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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. Great! It's definitely my favorite British mystery show. The character of DI Deering (Viv) ranks as one of my all-time top characters - right up there with Vera. So well written and the actress is terrific. I really enjoyed the supporting cast - each one brought something unique to the mix. I still cannot believe that TPTB opted not to continue the series. What a mistake.
  2. Am in the middle of Deadwind on Netflix. Set in Finland, the protagonist is a female detective who is recently widowed and is caring for 2 kids. Murder and mystery ensue. It was slow to start but has picked up and the mysteries are becoming more complex.
  3. LisaM

    S01.E04: Fall

    Finally got around to watching the 4 episodes. I loved how Emily made a new life for herself in Nantucket and included Berta's extended family in it. Also how she insisted on Luke and Lorelai agreeing to come to Nantucket for visits as a condition of giving Lorelai the money. Emily Gilmore in sneakers! I really liked the wedding and appreciated Kirk's contribution. (Usually I can't abide Kirk but this was great.) I liked hearing Sookie and Michel argue and am thrilled that Lorelai has figured out a way to keep Michel from leaving. I really liked the Luke/Lorelai moment in the kitchen when Lorelai returned from the non-hike and said they should get married. Did not mind all of the cameos from the Parenthood and Bunheads people - and from Alex Borstein, who will always be Drella to me. Did not like any of the Rory storyline - especially the Life and Death Brigade, which went on for way too long. Would have preferred to see more Rory/Lane and more of Mrs. Kim. I did like Rory's visit to Christopher. Assuming that the 4 word ending was how ASP planned it 10 years ago, I think it works much better with Rory at 22 than with Rory at 32.
  4. I binged Seasons 1 and 2 back to back and finished last evening. SPOILERS below. I thought Season 1 was terrific. Really liked seeing how how the earlier fire impacted the recent events and particularly, how Andri's family was affected. It took a while to distinguish between a few of the actors/characters and to figure out how everyone was connected. I had just seen the actress who played Agnes as the lead in The Valhalla Murders so it was nice to see her in a different role. Andri and Hinrika do not look like the Hollywood picture perfect actors who often play cops on American tv shows - which was very refreshing. I quickly fell in love with both of them - especially Hinrika. Season 2 was quite good but not up to the level of the first Season due to the storyline. Loved seeing so many women in positions of leadership - Hinrika, the Mayor, the Minister, the Police Chief. In particular, I thought that Hinrika was great - very decisive and good leadership. Also nice to see Hjorter from Season 1 who has married and turned his life around after the fire. Interesting to see Kolbrenn from Season 1 still pulling strings. However, Season 2 was marred for me by the huge role played by Andri's daughter. UGH. Looking forward to Season 3 and to seeing how the show gets Andri back to the small town again. Also interested to see who joins the police force.
  5. Thrilled! I am still re-watching American Pie.
  6. I'm now halfway through Trapped Season 2. So far, it is not as good as Season 1 - which was great - but I am enjoying it nonetheless. Has anyone seen Rebecka Martinsson on Acorn? Season 2 will be released in July so I'm wondering if Season 1 is any good? I am starting to get hooked on these Scandinavian mysteries.
  7. Definitely. I would give it at least through Episode 1.
  8. Finished Season 1 of Trapped on Amazon Prime. Icelandic mystery with subtitles set in a remote fishing village suddenly plagued with murders just as a storm makes travel impossible. Highly recommended. Starting Season 2 tonight.
  9. She was one of the stars of Loch Ness - which I watched on Acorn a few days ago. I purposely watched it after having seen the actress in The Stranger. I was unfamiliar with her work before that show.
  10. I look at it as a drama with some seriously outrageous moments. The character of DI Deering ranks right up with Vera as my favorite British cops.
  11. Have you seen No Offence? If not, I highly recommend it. Police drama featuring 3 strong female leads - very well done. It's at the top of my list.
  12. LisaM

