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Everything posted by BitchOnWheelz

  1. If juice = Hugs, which incidentally contain ZERO fruit juice. No surprise that Jenelle thinks this is an OK drink for her child. NO doubt she'll attach a nipple to a barrel o' Hugs for little Kaiser Permanente. Here are a few of the 20-plus ingredients: High fructose corn syrup, sodium polyphosphates (a chemical preservative commonly used in detergents and soaps), sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate (preservatives), sodium citrate, acesulfame potassium which is a calorie free chemical sweetener, 200 times sweeter than sugar, sucralose-another artificial sweetener,and of course food dyes, red 40, blue 1, and yellow 5. Yummy!
  2. I think it's laughable that MTV is using Jenelle as the spokeswoman for responsible pet ownership. And we all know that Jenelle plays nice in front of authority figures and that MTV likely had a come to Jesus meeting with her prior to the interview and went over some talking points. I cannot see Jenelle researching SHIT before she does ANYTHING. Not only did she "lose her temper", but she neglects and abuses her pets and she knows better. She's a criminal with zero impulse control. She shouldn't be allowed access to pets or children PERIOD. Tired of Dr Drew and MTV walking on eggshells, treating these bitches with kid gloves and enabling.
  3. Sooo confusing. I don't have kids, but 6 pre-pumped bottles sounds like plenty to me. What a cold bitch she is to Javi. He has nothing but her, Isaac's and Lincoln's best interest at heart. She should be grateful to be an at-one-time-unwed-mom and now a stay-at-home mom at age 21. She's barely worked a day in her life.
  4. If that's the way she treats them on camera, I shudder to imagine what she does in private. The German Shepherd was clearly afraid of her. She's too stupid to understand that dogs cannot be blamed for "bad" behavior. They have to poop, they don't like being in a cage all day every day and they don't like being yelled at or hit. Animals are innocent and deserve nothing but love, attention and patience. Also, those crates were wayyyy to small for those dogs. And if they chew their way through a metal crate, they will certainly destroy a plastic one.
  5. During the reunion, Dr. Drew needs to fucking man-up and call these bitches out on their shit for once. I'm sick of the reunions a.k.a. "Ass Kissing/Walking on Eggshells Fests". Esp Jenelle. Not only is she a horrifying example of a mother, but she thinks she can just pop out kids and buy innocent pets and treat them like shit. She needs a serious wake up call and it's coming whether she realizes it or not. I'm terrified for baby Kaiser and little Jace. It's only a matter of time before one of them is caught up in the violence between Jenelle and Nathan. She WILL wind up in jail again and again. She has the mind of a criminal. I hope that when Barbara watches the episodes, that she revokes Jenelle's visitation and gets the court involved to make her visits supervised only. I also hope that child protective services is watching and takes baby Kaiser out of this mess before it's too late. I'm actually floored that the hospital allowed Jenelle to take Kaiser home at all. IMO, Kaiser will be better off in foster care than with Jenelle and Nathan. Anywhere but with those two for sure. Jenelle has a severe lack of insight into her behavior and I think it's a sign of a very serious mental illness and/or personalty disorder. I know she has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but it seems that's just the tip of the iceberg. Narcissistic is right, but there's more brewing.
  6. I f I recall correctly, Aviva "Munchhausen" Drescher said at the Team Sonja (LOL) party that the x-ray was to rule out cancer. What a laugh. I read that she had flat polyps removed from her colon and calls it a "cancer scare". She swears they were "pre-cancer", of course and that she would surely have had cancer in 5 years had they not been found in time. She says the asthma was a blessing in disguise because she had an endoscopy and colonoscopy as a result. I wonder how many unnecessary medical procedures she's insisted on over the years. Jeez. She's just not happy unless she's fighting some imaginary disorder or life-threatening circumstance. She reminds me of one of these people who WISH to be amputees: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_integrity_identity_disorder
  7. Sonja believes her own lies. I think she is likely the most delusional person I have ever observed. The shit that comes out of her mouth in front of people who KNOW for a fact she is lying. She is a manipulating cheap ass. Everyone knows she doesn't have businesses, board meetings, a yacht, a team of attorneys, or a cent to her name besides what RHoNY brings in. She hustles, swindles, fast-talks and grifts her way through life. And what exactly are her interns/volunteers learning? Mac skills, fashion... for college credit??? The strangest thing is that Ramona supports her delusions.
  8. IMO, Melissa looked high. Her eyes looked very strange. Love how Joe Gorga had a ready explanation for why he said "We have money issues". They always have some kind of lame cover-up story for the stupid shit they say. Also, they don't "have time" to build their new house? Bullshit.
