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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. I started to watch it... 1) I got claustrophobic. Dark little place, isn’t it... 2) I got to, “here’s Derrick’s office so he can study at home instead of studying at school all the time” and thought, yep, there it is. My suspicion is that the house and the big office (with child-proof doorknob!) and the Pseudo Sutra are all tactics to get Derrick to spend more time at home. I don’t like Derrick at all but I kind of sympathize a bit. I can’t imagine trying to think, let alone study, with two toddlers and a Level Five Clinger in the next room. I would lose my mind. She may fear a Third Row Becky, but reality is he probably is just looking for some peace and quiet.
  2. Okay, hair experts...is there anyway to fix that other than chop it all off and start over? She could do the Anya from Project Runway I guess...
  3. RFP...Tie too short. Pants too short...need to go with a skinnier cut if you’re going to try for that weird trendy suit-too-small look. Color coordinating your outfits? So high school. I confess I really covet her shoes.
  4. So we should be hearing from you in ten pages or so...😁
  5. Um.... I like her shoes. Wicked_la has caught hashtagitis from Jill. Yeah, that’s all I’ve got.
  6. I would guess she’s getting maybe half of that $60...$180 doesn’t keep RFP in shoes. I am kind of happy to hear Felicity actually screams on occasion.
  7. I would pay Charlie Sheen to NOT send me a message.
  8. How about you let the kid be a kid for ten seconds before loading him up with expectations? Fortunately, he can’t read, so not exactly sure why they’re even posting this...
  9. Well, that was quite bitchy of Mr. D. Careful there, pal. You’ll lose your Christian martyr merit badge.
  10. True, but I can’t imagine what other angle they have? They’re a pretty young couple with an adorable baby, which is hardly unique. They’re not going to lean too hard on the ministry thing because Jer sucks at preaching and because they don’t want to alienate non-Fundie viewers or advertisers. ”Moving sucks” is good for two episodes and a bunch of flashbacks. What else do they have? Jinger gets her roots touched up? RFP buys another overpriced tie? Gee, the weather is nice here? Jinger hates earthquakes?
  11. Especially photos that scream, “HERE’S OUR ADORABLE BABY GIRL IN HER LATEST OUTFIT.” Same with Jessa...just lay off that for a couple of weeks. Post food pictures or sunsets or something if you have to.
  12. Is that really an ARMANI store? Jeremy needs a reality check. He can’t afford a deep breath in there, let alone buy something. I dislike him more and more and it’s because of his famewhoring, self-absorption and vanity. If that makes me “intolerant” I’m fine with that.
  13. My theory is that Derrick is her ghost writer/editor but that sometimes he just doesn’t care enough to bother. Or he enjoys feeling superior.
  14. There’s no actual requirement to post on sm. None. Especially as they’re in the midst of a move; they could disappear for a week and everyone would assume they were unpacking. You’re a kinder person than I am to give them the benefit of the doubt but if your sister has just lost her baby girl YOU DON’T post cute baby girl photos for a while, let alone the same week. It’s just tacky as hell and I’m looking at you, too, Jessa. No.
  15. Siblings in a lot of families are competitive, even solid families with devoted, emotionally healthy parents. Given Michelle’s narcissism, the stream of replacement siblings every year, the harsh religious rules forbidding any kind of authentic emotion, the presence of television cameras, and the early days of not enough food or clothing, honestly it’s a wonder the Duggar kids didn’t split into coalitions and kill each other. So it’s not a surprise that some bitchy side-eye gets out there. Back to thread topic...Austin has grown on me. He actually works, he’s rebelled in the past, and he seems to love his wife and child. That photo of them together touches even my cold cynical heart. I’m glad they have each other.
  16. All snark aside, I really wonder sometimes if Jill doesn’t have some kind of learning impairment. The various etiquettes of the internet platforms are unwritten and something you pick up by observation most of the time. She seems incapable of figuring any of that out...she never has understood hashtags. And God knows she doesn’t understand what influencer marketing is supposed to look like.
  17. I am in no way a Jessa fan but her post is exactly right. Maybe Bin wrote it.
  18. FWIW, Reverend Fancypants’ post isn’t a huge step up. “Here’s how your tragedy affected ME.” He’s a little less tone deaf but he’s also what, ten years older than Lauren?
  19. In the Duggardome, if you say anything enough it becomes true.
  20. So if I pay her $60 to record a PSA for Planned Parenthood and GLAAD she would do it?
  21. That giveaway is pathetic. A bag of coffee beans? Are people that hard up for a wicker purse and a cheap piece of clothing?
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