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Everything posted by Bellalisa

  1. OMG that whole scene. We only allow one cheat meal a day, a break from the diet, once a day!! I mean really? But Charity lost 440 pounds so she knows! She looks great compared to where she was. Ugh.
  2. I did mean Nok Hockey- I never knew it was spelled that way. But as a kid in the 60's and 70's we played it all the time. I see it was invented in 1943 so too old for the clue!
  3. You are all going to laugh when you hear my FJ answer! And I was SURE I was right! I said KNOCK HOCKEY!!! There was the word KNOCA in the clue or KOCKA I was just discussing with my son that if you want to do well on Jeopardy, educate yourself on the difference between Hannibal, Attila the Hun, and Scipio - all 3 leaders from Ancient era. It suffices to know a few key words about each of them. For Hannibal the key word is elephants. I was laughing when one answered Hannibal and the next Attila- having JUST said this a few days ago!
  4. He has no life skills and made no progress since his last show. I mean 550 is better than 1000 but he is still in terrible shape. Of course he is in pain. Of course he can't breathe! His lungs aren't meant to have all that fat pressing on them. He doesn't walk so he has Zero Fitness. He stands up and he is huffing and puffing. Yeah freaking BOLOGNA! The worst food out there besides hot dogs. And when he was saying- I don't always stick to the plan, we get a pizza now and then, because I'm human" just awful! His mother, well you've all said it. Epic scene with Dr Now telling her off. YOU are KILLING him! I loved that!
  5. OMG a Bologa and Cheese sandwich? Why is that even in the house? The fridge looked packed with all the wrong food. I missed what happened to his mother?
  6. Maybe he is not exactly from the Bronx but his accent is very thick New York/New Jersey. He must be from that area because it is so thick. If a person was Russian and learned to speak English to blend in, he would not sound like that! He would sound like Phillip and Elizabeth, with a standard American accent. It's not believable. I love this actor in other roles, he is AWFUL in this role. I had to laugh about Stan's gf with the "my friend went to U of I" in Bloomington. It's IU.
  7. Horrible acting by Frank Langella in that last scene. He is so unbelievable in this role. He sounds nothing like a Russian who learned to speak English. His accent is so so Bronx. That last scene made me cringe about "how horrible it was after the war, it was bad". I like to get pulled in and not think about acting, scripts when watching something but it was so overly acted and just wrong.
  8. I cannot believe she said Mickey Mantle. Everyone knows Mickey was number 7. At least I grew up saying 7 is my lucky number because it is Mickey Mantle's number so I thought it was common knowledge.
  9. They are back together again. And she wrote up this whole thing about how he wasn't actually contacting other woman, and he was innocent, and all we saw on the show was incorrect and they are so much in love. What a shame. But they have a certain dynamic and you can't break the pattern. They are co-dependent so they will never break up. The whole show was really boring and depressing. Why isn't she seeing a doctor to get her leg fixed? She is 100% disabled. Walking should be the main focus. It seems like this side thing. The other one is just sad and boring.
  10. They are supposed to be matching these people based on this long important list and the "where do you want to live?" is not one of the criteria? It's insane that they never found out from Sean that he does NOT like NYC and would never be happy living in Manhattan. How did they miss this tidbit? They asked if he was willing to relocate and he said OK- like most people maybe he was thinking he would be happy in another house in another city. But they never got specifics about this like that he is not going to ever want to move into an expensive crowded city. I can understand how he would say he was willing to move. The experts suck because they missed such a basic question with is so important when matching people! 500 questions and they never asked Sean how he felt about living in a smaller place, a bigger city or anything like that. Just "would you relocate?". They got her to say she will NOT move out of manhattan so you think before they matched them they would have asked him how he felt about living there. You would think that, no? It's infuriating.
  11. My speculation is that production does not pay for the new joint apartment, but pays their rents and mortgages and expenses on their former apartment. This way they are seeing how it would be if they were really married, but do not make them give up the old place before the time is up. And then don't make them pay for two places at once. That to me makes the most sense. Then if they do get married, they can dump or sell the old place but at least they have a place to go back to. Vaughn never gave up his place, but how he would have paid for both places, I don't know. and Drug company sales people are the sleaziest of the sleazes..they dress up all fancy and interrupt doctors bee essing bout how great some overpriced drug is for the big pharmaceutical companies who make a shitload of money if they can get the doctor to use the new drug and give her a big commission. I don't like these people! I've seen them in the doctor's office with their suitcases.
  12. They REALLY need to consider the geography issue next time much more carefully-- these so-called experts! I hear they are in Atlanta now. Well as a former NYer moved to Atlanta, I get the geography issues in both towns. It's very important. People in Atlanta metro area choose a place to live most often to avoid commuting on the Highways at rush hour or any rush hour commute. There are a lot of good areas that are affordable to live in so if you get a job somewhere you usually try to live near it, or else when looking for job, turn down anything too far away. I bet they will pick someone with a job on the northside and lives on the northside with someone in the city, who insists the new person live in the city, giving that person a 2 hour commute. I mean this is one of the main things that determines quality of life- how long each day you spend in traffic. To match Ryan and Jaclyn who live 3 1/2 hours away? No one was looking at that! They may as well have matched her with someone in Boston or Washington DC for godsakes. When Davina said "Sean could have slept over and gone to work"- they left out the details, It probably meant waking up at 5am and commuting 2 hours for a 12 hour shift at the hospital.
