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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. I started crying about 25 minutes in and didn't stop until I had watched American Pie twice. Tremendously emotional. My heart sunk at the final shot of Mitch's empty seat. (My dad's seat is still empty 4 years later.) If this is the series finale, it worked well. I hope we get a season 2.
  2. I watched "Safe" - one of the Harlan Coben British mysteries on Netflix this weekend. I had previously seen The Five and The Stranger - both of which were pretty good. Safe was not nearly as good IMO. Michael C. Hall did a horrible British accent and the story was not compelling. Now looking for another binge.
  3. Finally watched this after bingeing both The Five and The Stranger - - both of which were better than this. Michael C. Hall's accent was laughable. The whole premise of Jenny running was dumb. I did like the escapades of the Marshall family and I also liked Pete bonding with his newly found daughter. Sophie killing Chris at the party was ridiculous.
  4. I don't have any doubt that Tommy will retain the job because otherwise there is no show. For me, the question is whether Cooper turns the tables on the 3 kingmakers and stays on the show or is taken down with them. It will also be interesting to see where the Mayor lands since he is fearful of the wealthy developer. Does he switch to Tommy's defense in order to free himself from the developer?
  5. I thought that Mitch sitting on the couch with his mouth open staring into space was very realistic. My mother (who has some sort of neuro-degenerative disease but not PSP) often does the same thing but with her eyes closed. I thought that Ava fired Max so that he would be the fall guy for Leif sharing secrets. Bernadette Peters was great.
  6. I don't love giant conspiracies and I hope that Cooper does the right thing.
  7. I was coming here earlier to post the same thing but got distracted. I also liked that we got to see more of Hana.
  8. I am on the last episode of Balthazar season 2. I think that this is now my second favorite show on AcornTV - right after No Offence. The chemistry between the leads is off the charts and the mysteries have good twists/turns. This is the first foreign language show I've seen. I thought I would be bothered by the subtitles but, other than having to pay more attention, they have not detracted at all from my enjoyment. Highly recommended.
  9. Mark Blum played the Coroner. RIP
  10. I started Balthazar tonight. Off to a great start. Thanks Irlandesa!
  11. In the middle of The Mallorca Files. Exactly what I was looking for! Thanks @BlackberryJam!
  12. I just finished a weekend binge. I really liked the series up until the last episode - when I felt the ending completely fell apart. Was the amount of money stolen from the football club so significant that it was worth killing Corrine over? When Corrine told Adam that there was more to the fake pregnancy, I had hoped for a more involved situation. Not this. I hated that Adam killed Tripp and that Jo pinned it on Katz. Was Katz also meant to have stashed Corrine's phone on the bridge? The details just don't work. A smart attorney would ask too many questions about these two deaths. As a viewer, it was not a satisfying ending. I watched The Five last week and thought they stuck the ending there much better.
  13. BlackberryJam and Irlandesa: thanks very much! Now that I've finished The Stranger, I will look into each of these suggestions. I've seen the ads for The Mallorca Files and for Balthazar, so I think I will start with those two. My friend watches Death in Paradise and enjoys it. I've heard that there are some very good Scandanavian shows but I fear that they may be too dark.
  14. I'm on Episode 4 of The Stranger. So far, I agree with you. It is good but not as compelling as The Five. I've never watched foreign language shows but I'm willing to give it a shot if I can find one which leans closer to humor/mild than to dark and gritty.
  15. I watched The Five last weekend. I actually liked the ending. The lead actress had previously played a role on No Offence (which I loved) so it was nice to see her again. Did you watch The Stranger? If so, how was it?
  16. I just finished the second (and last) season and I have to agree with you. I still enjoyed it - and particularly liked the banter between the two leads - but the constant emphasis on their dating lives became very tiresome. Any suggestions for a similar series to binge? One with humor in the vein of Midsomer Murders and Brokenwood Mysteries.
  17. Very pleased that they got rid of Henry, the son in law. Now perhaps Kate, the daughter, will ease up a bit; I find her character to be very grating. I do think that they are heading for a potential romance between Kate and Diaz. I was sure that Blake was going to reach out to the Speechwriter (Ken?) for help with the missing reporter. Perhaps she still will do so? I really like Edie Falco in this role.
  18. I loved The Closer and Major Crimes and I am enjoying Tommy as well. I like Edie Falco in this role and I like the supporting characters at police headquarters. Seeing Tommy's social life with Katrina Lenk and possibly with Lila from Arrow is a bonus -- treating Tommy's personal life just like we saw Brenda with Fritz and Sharon with Flynn.
  19. I'm worried about Umma - falling, tingling - could be something benign but could also be a serious disease depending upon which way the writers want to go. I love Kimchee. Even Terrence has grown on me - and Pastor Nina cracks me up.
  20. In my search for shows to binge, I found one on ACORN which is pretty good. It's called Murder in Suburbia (terrible title) about 2 female police detectives in 2005. I think there are 12 -14 episodes in total. The detectives have a nice rapport. The overall tone is light with some snark.
  21. I like this show and I particularly like Edie Falco in this role. Diaz and the daughter likely getting together?
  22. Great episode. Loved how Moira won the battle of Sunset Bay. Loved the Jazzagirls scene. Loved Stevie and David. Alexis refusing Twyla's gift showed tremendous growth. Hate that the show is ending.
  23. Just finished Episode 10 of Season 4. I think I liked Jung and Shannon better before they got together. Loved how happy Appa was with his own bedroom until he realized that he missed talking to Umma.
  24. Plus - it is not a disease which can be "fixed" so, if the plan is to have Meredith or one of the other doctors try to save Richard, the disease needs to be something which either medication or surgery can achieve.
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