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Everything posted by Morrigan2575

  1. I don't think they're going for shrinking at all.
  2. Possible In the movies he has machines/robots that assemble the pieces of his hardware onto him. Except for the smaller/lighter version which are designed to be portable like in IM2 and the one that was mind-linked in IM3
  3. I think it looks horrible, low rent knockoff.
  4. I put the ATOM Suit in the spoilers thread....he really is Iron Man, he's even Red instead of Blue.
  5. He's fantastic in Black Sails, an amazing actor.
  6. But i both cases they're either not in the episode (more Barrowman than Ramsey) or they have significantly reduced screentime in the episode...like 207.
  7. Thanks. I didn't know about AMack shooting multiple scenes for early S10 but I remember reading stuff about the finale, she was filming scenes for part one while the rest of the cast/crew was on part 2. I think I also remember the director mentioning that the final scene was Chloe with her son was filmed after main production had wrapped for the finale. I think I read something about Rosenbaum scenes filming separate as well. I just thought that was special occasion things, like for big episodes and casting/schedules. I didn't realize that it would be normal to have 3 episodes filming at the same time with 1st Unit shooting the main episode and 2nd Unit shooting previous episodes ETA: I also remember years ago, an interview with Jensen and Jared where they talked about how 2nd Unit would usually film the first victim scene's (that start of the episode) while the boys were usually finishing up the 1st Unit shooting on the previous episodes.
  8. Ryan Reynolds talks Deadpool. https://www.yahoo.com/movies/ryan-reynolds-explains-how-the-deadpool-movie-got-109934676757.html I love that the leaked footage is what got this movie a green light.
  9. Pretty sure that early stages comment was Producer speak for we pitched an idea and the CW hasn't bitten....yet. I know Pedowitz was asked about another Arrow/Flash spin-off at the TCAs and he commented that the network wasn't ready for another spin-off yet and wanted to see how Arrow/Flash did on their own. Which I think is Network speak for well they pitched something but i didn't think it would work so I'm waiting and seeing. I believe Berlanti and Co fully intend on doing their best to get ATOM a spin-off and I think the Ray/Felicity cross over, which (if that article I read is correct) features at ATOM Villain is the latest attempt to show Pedowitz that an ATOM spin-off can work. So, I think it's likely that ATOM moves to Flash in S2, especially since they keep talking up the Ray/Cisco friendship from the crossover. If not, I can see them splitting Ray between the two shows, to keep him relevant until they get a spin-off.
  10. ooh, toby stephens? I love him on Black Sails.
  11. Well at least they're giving Thea a chance to be a badass, even if it's just a training scene. Nice to see that they continue to show Thea training, lends some credence to her being a bit of a badass if/when the time ever comes
  12. Question for @Dancingnancy or anyone else that's worked on productions/shoots. I'm hearing that during his Portland panel SA mentioned that it's not uncommon for Arrow to shoot multiple episodes at the same time. Apparently he mentioned that they were shooting 314/315/316 all in the same week. So does that mean they're going back and doing pickups/reshoots for 314/315? Are these 2nd unit shoots for extras and external shots that don't involve the main actors? Or is it something more involved, like changing scenes? Just curious, if anyone knows what would be involved or why they'd overlap like that? I know the episodes spend 34 weeks in post-production so it seems like they were cutting it close for 314.
  13. Something I've noticed and I can't tell if it's un-originality, thinking hey it worked with Sara/Felicity lets' give it to Laurel too or if KC has a running list of demands to make it up to her for making her wait to be BC and giving her competition in the form of Sara. However, they seem to be repeating a lot of previous scenes/situations with Laurel. Laurel/Sara Sara uses Oliver's bow to save them in 204, Laurel uses Oliver's bow in 221 to save them Sara goes flying out a window using her LOA cloth thing to save her life, Laurel jumps out a window and climbs/hangs onto a rope from a helicopter Sara's first appearance she jumps in at the end of 201 and beats up a bunch of bad guys, Laurel shows up at end of 310 and beats up a bad guy (did they use the bird chirps?) Based on the promo for this week Laurel/Felicity Felicity/Oliver jump out a window to get away from bad guys in 201, Laurel/Oliver jump out of a window in 211 to get away from "bad guys" Felicity/Oliver bridal carry scene in 222, Laurel/Oliver bridal carry scene in 306 Any others? There are of course some reversals, Laurel gave Ollie the know you in my bones speech in 220 and Felicity gives the I know 2 things speech in 222. I just can't help be laugh at the idea of a checklist, hey we did x, y, z with Sara/Felicity so we have to do that with Laurel too.
  14. If I understand this correctly, MG said that Buffy and Angel as TV shows were the inspiration for Arrow which, uh Duh they only talk about Buffy, Angel and Whedon all the freaking time. But someone twisted that to mean Buffy/Angel are the inspirations for Laurel/Oliver so uh, soulmates/OTP? OK so, it's sort of BS since the Obvious inspiration for O/L and Arrow S1 was 100% Batman Begins/The Dark Knight Trilogy...I mean FFS just go read the pilot script and then watch Batman Begins (especially the Bruce/Rachel stuff)...beware falling anvils. ETA: It's the shows, not the characters they've been abundantly clear on that, any reference to Buffy and Angel has been to things that happened in the show or the way the show was handled. They've talked about having only one Big Bad per season, just like Buffy, they've talked game changing characters like Faith.
  15. I hate Jean Grey, I hate Katrina. Only difference is I got to watch Jean die, several times, and Marvel was smart enough to keep her dead for a good decade.
  16. So, she's a Mary Sue....because Jean is pretty much the Mary Sue-est of Sues
  17. the 200th episode was brilliant. The Jump the Shark episode did alienate a lot of fans, especially how it affected Dean's S5 storyline.
  18. In his defense what can he say? The EPs don't view anything they've done with Ray as stalking, creepy, sexual harassment. As an actor currently employed with the show and hoping to get a spin-off, he can't actually say...man Ray is such a creeper.
  19. I wouldn't be surprised, these guys love Buffy and Angel so much I wouldn't put it past them to pull the same retcon.Buffy did the same thing in S3, showing a flashback to Angel being on his mission from Whistler, spying on Buffy at her HS in LA and later watching Buffy in her bathroom. So we could find out that Oliver saw Felicity in SC back before S1, just like Angel saw Buffy. Or there could be a meeting where Felicity accidentally bumps into Oliver while rushing to get to her first day of work.
  20. I think they feel that 1 Suicide Squad episode per season somehow makes up for that.If the spec holds then 317 will be as much Diggle centric as 216 was. With Oliver and Co having minimal screen time.
  21. I heard Left Behind was a Felicity centric episode (don't know why they didn't promote it as such) but I had no idea Felicity had more screen time in 311. That was supposed to be Laurel's big episode, seems really odd that anyone but Laurel would have the most screen time. I suppose they could be saving the big Laurel scenes for Canaries but it certainly seems odd...unless they really didn't have faith in Laurel/KC to deliver.
  22. They just said he's not in 312...there's a tweet on the previous page.He's also been upped from 16 to 18 unless MG is totally bad at numbers and got confused. Pic of "Felicity" in Hong Kong
  23. Ironically all the same things people here complained about. Setting/beating up the black convict, using Sara's voice to fool lance, going out for revenge not justice, etc. The Laurel they loved had a big heart and was an honorable/moral person and she's being destroyed for the Black Canary persona.I've seen a few say they only support the BC story because Katie loves it but they hate how the show is twisting the Laurel they love.
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