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  1. I could swear it was referenced, even if not directly stated in the way it was later. But the remainder of my post stands. We didn't ever see her steal power that wasn't being used on her* and if she could, why wouldn't she? Why bait a coven into acting out the charade with the Witches Road and then yell at them if she could just suck them dry without going to such lengths. Just meet a witch or witches, corner one or two alone, drain them, and carry on your merry way. Agatha may be a sociopath, but she doesn't seem to be a sadist. She didn't seem the time to play with her food for amusement. I would actually think she might find it to be a colossal waste of energy. *We didn't see much of her interactions when she was baiting witches into her home. But there was screaming and then power flares. So, Agatha could have attacked to goad them into self-defense and then stolen power.
  2. Agatha also said it to Rio in the first episode. And we never saw Agatha steal power that wasn't being used on her, so it appears to be true. (Otherwise, why not just snatch at least some of Billy's?) It is also true that Agatha could resort to forcing someone to use their power by physically attacking them. That might be what she was doing when using Nick as bait to get witches to come to her, attacking them when they came in to shock them into using their magic on her in self-defense so that she could steal their power
  3. That's true of the Witches' Road witches. But the years with Nick showed that she used him to bait witches into her home and then attacked them to steal their power. It was unclear why she was doing that rather than simply living her life. I would have liked a better understanding of her motivation for collecting power even when not under any particular threat. Even with the Witches' Road witches, though certainly going DefCon1 based on relatively minor provocation, Agatha still set them up. It may have been alarmingly easy to bait them. But they were baited.
  4. I really like Thalia in the books. I'm looking forward to this.
  5. This show seems to follow the canon of the podcast show Orphan Black: The Next Chapter. I don't want to spoil the show if anyone wants to listen. Suffice to say, people being aware of the Project Leda clones is consistent with the events of that program.
  6. I agree. Plus, the entire framing of the shooting was designed for this kind of story beat. Also, he looked to be bleeding from his head.
  7. This feels like, of the 3 seasons' various Peggy Storyline, it has the best odds of 1) fitting the show rather than making it seem like she's on a totally different show altogether, 2) be something that Lord Julian Fellowes could potentially handle adequately, if not necessarily well.
  8. I was enjoying this episode. And then they killed Craig. I will not forgive that. Otherwise, I'm really enjoying the interaction of the Me, Me, and Me (that is the only way I will refer to them since when Lucy did so it cracked me up). the dynamic are interesting. Echos (no pun intended) of the interactions of early Clone Club minus the friction of Alison having no time for newbies. And, not that it justifies what Kira did... but I get it, Eleanor.v2 is fucking great and I assume the OG was too (we didn't get to see enough outside of her glimpses through Kira's perspective in 1 Ep.) Although, it was shitty of Eleanor to hid her illness from her son.
  9. Possibly. But you could model an identical physicality from the DNA. Also, a physical scan is believable for now. A brain scan a whole other matter to my mind. But, again, we'll see.
  10. Eleanor's DNA would produce the physicality of young Eleanor. So a young Eleanor physical match is neither surprising or helpful to questions of about the age of the scan. Personally, I wouldn't assume anything. And there's not much concern about odds. Kira and Josh concluded the lack of memories was due to the detail of the scan. If Darros used the same data, Jules would have no memories that Lucy didn't have. But I guess we'll have to watch to find out... or perhaps this show won't even address it. I suppose she could have been scanned when she was in the hospital at some point as a teenager. I don't know why anyone would have gone to the trouble for a then likely smart but not yet distinguished teen in the 2020s but it's certainly not impossible to imagine. It just seems more unlikely to me than Darros deciding placing an amnesiac 30yo's brain data in a 16 body was worth it to have an Eleanor that had 15-20 years more life before her.
  11. Wow, Keeley's performance during her "I changed" speech was really good. I like that they took this track. It was strongly hinted at in the last episode. But I wasn't sure they would address it so directly. Kira got pre-illness Eleanor back. But there was not getting her per-Eleanor's illness self back. She lived her grief and it shaped her. Speaking of Eleanor... or rather Eleanor v.2, she's awesome. (Kira, gurl, I get it. I'd want her back too.) She handled what had to be a devastating series of emotional blows and remained focused and smart and retained some sense of warmth and humor. I've always liked Rya Kihlstedt. But I'm more accustomed to her playing more cold and/or villainous characters. She played them with humanity, but they were not often endearing or warm on any level. I was worried from the memories shown via Kira's story that I would have a hard time buying her as someone Lucy could conceivable grow into. But "Me, Me, and Me" together work and I can genuinely see the same brain characteristics resulting in each of those women. They are not the same person. But they have a believably similar core. I've been wondering as well where they got the scan for Jules. Like Darros, Eleanor would have been a teenager around now. So, unless there have been wild advances that I'm not aware of in real life and/or fictional ones that have not been even hinted at in the show, it doesn't seem likely that teen Elanor would have undergone a scan of the time necessary for this project. I suppose if you know she won't have much memory, putting Lucy's brain map in a teen body might yield Jules. DNA should direct the physical development part. And I can see Darros (I keep wanting to type Davos) deciding he would prefer an Eleanor print that was further from her Alzheimer's and whateves as to the physical and emotional maturity. As far as the purpose, I'm getting The Boys from Brazil/Anna to the Infinite Power vibes. Eleanor was a He probably would have left her in the care of her adoptive family and then approach her in college and recruit her. Eleanor was a genius in her own right and getting her on board would be coup.
