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Everything posted by BitchOnWheelz

  1. Well, Hello Ruth Buzzi ...Or is this Miss Terry with a wig???
  2. That was so fake. The set was on the same level of the waves crashing outside the window. Andy's OC beach house my ass. It was clearly a set.
  3. She has those weird wrinkles on her nose that makes her look like she's smelling a fart. Stinkface!
  4. I caught that too. I enjoyed seeing her get flustered and misuse a word.
  5. And calling his 3 year-old daughter a b****? (I'm at work, so curse words are off limits... but posting to Previously TV is not. LOL)
  6. Tamra is not being raked over the coals enough to satisfy me. Why isn't Vicki making more of an effort to call Tamra out on the 'take down the Bedors thing'??? Vickie mentioned that Tamra said it to her also, but everyone was talking over one another. Come on, Andy! Lay it all out there and flatten Tamra once and for all! How can Tamra sit there in front of all of the HWs, Andy and the nation and say that she did not make this assertion to Shannon, David and Vickie? I was screaming at my TV when Part 1 ended and Tamra was not yet called on the carpet. Next week? Next season? I hope so! She has it coming. OMG. Bugs the ever-lovin' crap out of me too.
  7. BItchface. You hit the nail on the head. There ain't enough botox in the world to fix that mess. The lighting from above wasn't doing Tamra any favors either. What bugs/disgusts me the most about her face are the wrinkles on her nose next to her eye and her ugly little mouth that looks like her trashbag mother. I'm sure Tams will watch the reunion, panic because she looks 65 on camera and then fill & botox her entire face. She's gross. Her outside matches her inside for sure.
  8. Amen. WTF. She is so dumb. You would think she'd learn what 'gaydar' means before applying the term to a real-life situation. I wish Andy or one of the other HWs had called her out on her ignorance and stupidity. I feel that somehow she CHOOSES to be ignorance under the guise of "cuteness". She may think she's cute, but it's quite the opposite effect. That was AWESOME. I laughed out loud. What a c*** she is.
  9. OMG I want it. That backyard is a freakin tropical paradise... and the pool... oh my! I can see why she's selling, though. Even with help, that house is too damn much for a single woman to maintain.
  10. That['s because Eddie knows Tamra is a goddamn liar and he seems to want less and less to do with her.
  11. Also, who wears hats inside their own home? Only these people apparently.
  12. I find it extremely hard to believe Rino would gift her with a diamond Rolex... and for WHAT? He's not the Prince of Brunei... He owns restaurants for God's sake. Victoria needs to cool it with the ridiculous extensions and all black.
  13. You took the words right out of my mouth. Hence the forced Italian in Melissa's TH. 2nd hand embarrassment.... She doesn't have an Italian bone in her body.
  14. He is NOT an attorney and she knows it. She also knows that we know he's not an attorney. The level of arrogance, delusion, manipulation and egotism is astounding.
  15. These housewives burn me the fuck up with their store-bought puppies. Teresa is bricks. I caught the kinder spirits thing. Ugh.
  16. I don't have kids, but.... I wouldn't miss my kid's PRACTICE for the world! I think Chelsea feels the same and she cannot fathom why Adam, Aubree's father would dream of showing up late or missing it. Kids do notice this stuff.
  17. I thought it was funny when Kail said she was getting hot... Take off that thick-ass sweatshirt. Skin to skin contact is important, so I can see why Lincoln didn't want to latch on over top of the pulled up sweatshirt. Kail - Next time, take off your top, relax in bed and then the baby will latch.
  18. 1. Hell yes, he drove. 2. I'm certain that Grace was spraying Ali in the face with Aquanet whilst making a Gatorade bottle for Baby Adderal.
  19. Never thought I would say this, but Teen Mom is starting to depress me. It's hard to watch. It's mostly fear for Kaiser and Jace mostly, but also the other kiddos. Jenelle and Nathan are headed for disaster and I hope that Jace and Kaiser don't get hurt in the mix. Jenelle's ignorance and severe lack of insight are the scariest... and second is whatever the fuck is brewing in Nathan's fucked up brain. I also fear for Kail and Javi. Kail seems like a time bomb and now there are TWO kids involved. I also don't Kail's "love" for Vee will last. Leah - Hot mess... no words. Chelsea - Adam is going to break Aubree's heart. Oh God, help them all. Promises of camera time can do wonders for a TV "friendship".
  20. OMG... That's Vicki's tagline this year... "I want my friends to love my decisions". Last Season (about Brooks), "I love 'em". The season before, "I love marriage." The season before, "I need my love tank filled". Shut it.
  21. I won't stop and nobody can make me. If we cannot be snarky and politically incorrect on this forum, how the fuck are we supposed to have any fun? LMAO
  22. Good one!!! Saying "thesaurus" was a slip on Heather's part because SHE is the one who used a thesaurus before the dinner in an premeditated effort to use a word that would "confuse" people.
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