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Everything posted by Morrigan2575

  1. I could be wrong but I think it was "he's where" and referred to Oliver waking up in Hong Kong at the very end of 223.
  2. pretty sure MG said as much back in March/April 2014, that they were going to keep the tone of the shows very different. They were also quite proud of themselves and highlighted it in the Flarrow crossover.
  3. I think the problem comes in when they actually make a point of something in the show, Arrow, Canary, Arsenal, Dark Archer, Nyssa all wear gloves in the show. We've also had Oliver point out a legitimate reason (in his mind/in show) as to why he didn't wear a mask (concerns of partial vision). So to ignore fingerless gloves because "they're cool" does seem like they're not trying or just don't care. If this truly was something KC fought them on and they gave her the fingerless gloves so she could show off her nail polish...it doesn't reflect well on any of them, it also makes me wonder if they care about substance or just flash/style Smallville was like that, all flash/shiny/style it's why it was so bad (IMO).
  4. I'm thinking she cancelled the Indy Con so she can go to 50 Shades related premieres/parties, it's the same weekend.
  5. Welcome Back, Show! Very good episode I like how they picked up right where we left off last season. Nice strong connection, makes it feel like one long story instead of a story per season. I'm really interested in the new character, Ned Low. Although, I was rather distracted trying to figure out why I knew him when he seemed new to the show (hello, Vikings). I'm also curious about Lord Ash and who that woman was that they captured. Finally...when is Billy Bones coming back?! He can't be dead, dead unless they're totally ignoring Treasure Island. Speaking of TI it was nice to see the relationship between Flint/Silver when it's them against the world. Kind of fascinating to watch.
  6. when Faith went Evil she tried to seduce Angel to bring out Angelus and that caused Buffy to get jealous. When Faith took over Buffy's body in S4 she slept with Riley and when Buffy showed up in LA looking for Faith it became more about BA then Faith/Buffy.I think Buffy/Kendra would be a better comparison...the only man they had in common was Mr. Pointy...poor Kendra.
  7. Oh, they'll repeat it, over and over again.
  8. This is what I thought Angel12d meant when I made my post. Not that Lauiver would come between them but that Felicity taking Laurel's side over Oliver's would cause a rift. Quite the opposite, unless MG has a totally different understanding of the song than I do. Vienna is about the future, the future waits for you. That's how I always interpreted the song.Billy gave an interview talking about the song. It's really insightful but I'm a huge Billy fan...so I could be biased. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vienna_%28Billy_Joel_song%29
  9. HAH! So Olicity doesn't happen in 312/313 because of Laurel? No wonder MG says he needs to stay off of twitter. Might also want to go into Witness Protection while he's at it LOL.
  10. I don't think Wu saw anything, his scene in the trailer wasn't ominous, he looked more curious and passed right over the hexenbeist page. I think Juliette used her screech (I can't call it a scream) to blow the back of his head off.
  11. oh yeah, I'm not claiming some super insightful knowledge. It's beyond obvious they're going with this trope. I was more commenting on their desire to rip-off everything Batman. This is the perfect opportunity to rip off Burton.
  12. I've decided that Brick killed Malcolm's wife and that there will be a Brick/Malcolm confrontation that involves the line "you made me the man I am today". Cause you know, it's an "homage" to Burton's Batman.
  13. I liked this episode. Chas and John are my favorite characters so it was nice to see their history/relationship explored. I also liked the insight into who Chas is and why he does what he does. Not to mention the costs to himself, his family.
  14. it's a tough, edgy, "sexy" fashion runway walk. Basically (IMO) KC thinks this is how a tough/sexy/badass chick would walk.
  15. Doubtful (IMO) KC hasn't come close to demonstrating that level of acting and character awareness. More likely (IMO) KC beleives this is how a tough/badass/comic book heroine would power walk.
  16. Reminds me of those runway model walks when they're supposed to be "tough".
  17. This was a really good episode but the Power Walk was (IMO) massively cheesy. I was worried about Bud for awhile there. We had that promo of Monroe screaming no in the dark which always made me think someone else would die. Then we had Bud showing up getting lots of screen time and getting his moment to shine...thought for sure he was dead. So glad I was wrong about that. I'm not a huge Bud fan but I didn't want to see him die. Loved seeing Wu's reaction to Bud and getting his learning on at the end. Still hate Juliette's story, I really hope they make her normal again. Although I imagine that if they make her human again it won't be until after Adiland shows up and Juliette lays a smack down on her ass.
  18. ok that makes sense. Maybe I mis read but it seemed like a lot of the speculation centered around Felicity leaving TA for a bit.
  19. I'm curious but how do these theories of Felicity bouncing add up with the spoilers we have? DR said at his con that he just filmed a Foundry scene with SA/CH/EBR (either 313/314) We have the "pie picture" from EBR, where she, CH/DR were all together eating presumably between takes. I think it was during 313. We have the Canadagraphs photos of Nyssa, Diggle, Arrow and Malcolm at the heloport in 315, with Arrow point his weapon at Malcolm We have DR's pics (yesterday) of EBR/CH on Foundry set and later EBR posted a pic of the 3 guys holding SA t-shirts, during Foundry Fraturday. We also have Felicity imparting words of wisdom to Laurel in 313. It seems to me that Felicity is still a part of TA in 313-316. No idea about Malcolm, the 3rd party or anything else but I don't think Felicity is bouncing. If she does it won't last beyond a full episode. Wow, totally lost track of episodes they're half way through 316.
  20. he's fantastic on Galavant, so funny.
  21. Of the X-Women, Jubilee amd Emma are my favorites but I do like Betsy quite a bit. Although she's not a X-Woman I also liked Val Cooper quite a bit, I haven't come across the character since I started read again. I will have to look her up. As for Christian Kane it might be me but I don't get it. Especially when Aldris Hodge is standing next to him. I'll take Hardison over Elliot every day of the week :)
  22. Didn't KC put out a recent instagram picture of herself as Canary and her dog? Unless that was an old pic I have to assume she's still suited up in 15.
  23. I liked Wolverine back in the 90s but he is just everywhere now, it's insane. If Marvel puts out 100 titles per month Wolverine will appear in 98 of them ;-) I currently love Gambit, Peter David did a great job with him on X-Factor it's a real pity the title got canceled. 90's Gambit was kind of iffy, I enjoyed his individual stories and relationships with most of the characters. However, I hated the Rogue stuff, way too angsty and soapy for me. We've talked about Morrison back on TWOP but it always amuses me to hear you slam him. I stopped reading before his run started and was brought back by friends who love Morrison's run, the only thing i can really say is that it was totally weird but since I love Emma and enjoy the hell out of Emma/Scott...Morrison can't be too bad ;-)
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