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Everything posted by Bellalisa

  1. The dad said a few times that his daughters weight is shrinking the dating pool and this worries him that she won't meet anyone. He really needs to worry much more about these fetishists out there. I see that he is not aware this exists. I mean why would he? I wouldn't know about if not for reading about that woman and seeing her on TV that was trying to get to 1000 pounds for her husband and then seeing it again with Zsalynn. This is a real big danger for her especially her attitude about how she looks just fine. She is only going to attract these kinds of men with the fat fetish.
  2. How come Regina is always running into Hot, SINGLE men in her age range? On what planet if you hit someone's car does that person turn out to be a hot single wonderful guy?
  3. She is so so boring! She cannot carry a show. And 380 is huge not just fat but morbidly obese and not healthy. Even with her disease, she should be at least 100 lighter - more like 280. This extra 100 pounds cannot be just from the illness. It's weird she is talking about how her stomach gets in the way and then isn't trying to lose wieght. Okay well Ill watch a few more because Im a glutton for punishment
  4. Why was the interpreter next to her and not next to the teacher so she could see the blackboard? It seemed weird she was looking at him and not seeing any of the forumulas being written on the board. Don't usually the interpreter stand in front next to who is talking? I just bought a 70D and my hearing friend kept thinking I was saying 7D...so funny that you brought this up as it just happened to me the other day. I finally said NO sevent-tee D not seven -Dee
  5. why was Deafne looking at the interpreter and not at the teacher and the board? Shouldn't he be next to the teacher so she can see both and lip read and see what th the teacher is writing on the board? didn't that seem wrong to anyone?
  6. I hated the Chicago couple. When they came out with their wishlist: Lincoln Park, 2 -3bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms, outdoor space, but not the kind where you walk thru a bedroom to get out there, and room for the beer keg, and an extra room for crafts, and updated kitchen and room for guests, and this and not that I thought okay I guess their budget is $750 or well over $500. Of course it was $350- I dont live in chicago but even I know that is not going to get you squat in Lincoln Park. The 800 sq foot condo with a walk thru the bedroom to the balcony was all they get- super small.
  7. Dacula is not upscale at all. It is much further out than Suwanee. Much less upscale than Suwanee (which isnt upscale but ok) and the real estate is much cheaper than Suwanee in Dacula. You can get a bargain there because it is in the boonies. They were really annoying. I cant stand when something from 2007 is called outdated.
  8. That was a stainless steel refrigerator she banged her head into TWICE. Im sure its dented.
  9. I thought Brad talked way too much for his first show. He ran the whole show. George was more on the sidelines and Brad should be too. He mentioned that he was gay 45 times. He needs to tone it down. I guess they didn't write jokes for Kathy? Joan had all kinds of dumb jokes written for her. I didn't notice that with Kathy.
  10. Christine really had a tough road being surrounded by such ignorance. Her family, her lifestyle and the culture she lives in is one of total ignorance. I don't know how she overcame that, I really don't. These people have no clue about nutrition and eating. If I remember her mother was constantly feeding her crap. Didn't they sneak fast food into the hospital? I really admire her so much for how far she has come in that environment especially. She looks great! You would never know she was once 700 pounds! I hope she can continue and get the hell out of there. There are a lot of these sickies like Gareth. It's so gross. I'm glad he is gone@
  11. Thanks scooby for the recap. Wow she is more of a mess than I thought!
  12. Not only was this guy adopted as an adult, by a guy who was also adopted as an adult, zsa zsa and this guy also adoted 5 other men - AS ADULTS. so its the phoniest thing ever and this guy wants everyone to be impressed? You were adopted as an adult but another guy adopted as an adult by a royal- and they go around adopting adult men!
  13. I am almost done with this show too! When that ugly bitch Sonja said "I want a guy who doesn't want to be in front of the camera like me" Then why the fuck are you coming on TV to find him? ALL the guys that go to audition for this WANT TO BE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA! She thinks she is hot shit! I no longer watch rhony so I didnt know she was broke. She acted like she was extremely rich on this show. I mean she only went on as a cross Bravo promotion, not to find love. I guess Bravo pinspoints who of their "stars" are single and pays them to do Millionaire Matchmaker. There is no other reason to set people up who live in NY with people from LA "If you fell madly in love, would you ever move to NY"- of course you would say SURE--- because it's based on another "IF" falling MADLY in love you may say you would do anything if that were to happen. It's a whole fucking fantasy. If you said NO I love my life here even if I met the greatest person I ever met I would never leave LA? Such a dumb question.
  14. Maybe he doesn't know what "Miss" means. My mentally delayed child has a problem where he agrees with the last thing said when given a choice. Are you happy or sad- sad? Do you want blue or red? red. Even if they are really the first thing said. That is common. I don't defend Will's behavior and their bad disciplining but I really think in this case the NO was just rote, no thought put into it.
  15. Recovery from back surgery is a nightmare. Lots of people never get better. In fact everyone I know who has had back surgery is worse after surgery because the pain from the surgery never goes away. The scenes in the hospital brought back all the times my loved ones were in the hospital! It's so stressful. At first I thought the ebola simulation was a little silly. But then I realized that reading a memo about the procedure is going to be a lot less effective than actually acting it out. People are not going to remember any of what they read that they were supposed to do. When you do something yourself then you can remember it well. I loved it! Great job Jen! Going trick or treating with a camera crew in tow is just so American...Jen: just me and my friend and my mom (and 2 guys with cameras follwing them). The cameras actually set up in the first house. Yeah that is really normal Will and Zoey, you say Trick or Treat, a door opens and there is a guy with candy And a camera crew behind him filming you get the candy.
