appearances by the cast. Good gosh, this makes the Kim K epi watchable.
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