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Everything posted by BitchOnWheelz

  1. Why the fuck was Leah sitting on the floor with a mirror propped against the bathroom wall while doing her make-up??? Clearly there was a mirror above the sink. Also, she was staying in a hotel, so where did that mirror come from? So many questions!
  2. Why does Leah pronounce words words with the -ing suffix as "inG" with a hard G sound? Is that a WV thang? I've also heard people from NJ and Khloe Kardashian speak this way. It annoys the fuck out of me.
  3. Leah - LMAO when I saw Satans's spawn giving Baby Adderal her first Gatorade Bong. Must have been breakfast... where are the Cheetos? Leah, do you watch them at all? Also, please blow you nose. Chelsea - Enough with the batwing eyeliner. Who hangs out at home in full make-up? Daaad-dah shows up... more to come. Kail - How does she NOT know what type of training Javi is doing when he goes away? Maybe if she gave a shit about Javi instead kvetching 24/7 about herself, she could stay abreast of current events. Why is Isaac always sobbing? It's worrisome and sad. Jenelle - ***cleansing breath*** The damage-control voice-over was genius, MTV... How much film did production weed through to get a 3 second clip of her NOT screaming at those dogs? When Nathan called to break the news of his early release from the klink, she gave her best dead-inside reaction. Too many anxiety meds (in which case she shouldn't be driving Jace around) or she numbs herself with illicit drugs... I'm not buying that she quit "Da weeeeed". Barb had to pick-up Jace because Jenelle's pregnancy has been difficult. Right. No job, Jace (not full time) and an unborn baby is too much for anyone to handle? I shudder at the thought of Jenelle and Nathan caring for little Kaiser Roll, but I'm guessing the kitten might pitch in here and there. Jace will be lucky to see Jenelle's mug once a month now that there's another kid in the picture. It's only a matter of time before Jenelle drops Kaiser at Barb's and picks him up 6 weeks later... or never. "Whea ya been, Janelle?" Nathan and/or Jen-Hell will be back in the slammer in no time flat. Haven't watched the last half of this crapisode, but I'm looking forward to Chelsea's grilling by the Nebraska Board. More snark later. Buh-bye for now.
  4. Something seriously wrong. I think she's on drugs. As soon as Nathan says hello, she starts bitching about the dogs again.
  5. That was sad... Also, can you imagine how Jace felt when Jenelle started talking about how she needed a nap??? And it was still morning!?!? I'm sure he was thinking to himself, "Well, this is gonna be another shitty-ass day with good old Mom". Seeing them lying on Jenelle's unmade bed staring into space made me sooo sad for Jace. No kid wants to see their mom like that. And she couldn't AT LEAST cuddle with him? I think Jenelle is too narcissistic to care about what her child wants or feels.
  6. How about a LuAnn vs Tamra showdown? Tamra would crumble ...and I would watch with a bowl of buttery popcorn!!!
  7. Danielle's husband. Am I the only one who thinks he's gay as a 3 dollar bill??? Not that there's anything wrong with that and I'm sure he's a wonderful guy, but it was glaringly obvious (to me at least). When we were introduced to him at the Ugly Sweater party, I thought... "Wow, he's Danielle's super gay stylist" or something, but then she identified him as her husband. Interesting. Maybe he and Eddie hooked up and Tams had Danielle's HW status revoked. She is the Princess of RHoOC, after all! I was also under the impression at first that Danielle and Lizzy were sisters. I thought that Lizzy said that but maybe I'm wrong. They do look a bit alike.
  8. I loved seeing Vicki and Shannon goofing off in the pools and the ice room. They are hilarious together. I think Shannon is a genuinely kind person and I feel that she and Heather would make great friends... so long as Heather ejects Tamra from her life. Tams really made Shannon's life hell, but I think she'll get over it with Vicki and Heather's support. Although next episode doesn't look promising on that front due to Miss Terry's penis comment. I loved that David comes right back at Miss Terry by accepting blame for being both drunk and stupid, but Queen Terry couldn't resist calling David a penis. David is quicker and wittier than Queen Terry on his best day. I'm excited to see how that plays out.
  9. I agree. Sociopaths are masters at manipulation and reading people. Tamra could tell immediately that shit was up when she sat down at the table. Her adrenaline started pumping, and in her urgency to quell the impending shit storm, she resorted to her "Let's go to the ladies room" damage-control mode immediately. I think panic set in and she fled to the bathroom sans Vickie hoping she would follow. Countdown until Tamra loses all of her HW "Friends" and Eddie too.
  10. LMAO. I noticed it too. It only accentuates her feathery lip wrinkles ... makes her weird twitchy mouth movements and excessive blinking appear even crazier.
  11. Ramona is delusional if she thinks Avery treated her like shit in "Afruckuh" because she was upset about leaving Ramona for college. I think she totally made that up and Avery has her mom's number..