  16. I always felt like they picked Juan Pablo as a Giant Fuck You to the guy who at the end of Desiree's season was saying One of Us has to Be the Next bachelor. When it was final 4 or 6. He was defending himself saying that does not mean Im not here for the right reasons- ITS JUST A FACT THAT IT HAS TO BE ONE OF US! So the producers wanted to prove him wrong that it was not a fact that it had to be one of them and picked Juan Pablo. Does anyone remember this? I dont remember the guy's name but I remember the whole issue when the picked Juan Pablo.
  17. well I was a hippy in my 20's. Wearing 6 inch heels, fake hair, spackling on the 3 inches of make up, carrying $300 pocketbooks, wearing fancy dresses, getting manicures and pedicures- we did none of that, In fact we thought high heels were ridiculous and would never have been caught dead. What these 20 something girls have to go through just to leave the house is unreal.
  18. The Free Hugs thing is ridiculous. I'm sorry it's creepy. I don't like Britt. She is too obviously auditioning to "win" the show and be the next bachelorette. She is trying way too hard.
  19. I thought the designer guy did say in a nice way that her stuff sucked. He was saying something about them being a fantasy etc etc. and needing more time or something. He was trying to be nice about it and didn't come right out and say this stuff sucks. I agree what does Robyn do all day that amounts to killing herself for the ugly jewelry? its so ugly if they keep their own designs. They suck. The stuff is very bad. God Kody and this stuff about sex etc and morals. He is such an idiot, in the meantime he is doing 4 different women at the same time!
  20. Of course if you want a red dress you don't show up in a bridal store expecting to have a lot of choices. She tried on one, Laurie had only one other for her to try. She didn't like it upon looking at it so it was easy for her to walk out and make a big stink on her way out about her friends not being supportive. The truth is she was done because there weren't any more to try on. If you are going to go for red, you need to let the store know in advance or something. It's dopey to show up and expect there to be any inventory. Wheelchair girl was in love with trainer. He was kinda hot but his voice was strange. I think he could announce for the World Wrestling Federation. Or voice cartoons, it was a very unusual sounding voice. Kind of low and groggly.
  21. Adult adoptions Together with his wife Zsa Zsa Gabor, Prinz von Anhalt has adopted several men. Among them are: Marcus Prinz von Anhalt (formerly known as Marcus Eberhardt), who refers to himself as "Prince Germany";[11] Oliver Prinz von Anhalt (formerly known as Oliver Bendig); Michael Prinz von Anhalt (formerly known as Michael Killer).[12] Following their adoption, these men are entitled to use the last name of "Prinz von Anhalt". German newspapers have speculated that Frédéric is effectively selling the name, which would be a criminal offence in Germany and render the adoptions, which were made under German law, invalid.[citation needed] Frederic is not even mentioned here- 3 other adopted adult men are. It sounds like the father, gabors husband, sells the adoption -- in exchange for the use of the title! It's completely INSANE for him to call himself a Prince!
  22. Prince Frederic von Anhalt, Zsa Zsa Gabor and his wife have adopted me.- Who is his wife? His dad's wife? So 3 people adopted him? As an adult, and why?
  23. This family is so not like the average family in the sense that they are surrounded by help and the nanny and the camera crew. So much so that they don't even experience things that normal familes do. For example a typical stay-at-home mom or dad would have to take the kids with him when grocery shopping at least some of the time. I am positive that neither Jen nor Bill have had to go get groceries with the 2 kids in tow. Could you imagine Will would be grabbing the candy at the checkout and having a royal tantrum if she said "no". This is the reason why average parents have to teach their children NO means NO! That one time Jen was "alone" with the 2 kids (camera crew was there) she was acting like she never does it, that the kids were acting "rambunctious" and hyper when I think they were being themselves. I'll give her a pass because of her size, she can't take the kids out of their carseats- so I don't think she has ever been anywhere outside of her home alone with her kids. This is just unusual for a parent. It almost explains why they don' t have to be that strict! She doesn't have to fear being on her own with them out in public.
  24. The Hawaii bride, getting married in Hawaii with no family coming- wow was her dress Waaaaay too small! At the fitting I thought she squeezed into it. Looks like she gained even more weight before the wedding. Her huge boobs were falling out, her back fat was rolling over the back. I don't know how she got that thing zipped. Cannot believe these rednecks got on TV twice. Someone at Say Yes wanted a TLC paid trip to Hawaii and talked someone into paying for that trip to film that tiny pathetic beach wedding!! Good for them! Ha ha ha
  25. Okay what about Angie, one of the ladies lined up to meet the Prince? What was wrong with her face? She said she was 35 which means she was 45- she had cheek implants, lip implants gone wrong, fillers gone wrong and a truckload of botox. I am so surprised Patti didn't call her on that!! It looked so strange her face! Nice to see the outline of Prince's tiny cut penis! Ha ha ha!
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