    S01.E03: Summer

    At long last, I have finally decided to watch the 4 movies on Netflix. I was so in love with the original Gilmore Girls that I did not want the revival to color my memories. It was literally my all-time favorite show. I've now watched the first 3 and am so disappointed. The Good Parts: It was lovely to see so many of the faces of the original townspeople as well as people like the Headmaster, Francie, Logan, Mitchum, April, Caesar, etc.... The memories came flooding back. There were some good scenes - Michel/Lorelai in the Secret Bar, Paris/Rory at Chilton, Lorelai/Rory distributing the newspapers and the town meetings. Even Taylor - who I usually despised - was okay. Unfortunately, I really did not like almost anything else. More importantly, the show did not hold my attention and grab the "feels" like the original series did. I really did not like the fat jokes, Emily/Real Estate Agent seizing on the misfortune of other diner owners for a bargain location, Rory being Logan's girl on the side, Rory working for free when she had no other income, Rory/Lorelai at the pool, Lorelai and Emily fighting so much, Sad.
  13. I started watching The Bay on Britbox last night. Female police officer who serves as a family liaison officer is involved in an investigation into 2 missing teens. ETA: Finished it last night. Interesting in that the lead character was not particularly likeable. ETA: Just binged The Valhalla Murders on Netflix. Serial killer drama set in Iceland. Quite good.
  14. Just watched Manhunt starring Martin Clunes. It is a 3 part adaptation of the hunt for a real life serial killer. Quite good.
  15. Finally finished my binge watch of the entire series to date. I am already missing it! So glad to hear that Season 10 is in the works because the dual cliffhangers were too much!
  16. I'm watching Loch Ness on AcornTV - one season with 6-8 episodes. It centers around 2 female cops trying to solve multiple murders by a serial killer. The scenery is beautiful - but not quite as gorgeous as Cornwall from Doc Martin, which I just finished binge watching. So far, this is not bad.
  17. I in the midst of Season 8. Mrs. Tishell -- and her unrequited love for Martin - continues to crack me up. The character of Ruth was such a good addition to the show; I liked Joan but Ruth being a psychiatrist adds a lot as does her ongoing relationship with the Large men. I also like Morwenna better than Pauline - who was eons above the first receptionist played by Lucy Punch. Watching Martin continually hit his head on the door soffit, trip over the dog, get sideswiped by cars, etc.... will never get old. OTOH, Joe Penhale is exhausting.
  18. I was a long-time soap watcher many years ago (AW, GL, Days, GH, OLTL). I haven't seen a soap since GL went off the air. It was very nice to see the old clips of the shows and particularly to see Erika Slezak - who looked great. I missed seeing Judith Light's iconic courtroom scene; I was sure it would be included given her success since then. I also missed seeing interviews with some of the leading daytime soap stars in favor of Jon Hamm and Bryan Cranston. (I get the name recognition but this was supposed to be about soaps.) Lovely to see Carol Burnett, whose devotion to AMC is legendary. I fast-forwarded through all of the Prime Time and reality parts - zero interest.
  19. In the midst of a Doc Martin binge from the beginning - now up to Season 6. (I haven't read through this thread yet because I don't want to be spoiled.) Some thoughts: I like the growing friendship between Al and Ruth. While I liked Joan, Ruth is a better character given her psychiatry background. I think that her introduction added a lot to the show. I liked Pauline - and Al/Pauline - and am sorry that she left the show. PC Penhale is one of the most annoying characters on television. The saving grace is that the other characters realize what an idiot he is. Couldn't stand Martin's ex-fiancee (the OB/GYN) who tried to get back with him. I just passed the episode where Mrs. Tishell self-medicated and had her psychotic break. I usually find Mrs. Tishell to be good comic relief. Curious to see if and how she is re-integrated into the village. I like Louisa. She knows Martin, she understands Martin (even when he drives her nuts) and she loves him. As for Martin, IRL I would likely want to kill him if he was my doctor - regardless of his genius. He has to be one of the surliest characters ever on television - reminds me a bit of Dr. House. His personality is easy to overlook because of how much he cares and what a fantastically skilled doctor he is. Over the 5 seasons so far, I've seen only one real crack in his facade - when he opened up to Louisa as he was talking Mrs. Tishell and the baby down from the castle. I love seeing Martin saving all of these people in emergency situations using only his brain and the items at hand.
  20. I started Shakespeare & Hathaway last evening and am alternating it with Doc Martin (a non-mystery British show). I read that Harlan Coben's latest British mystery is due to drop on Netflix in June. I tried to find Coroner (the Canadian show - not the British one entitled The Coroner) but have been unable to locate a streaming service which carries it.
  21. I liked this episode and would have liked to have seen what would have happened with the investigative of the Mayor. Glad that Cooper came around and supported Tommy.
  22. Zoey embraced Simon and then moved into the dining room where she encountered the doctor. She introduced him to Max, who shook hands with him.
  23. One other point after watching American Pie a few times: Howie sitting with his little duffel bag getting ready to leave the house -- and taking one last look at the room where Mitch's hospital bed had been - gutted me. Such a strange role for the hospice nurse - he becomes a critical part of the family unit during the worst and most emotional time and then leaves. Also - Zoey greets an Asian man by the buffet after she and Simon embrace. It took me a few views to remember that this is Mitch's doctor who delivered the bad news.
  24. Scattering the ashes was very sweet. I'll admit that I teared up.
  25. I watched American Pie a few more times and I still can't get over how well done it was.
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