  12. I could swear Kira said something about carrying the baby when they were in the elevator after the doctor visit. But it went by pretty quickly so I could easily be wrong. I only remember them discussing the sperm donor in the dinner conversation. It doesn't change the timeline much other than adding some time because selecting and coordinating with a gestational surrogate is a whole thing all by itself.
  13. I really enjoyed this episode. We finally seem to have all the elements of what we need for movement. But it took awhile to get here and the flashbacks to only, alternatively, 1 mo, 3mo, or 2 yrs, in which everyone essentially looks the same can be a little confusing. It's not even enough time for significant hair changes. I'm a little confused by the timeline as well. But I think of worked it out.... ishWe have, what, 23 years from Kira meeting Eleanor to "the present"? And in that time: Kira sees El at her lecture Kira joins, works on, and leaves El's project 6mo to a year min (so 22 yrs ago) They meet up again the next Christmas and get together They moved in together, got married, decided to have a child (not entirely certain of the order on those last two) They discover El can't carry a child Kira carries and has Lucas Conservatively that would be 2 years (even for U-Haul in the second date tropes, that's fast). So up to 20 yrs ago Lucas graduated from High School Lucas goes to college 2-3 years ago (assuming Lucas was at least 17) El's early onset Alzheimer's progressed late stage (I can't remember if the lost on the way to the pool was before Lucas left but they hid it from him) Kira developed and attempted the neuron transplant El died Kira and Josh built the printer, tested it and made Lucy Lucy escaped This has been established as 2 years ago I think. Printed Ev2 (with no one, not even Lucas being aware she died - WTF Kira!) Printed Jules Printed Xander It mostly lines up, but the timeline between Lucas leaving and printing Lucy is WILD. It looked as though as soon as you got close to it, it became debilitating. It also sounded like that remained the case until you got far enough on the other side. She likely would have collapsed again before she even reached the sound line. And if even she didn't, she it's unlikely she could maintain long enough to get out of it's range. At least, that's how it was presented to her. However, something that should have tipped her off that he may be lying (or it was a mistake) is that the first time, she experienced the sudden onset of debilitating sound was when she was just near the mushroom terrarium. She wasn't traveling in any direction but had stopped to look at it. There was no visible sign of the barrier. When she woke up Zander said she must gotten too close to the barrier but gave no explanation for why it stopped, didn't try to indicate where she should be wary of being or point out the barrier, or seem at all concerned about their surroundings despite still being pretty close to where she collapsed. Then when Xander took her to barrier, there were glowing red lights and they were physically close enough to really see them. Plus it makes very little sense for the mushrooms to be grown that close to the sound field if they have to be regularly fed wth mulch by a person who my get wallopped by the sound barrier if he or she leaned the wrong way while at it or would have to shut the barrier off when there. It makes much more sense that you actually can be closer to the barrier than where she was when she was knocked out and that Paul knocked her out to set up the meeting with Xander. So maybe she could have run through afterall....
  14. Fair enough. I don't think wasn't explicitly confirmed that Kathy Baker's character is Eleanor's mother. It was an assumption made by Lucy and Jules that the woman was the mother whomever "Eleanor" was. That said, IMDb lists the character's name as Melissa Miller. If that's correct, she and Eleanor have the same last name making it unlikely that she is a relative from her maternal side, like a younger aunt or something. If she was a paternal aunt, I suppose should could just have regular old age related dementia and/or Alzheimer's diagnosed a the more standard age range of 65 or older.
  15. Eleanor specifically said that her treatment wasn't effective for early onset Alzheimer's and we saw it not work for her. Also, her mother would have been living with and declining from her Alzheimer's for the 20 years it took for Eleanor to discover the drug aided with symptoms and progression. I like the show. I just thought it was a little sloppy to have Eleanor's extremely rapid decline juxtaposition with her mother's apparent lack of decline during a much longer span of time.
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