  12. Because you know that ONLY the medical field uses the word "Penis". Why didn't he just say "You're a dick" like a normal person? I hope David comes back with, "You have what I refer to as a man-gina".
  13. I though it was shitty of Heather to bring up David's "Spread your legs" comment at the hoedown during the dinner from hell... after she and Shannon made nice with one another. It was totally off-topic and what a kick in the teeth! She should have spoken with Shannon in private. Although highly inappropriate at a party with kids (and also inappropriate at an adult party), I would not hold Shannon responsible for what her husband says. I didn't hear her say it, but I don't doubt it. She is bricks.
  14. What in the name of Jesus is MARQUEL wearing in his promo pic? Clare's weird mouth. I can't.
  15. I wonder how many bachelors and bachelorettes go back to work after their shows and get canned for either their behavior on national TV, or because they take too much time off. I don't know ANYONE whose employer would allow such a long absence under even the most serious circumstances, let alone The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. I guess they figure it's worth the risk in the name of attention seeking and fame whoring. It's no small time commitment especially if you make it to hometowns. I heard that too... Hmmm. So being a contestant on the Bachelorette amounts to a "relationship"? That's a little grandiose. LMAO @ sex panther!!! Growwwwwl!
  16. I would bang him every goddamn night if I were on that boat. I'm surprised that the Cap'n allows romantic relationships on board.
  17. Seriously, the F-Bombs and screaming at the restaurant while guests were trying to enjoy a lovely and undoubtedly expensive dinner on possibly their dream vacations of a lifetime??? No excuse. What total disregard for others. What is wrong with these women. Mental note to call ahead before vacations to make sure Bravo is NOT filming.
  18. WTF is a family van??? I remember Vickie bitching about one on her way to Mexico or something (Woo-Hoo!!!) I was like... doesn't she mean mini-van? NEVER heard that term before Vickie. Am I the only person annoyed as fuck when I hear Vickie's voice? It's almost like she has dentures that don't fit quite right and she's had this wierd muffled clicky thing going on. Also, the way she says Brianna's name... "Bree-ahhh". Her intro... "I make my own REWLS."
  19. Not sure what I think about Heather. What the fuck is her allegiance to Tam-shit all about? I don't get it. My frustration was the fact that at the dinner from hell, NOBODY mentioned the goddamn elephant in the room... Ye Olde 'Take Down the Bedors' debacle. I was screaming at the TV. I'm guessing Bravo is saving that issue for the reunion... I hope so (*salivating). $100 bucks Tam-Shit walks off the reunion set at least once. Anytrash... I think the confrontation at dinner was a little over the top and too much emphasis was placed on the minutia (Brooks...etc). I have the feeling that Lizzie probably DID say she wanted to shag Eddie and not marry him, since Heather confirmed it. Maybe she did say "fuck" in her later comment to Tamra, but not with the demon eyes like Tam-shit said. Shannon - I truly believe she doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She did ask Heather "How's Tamra?". At least she has empathy. Danielle? You're boring me.
  20. Agreed. How embarrassing. No wonder people hate Americans. These bitches are so provincial and close-minded. They can sit by the pool, drink wine and go to the spa anytime in the OC. I'm sort of despising Heather and Tam-shit right now, but at least they showed interest in the beauty of Bali and took advantage of the day. Good for Shannon and Heather with the monkeys. I think the screamers (a.k.a. Tam-shit and Vickie) think that they are cute and God forbid the attention is not on them 24/7, hence the immature, tween-like, fake screaming. I could not believe my fucking ears when Tam-shit said "I want to go home (I think she meant the hotel)". Really, bitch??? I would blow a hobo on a street corner to visit Bali!!!
  21. I truly believe that Chelsea's and Leah's friends are real, but Jenelle and Kail??? Fake as hell. I think that when they need to film with a friend, that they are hired by production or that the Teen Moms call up an old friend (who they've alienated in the past) and lure them with promises of camera time. How depressing was the scene where Jenelle and Jace were lying in Jenelle's disgusting unmade bed? So sad for that kid. All of Jenelle's time is spent in one of the following ways: #1: Meeting with attorneys, #2: Screaming, #3: Crying, or #4: Staring listlessly into space... no normality. Jace's first unsupervised weekend with Jen-Hell should also be his last.
  22. Loved the preview from next week when Nathan gets out of the klink. He runs across the parking lot towards Janelle's car... I would LMAO if he was hit by a car (I'm horrible, I know) and flipped over the hood. Just a fantasy of mine. Then Janelle yells "Duuuuuude!!!!". I'm an evil bitch. Who the fuck was Adam's new buddy at the diner? I don't recall seeing his mug before. The baby... Is Moxon a real name? I had to laugh.
  23. It seems to me that Eddie turned immediately after the engagement. He suddenly became listless and dick-ish towards her. He obviously can't stand being in her presence and that he is already daydreaming of a life sans Tamara.
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