  13. except that Queens royally sucks! get it? Queens is a shithole. A real move down from Stony Brook or Jersey
  14. Sean said that it took him a long time to get over it and that he was crushed. Now Davina most likely did ask many more questions about the ex who lost the baby but they didnt show us! I still cant believe NJ and Stony Brook...80 miles but on either side of NYC so it's not 80 easy miles, its a 2 1/2 hour trip. The experts did not think this through. These 2 would never NEVER have met on match.com, where people tend to put in geographical limits in their searches. He can't move far from his niece and she can't move far from her work! Idiots running this show. I also think that Ryan is a BSer and says platitudes for the camera. He says what he thinks people want to hear but deep down he is the asshole that he showed himself to be. You can't hide it with platitudes. Sorry Jessica, they screwed you with this asshole.
  15. Maybe the bumping and movement of the car dislodged the clot? Also Im sure she peed in a bedpan in the car- she didn't get out to walk. They brought the bathroom to her then had to dump it, probably in a Burger King Parking lot.
  16. I'm going to give Sean a pass because sometimes I'm the same way myself. I get wrapped up in my own thoughts and feelings that when someone is talking I don't really hear it. It's not done on purpose! I can imagine he has a camera in his face, they are getting ready to go skiing- his mind is probably going a mile a minute, she offers some fact about her life, and he was in the middle of getting the gloves- GET OVER IT!! It doesnt mean he doesnt care, he doesnt listen. This is just the way people are. All people! Your every conversation, your every transaction with your spouse, bf, partner is not going to go beautifully, like a storybook. He was not being mean or hostile- just a little check-out. Okay A LOT checked out but still- is this hurtful on purpose? Of course not.
  17. I am sure they get way more instructions than we see. On the show with the woman who became a liason for the patients she was running a group for people before their surgery going over the diet. Then we saw her at someone's house going through their pantry. They are taught how and what they will need to eat, plus given a copy of the diet. Just because Penny said "they never told me what I was supposed to eat" don't believe it. The purse was in his shopping cart when he was grocery shopping.
  18. First ten minutes of the episode I thought he was a woman. His grandmother would say Chay but sounded like she was saying She. He even had barrettes and headbands in his hair. I am sure that the general public often referred to him as "Miss" like in a restuarant: And Miss, what would you like to eat? Between the big chest the unisex clothes, the long hair and barettes and carrying a purse I can't blame anyone for being confused. He could do a lot more at almost 600 because he must be tall and also being only 23. If he kept going by the time he was 35 he would be 900 pounds and much less mobile with many more issues as we've seen that develop over time.
  19. First time I've watched and I must say they are so much more interesting than the Hammils (Our Little Family). That show was like watching paint dry with the dull as heck dad. This Trent at least is funny and has a personality! The kids funny. That Anna is a real rebel, I can see! Trouble with a capital T.
  20. Exactly, this isnt really her fault. She DID say I know it is not a movie, and I really like him and I really want to try. She did initially hope for a spark or a fairy tale or a great looking guy. She was thinking about the Notebook and was disappointed. But after she is trying. She made it much less obvious than Jamie that she was not attracted to him. Jamie kept pushing Doug away. What is she supposed to do about this? All she can do is hope it happened. She can't make it happen. The experts can't help her. She is in a real dilemma here and I feel for her.
  21. I don't know why they paired some one from New Jersey with someone all the way (an hour) out on Long Island. It's about 2 hours to 2 1/2 hours away. New jersey- even the part considered close to metro New York- is NOT easy to get to from Long Island. As the crow flies it may seem close, but it's a bitch with traffic and the routes suck- you can try to go through NYC. I am from Long Island and we used to get these cheap flights coming in to Newark when they had Valuejet. My dad would tell people he would pay the difference if they would just avoid Newark and fly to LGA or JFK as it was a 5 hour round trip to pick someone up in NY and schelp them back to Long Island.
  22. How would she have gotten underwear off and on? Think about it? The legs had wings too- where would she have found panties big enough to go over the leg and butt wings?
  23. I liked Jaclyn a lot better last night. She was explaining her dilemma. She wants it to work, she likes him a lot, she can see why they were paired but she doesn't feel that chemistry. AND she said she doesn't know how to fix that. I can relate. I had the same issue with a man at one point of my life, he was a good person and we got along well but I was physically repulsed by him. I read all the advice on "how to save your marriage" etc etc and there is not one shred of advice anywhere on overcoming that issue. She was trying to explain what was she supposed to do about that and that she was trying to get to know him. What is she supposed to do about it if it does not suddenly happen like it did for Jamie? Just because it happened for Jamie it is not a given that she is going to suddenly feel a spark once they get closer. Sorry Dr. Pepper. I don't mind hearing Jaclyn say it over and over as much as these stupid experts going on and on about how "chemistry is important but not the only thing" and "attraction can build" STFU already! The other Ryan is a colassal douche bag! I really feel for Jessica. He is an asshole. It is going to keep coming out as she gets to know him what an inconsiderate asshole he is. I really hate when people try to blame hotel staff and other workers for stealing! These people DO NOT steal your stupid ring. They don't want it! I knew it was misplaced and not stolen. I hate when people have paranoia about things like that.
  24. does anyone have the link to Untucked? Thanks
  25. well Taylor Dane is 52 and is a "star" so had a lot of work done. It looks like a face that has had work done. She is a royal bitch who thinks she is all that. I also think Kenya is being played, lol.
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