  9. I'm curious as to how neither Jenelle or Nathan are behind bars. Jenelle is on probation, which means ANY arrest would warrant her being tossed back into the slammer. Also, Nathan has had multiple DUIs (3, I think) and now he somehow squirms out of this (4th?) one??? Un-fucking-believable. It's not like either of them are first time offenders of ANYTHING. Oh well...they'll both be in jail on other offenses in no time and them Barb will be raising two of Jenelle's little monsters. Wonder how many more kids she'll shit out over the next few years. Cringe. In the interim, I shudder to think of baby Kaiser being raised under the same roof as these two delinquents. I really fear that he will be caught in the middle of the certain violence. The tension is surely rising with a newborn in the house (plus however many innocent animals live there as well) and Jace.
  10. Her incoherent tangent on dye in baby heads had ZERO to do with the conversation. She obviously fell asleep and started dream-babbling.
  11. I would like to propose a new acronym in honor of Adumb, Janelle and Nathan... OBBDCT = On Best Behavior During Camera Time
  12. I was floored when in mid-visit, Kail (or Javi... I can't remember) finally introduced himself to Vee). I'm no Emily Post, but in my world, intros are addressed immediately upon entrance to someone's home. Kail should not have started her self-tour of the house. That's an invitation-only activity in my book. IMO, the inspection of Joe's home was not precipitated on Kail's revelation that she should start getting along with Vee or just plain old behave like an adult and put her son's best interest first and foremost. I think she is just plain nosy and super controlling. Too bad Joe did not see through her "good intentions".
  13. My mouth was hanging wide open when Leah started babbling incoherently in mid-phone conversation!!! I was so sad for her. I take anxiety meds, but WOW!!! What the heck was she talking about? I truly think she nodded off and was talking in her sleep. I am really feeling for her. She is so anxious and depressed that it's painful for her. She really needs Jeremy's and Corey's support and possibly therapy. It was encouraging that Jeremy's recognized her need for support and gave her affirmation that he's there for her. The pressure and worry of Alliah's(?) issues (plus a new baby and the devils' space a.k.a Ali) has taken an incredible toll on her. :( Oh my God. "Daaad-ah!".
  14. In my opinion, Kail doesn't have carte blanche on inspecting Joe and Vee's living conditions. Can you imagine the horror if Joe and Vee asked the same of Kail and Javi??? Kail has no reason whatsoever to be concerned about Isaac's well-being while he's with Joe. Joe is not Isaac's sitter - he's his FATHER and is very capable of parenting him and providing a safe home for him. She needs to get down off her high horse. I also think it's inappropriate that Kail texted Vee and put her on the spot about coming over for an inspection. Joe should have put up that boundary immediately and said, "I will speak to Vee and we'll decide as a couple whether to invite you into our home. I know from personal experience that it's best to set up clear boundaries and for the bio parents to contact one another regarding the kid(s). Boyfriends, girlfriends, step-moms and step-dads should only get involved in communications when it's really necessary. It really can set up trouble in a delicate relationship, not to mention that Kail is an idiot most of the time.
  15. Ramona's style is always stuck in the late 80s/early 90s with her satin dresses, dated hair and matching jewelry sets. She could also use some dental work. Her crooked teeth age her.
  16. I actually have the same "French" dish towel in red and it came from Target. She thinks her 'antics' are cute, but they come off as contrived, desperate and annoying. Aviva has an intro, but Luann doesn't. Right???
  17. These bitches are such complainers. I would blow a hobo on a street corner to have a lavish vacay out on the prairie in the peace and quiet. Damn whiners. If I hear 13 year-old Ramona say "This is so BORING" one more time, I might stick an antler up her ass. I think that Sonja finds her couger-ish, clumsy menopausal hot mess schtick very amusing. Her attention-seeking is pathetic. I don't care for her at all. She's an embarrassment.
  18. I was totally taken aback by several of Robin's comments regarding her stress level, need for another baby (WHY????) in conjunction with the venture capital funding. She mentioned that she's so tired and worn thin from doing everything herself and that "this money" will allow her to have more of a life AND have a baby (she said something along those lines). How does the injection of money into their business translate into Robin having less stress, more time on her hands and time to have a baby??? Wouldn't this money actually mean MORE work for her in developing new products and processing more orders? That would be a time where they would all have to buckle down and prove themselves and pay back the money. I was also surprised that they were relying on this money to prove a "therry" (their word, not mine) that more products would mean more "sells" (their pronunciation, not mine). Their product selection is super scattered and has no rhyme or reason to it whatsoever. And what is up with the "Music" they're selling? There is no description. These people are bricks for sure. Gold bricks... since everything they touch turns to gold.
  19. Was the microphone really necessary? They are so annoying. LOLed at Ko-Douche's talking head when he started saying "Vegas Vacation" and pretended to be all choked up. Idiot. Enough of the melodrama. - I have noticed this weirdness too from people all over the US... notable on KUWTK. Irritates the hell out of me.
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