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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. He may just be fading out comfortably...I hope so. You could call your vet and ask? They’d probably suggest subcutaneous fluids for him, but that means taking him in. You can also try low-sodium chicken broth, tuna juice or diluted milk to see if he’ll drink that? Do his rear legs move? Was he drinking more than usual and urinating more lately? Lots of old kitties have kidney disease.
  2. Okay, I got zero sleep last night and am In A Mood, but anyone else envision a bunch of guys in Carhartt waving Dewalt tools around and cursing every time they trip over their stupid swords?
  3. Yes, lots. I am so very sorry, Scarlett. It’s so damned hard to watch them leave. It doesn’t seem like he’s uncomfortable, at least, so if it is his time, being in his own home with you is the best way. May his journey be easy.
  4. Golly, Magpye29, can’t imagine why you would want to divorce such a prize...he sounds like a peach. 😱 Ignore him, best you can. At least you probably won’t have to deal with feeling ambivalence about the divorce...that’s 200 lbs of dead weight dragging you down that you can soon be free of, I hope. So sorry about the Metformin nightmare! Hope you’re feeling much better soon!
  5. Nothing like a DIY rapture. 🙄 (What’s their bitch with pot? I take it they’re not praying 24/7 for an end to Budweiser? And pot has some medical uses.)
  6. At least you’re out of that mess...it’s funny how distance can restore your perspective sometimes. But breakups suck even when they’re for the best. Sending you virtual ice cream and hugs.
  7. I wish his name had been, dunno, Chuck. Hank. Larry. Larry the Lord of the Laundromat. I like it.
  8. Jill really doesn’t get marketing, does she. (Which is what missionarying or whatever it’s called really is.) People are rarely threatened into choosing anything, especially if it’s as amorphous as, “some day when you’re dead you won’t be burning forever.” Why not play up the comforting aspects of religion? The social contact, the meditative benefits of prayer, the rituals, always having someone to “talk”to...See Jill, I came up with those just like that and I’m an atheist. Of course, what Jill gets out of religion is the opportunity to judge, harass and control others. That’s a tougher sell for sane people.
  9. Jill...maybe before you put on your makeup and get out your phone to start selfie-ing make the damned bed. It takes three minutes. Seriously.
  10. Dear Jill: All of the shit you have hung on your wall is crooked. Please address. Sincerely, One Who Straightens Picture Frames Everywhere She Goes
  11. She’s hit the awkward stage surprisingly early. (I can say this because I was typically adorable until age three, then was all teeth and ears for, oh, twelve years or so.) Those Duggar genes don’t mess around.
  12. JNT, do I remember correctly that your daughter is a vegetarian? If she is and she’s not supplementing B12, here are the symptoms of a deficiency (from WebMD): “Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency If you have vitamin B12 deficiency, you could become anemic. A mild deficiency may cause no symptoms. But if untreated, it may lead to symptoms such as: Weakness, tiredness, or lightheadedness Heart palpitations and shortness of breath Pale skin A smooth tongue Constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, or gas Nerve problems like numbness or tingling, muscle weakness, and problems walking Vision loss Mental problems like depression, memory loss, or behavioral changes.” Just throwing that out there...so sorry you are going through this. Maybe she’d find an alternative medicine provider a better fit?
  13. Not that I can think of. It just feels so frivolous right now, you know? And the amount of stuff involved looks like we’re planning a Mars landing. Ridiculous. Okay, will put on my Big Girl Pants, stop whining and get on with it. Love to you all...see you in a few days.
  14. Today I have hit the wall. I am exhausted, so terribly angry and sad about everything that I can’t change and my old dog might (or might not) be getting sick again. Today we are supposed to drive three hours to a non-refundable vacation rental we booked a year ago and it’s a logistical nightmare with Covid, because we need to take enough food for the week to avoid stores plus jam our stuff and the dogs’ stuff and bedding into the car somehow and plan for zero rest stops on the way and it all just makes me want to lie down and cry and I feel like a total asshole because talk about white privilege but I am so so damned tired. It just doesn’t seem worth all this effort. Sorry.
  15. I swear I can hear the auctioneer’s voice over that picture of Renee... “Next up, lot number 99...which coincidentally is her weight! Comes from proven breeding stock, high yield, low feed requirements, zero expectations. Opening bid, half a steer.”
  16. Maybe she thinks it’s sexy? (In a meek obedient good Christian helpmeet sort of way, of course.)
  17. Season 1...dunno which episode. Probably the “Lorelai geeks out about snow” one? She and Rory are going ice skating. Luke actually takes her skates to sharpen the blades. Rory asks if Max could go with them. Later Lorelai is talking to someone (maybe Sookie?) about why she’s breaking up with Max and one reason is that Rory wanted him to join the two of them for “roller skating.” Uh, not the same.
  18. The Memorial Day parties cases are spiking...hope it was worth it. I suppose the irony will be lost on most of them. ETA: https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/12/health/coronavirus-mask-wellness-trnd/index.html
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