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Everything posted by BitchOnWheelz

  1. Am I the only person who feels that the magnitude of Juan Pablo's accent and limited command of the English language are put on? I think he uses this to hide behind his arrogance and douche-iness. LMAO... I almost spit out my coffee on the brand new sofa.
  2. Exactly. This is the reason there are custody agreements... because it's in the child's best interest to have equal time with both parents. Because relationships between split parents are relatively unstable, boundaries are important. Custody orders are only as good as the parents who follow them. MY SD's mom seems to feel that her relationship, as the mother and custodial parent, supersede's my husband's relationship with his daughter. Kids have the right to a relationship with both parents and a custody agreement gives children legal rights to that... mother & father.
  3. Who else is a horrible employee for posting on the Teen Mom 2 forum while at work? I know I'm not the only one who's going to hell.
  4. Nathan will be posted on Jenelle's wall of relationship failures before Thanksgiving. Not a step-dad because Jenelle is not a MOM. I think someone needs to bash Nathan in front of Jace so he knows that men shouldn't act the way he does.
  5. MTV was furiously doing damage control after the episode with the dogs... What about Jace?
  6. And this is the way they act ON CAMERA!!! I can't imagine how they behave in private.
  7. I would like to see Dr. Drew play a montage of Jace's heartbreak for Jenelle, Nathan and Barb. They need to see what they're doing to this innocent child.
  8. I agree that Leah is a crazy bitch, but Corey should be playing a HELL of a lot more than $200 a month in child support. My husband pays more then twice that for ONE child. I blame Leah for that one. It's her responsibility as the custodial parent to make sure her daughters are supported fully, which includes a child support order. Corey must love the fact that Leah popped out yet another kid and only works (maybe) part-time. My husband is in the same situation... ex-wife having yet another kid with NO job... or stay-at-home mom as she calls it. Did I hear Leah correctly when she said "I'm stressed out, so I'm taking some time off?" I'm pretty sure that the tanning salon doesn't have a leave of absence option. She for sure quit her job.
  9. It was heartbreaking when Jace was crying and Barb asked him twice "What's wrong, Jace?". Get a clue people. Things won't be any better for Kaiser either. Is Nathan delusional thinking he is a good role model? The lack of insight Jenelle and Nathan share is probably the scariest thing about them.
  10. Jacq's face is saturated with botox and filler. She looks ridiculous and obviously has some form of body dismorphic disorder. Her neck surgery? Did not help AT ALL.
  11. Right on. These bitches with their uncalled-for over-accessorizing indoors is killin' me. Dina... Please stop being so fucking coo-coo... and also SUPER boring.
  12. Countdown until Jenelle calls Barb to come get Jace because she's stressed out.
  13. I am certain Chelsea was hooking up with Adam 'Post-Taylor'. Otherwise, why would she suddenly talk about getting a boyfriend in the same conversation as discussing that Adam is shacking up with yet another chick? I'm suspicious.
  14. If visitation has to be with Adam's parents, then why was Aubree allowed to go to the zoo with Adam and the stripper?
  15. 1. Vocal fryyyyyyyyyy. 2. She talks like she's 14 3. Her cheesy shtick. If I were a guy, I lose my boner instantly with her.
  16. I thought the primary's confrontation of the staff about his expectations and issues with service was borderline inappropriate. He should have addressed his concerns to the Captain and let him handle the staff. I though it set a bad tone. I know he was a paying guest (unless the trips are paid for by Bravo) and had a right to voice his concerns, but he risked alienating the staff and the usurping the Captain's authority. He behaved as if he were the Captain... Out of line IMO. PLus he's a douche. Why does the primary charter guest... Dean Slover look so familiar??? Was he on Millionaire Match or something?
  17. This look is common among those women who are so damn vain, they get a shitload of cheek, brow, forehead and outer eye filler (a la Yolanda Foster). It squeezes their eyes closed and then they can't open them wider due to all of the botox... What to do??? Bad look. Just give in... Everyone ages. Tamballs just looks increasingly stupid and desperate. Wait until next season. She'll look even more ridiculous.
  18. Vickie did make the comment... not Heather. Vickie has had it with Tamra, but she still says "I love Tamra." What??? IMO, Vickie can be a doormat and I hope she will finally put her foot down. I DO believe that when Tamra said "I know Vickie's deepest darkest secrets" that it was a threat. I AM FURIOUS that Andy didn't drill down into the "take the Beadors down" issue. Why didn't Heather press for more details? Why didn't Shannon? I'm hoping this will be dissected next season.
  19. Did I hear Leah correctly when she told Aleeah "Oh, blow me."??? WTF?
  20. I find it difficult to believe that Nathan and Jenelle have many friends or relatives that care enough to attend their baby shower for reasons other than camera time. I'm assuming that they are counting on their "fans" to pitch in to buy the more expensive items.
  21. AS if Jenelle and Nathan will EVER take that baby for a stroll... OK, maybe once, but after that, it will laying in bed, watching TV or fighting 24/7.
  22. I agree so much. I've never thought about it, but it is sexist. I know plenty of men at my job who NEVER smile and nobody says a word about it. I, like Kate, have a stern-looking "resting face", so I'm told to smile ALL THE TIME! I've gotten so tired of hearing people say "Smile!" that I smile constantly so I don't have to hear anyone's shit. You're so right. The thought of Captain Crunch not checking references for crew on a ultra luxury yacht is ridick.
  23. I will thank my lucky stars if I look half as good as Shannon at her age. Exactly!!! WTF, Heather? David was explaining his perfectly reasonable rationale for writing an email to Shannon and Heather butts in and starts talking about herself? Oh yeah! I forgot all about that. I'm sure Heather will have a perfectly ridiculous rationalization for that one.
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