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Everything posted by biakbiak

  1. The suit which also includes NBC and SNL states that the powers that be did know her age and knew that she was at these parties getting served drinks. An adult man having a teenager he is not related to be his guest at company events where she is being served alcohol should be enough of a flag to at least be asking some questions if only to cover for the liability of her being at these company events and being served.
  2. Not to mention it’s not like the Lion King is his only credit!
  3. Yep. It was to the friend who testified at the initial hearing and now regrets it.
  4. Yes, he specifically stated he didn’t get any sleep watching it. I can’t imagine he downloads shows he isn’t going to watch and Jake didn’t know about it so he wasn’t using Jake’s phone.
  5. They got rid of the tv and even if they hadn’t I can’t imagine Holt and Kevin owning that show even if it was on dvd which it isn’t in the US.
  6. The one that I couldn’t handwave is Terry being able to watch a bunch of episodes of Alone.
  7. She along with a bunch of equally awful housewives are getting a spin-off on Peacock.
  8. Corn chowder and sourdough.
  9. In this case they were using their work email, most likely during work hours (mainly because SNL hours are crazy) and she was present at official work events (yes it’s an after party but it’s thrown by the show).
  10. I mean she even apparently told her friend that the reason she wanted Jamie to be conservator was so he would be the bad guy and not her so that Britney wouldn’t resent her which is bad on so many levels.
  11. Especially when she says things like carrots grow on trees!
  12. She seems like a good boss. She handled Mzi screwing up the line very well: calmly taking control to get it handled immediately, then once it was over explaining the issue, telling him it happens and goes over the procedure again. No screaming, no demeaning language, supportive and informative.
  13. Well it seemed part of the point of it was to discuss relations between the black community and the Jewish community. Of course this made no sense when they invited a bunch of white non-Jews.
  14. It all came to a head this year but It didn’t happen that quickly. A lot of this litigation has gone on for years but the system helped it not be front and center and in the press. The California bar has been burying complaints for years because of his influence and same with several of the lawsuits which have been ongoing.
  15. But no one is asking that. Garcelle and Crystal are literally asking for their experiences not to be hand waved with “everyone has things” and none of them have actually asked or listened. A ton of them kind of got when Garcelle said has anyone had a direct conversation with your child about what happens if you are pulled over by the cops and they all said no. Kathy has had children arrested and gone to jail, yet she apparently doesn’t think about it all. Garcelle worries about it on a regular basis and none of her kids have been arrested much less spent time in jail. That difference or pretending that they would be treated the same isn’t helpful.
  16. Ellen Barkin’s Twitter is a national treasure, same with Jackée her recent tweet about Idris Elba is so dirty I won’t repost in case children are present! Adults should look it up!
  17. Since the people who have suggested “they don’t see color” literally suggested that their experiences as white women are equivalent to what Garcelle and Crystal have experienced, I strongly disagree. To repeat Dorit didn’t even suggest she had black friends (a cringey cliche/trope that has been rightfully called out for decades) but that her Mother did is so out of this world it’s embarrassing. I am Dorit’s age I was raised to not make assumptions on people of different races, socio-economic status, genders, their physical or mental abilities, sexuality, etc. I was also raised not to use that a badge of honor/cudgel/defense that needed to be pulled out in conversation when people were different than me.
  18. White people choosing to not “fixate” on color because it literally doesn’t impact their day to day lives and don’t have to is legit the definition of white privilege which is based on systemic racism. As Garcelle said if you acknowledge and want to see her as a woman and not acknowledge her race it’s not acknowledging the basic facts of who she is and her life experience. It obviously didn’t come up with these all straight CIS women but those two things being the automatic default is also hugely problematic. I mean their reaction to Harry having acrylics was so crazy over the top of heteronormative bullshit it was also crazy embarrassing.
  19. Not really. It was literally the first thing out of her mouth and came out of nowhere to which Garcelle and Crystal had to respond. Kathy saying that wasn’t even anyone’s issue given her age and lifestyle it was that in 2021 she thought name checking Michael fucking Jackson as a credible friend who told her about his was not problematic.
  20. They don’t really talk about their actual childhood because as the book indicates it was a lot of fucked up bullshit and fights due to Martin’s alcoholism. Everything I have ever seen and read, most of it having to do with the redemption that was TWW, is that the only child he every doted on was the youngest Renee who had a recurring role on the show.
  21. So as an adult where he is talking about being proud about Charlie overcoming his addictions and nothing about how he was raised. Charlie also relapsed after that interview. Again, I find them both so problematic at this point that this is not surprising. I was responding to someone posting how did Martin Sheen raise Charlie Sheen, I stand by the assessment that he mostly didn’t and in later life is kind of an enabling asshat who is nearly as off the rails in his beliefs as Charlie.
  22. When did he state that? He has not really commented much on his children’s childhood other than to say he was mostly absent. Charlie is only three years younger than his oldest brother, Emilio and was not sober for their childhoods. As I mentioned above current sober Martin Sheen believes a ton of crazy ass conspiracy theories so he is not someone who should be heralded. He might not be talking about tiger blood but he put money into and voiced a doc that says OJ is innocent.
  23. Again I said actual support. It helps that it is by a person of color and a white person not so in love with her own voice and point that she often becomes crazy problematic. Crystal’s support is fundamentally different and she has Kyle who though being an asshat in so many ways supports and doesn’t talk over Garcelle or Crystal in group conversations and has Listened and learned .
  24. Eh. She started the conversation by saying her good friend Michael Jackson thought it was okay to not see color. There is no one who understands optics in anyway that thinks that’s a good jumping off point. Kathy is a delusional white lady who has never had to question her reference points. I imagine in a lot of her circles that line still flies.
  25. I don’t disagree but Kathy in 2021 casually bringing up Michael Jackson in how she learned about race relations is so much to unpack!
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