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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. The kid’s feet are gigantic. Unless she grows into them, she can probably rule out a dance career. On the plus side, she’ll be really hard to push around.
  2. Okay, I admit that I completely lack the “everything precocious little kids say is utterly so precious” chromosome. Don’t have it...at all. I’m more of a “isn’t that obnoxious and isn’t it his nap time” kind of person. So...is this actually cute to some people? Or is it just Duggars Exploiting Offspring, The Saga Continues???
  3. RFP reminds me of a guy I dated (briefly) in grad school. All the pieces were there for him to be really handsome, but as he had no sense of humor or self-awareness, it never worked. He was like a hot-dude hologram. Felicity is taking after Datty all too well. Honestly, I’d rather see a picture of her face down in the grocery store in full Terrible Two Tantrum mode...at least it would be authentic.
  4. If by “interesting” you mean “utterly hideous” I’m in complete agreement.
  5. Wow. That is some kind of ballsy. And delusional. Yes, those ovarian cysts certainly mean you can’t wear a mask! On your face! Oh and mask acne???!!! Why you poor, poor dear. And absolutely, a handwritten note from your chiropractor’s office makes all the sense in the world!!! Humans can really, really suck.
  6. That mustache is so last call at the gay leather bar...
  7. Well, that’s ...efficient. Utterly insane, but efficient.
  8. See, now even I would enjoy a vicarious search through upscale resale stores in LA. Shallow arrogant pretentious city mouse takes unwed loser country mouse to Rodeo Drive is wrong on about eight levels, especially now.
  9. Okay, I will walk it back a tiny bit. But TLC? Really? And who’s watching this garbage, anyway?
  10. Man, just when I think they’ve hit bottom...Rodeo Drive? Shopping? $300 jackets? In the middle of a pandemic and record unemployment??? No masks. No empathy. No clue.
  11. Oldernowiser

    Season 2

    This. I tried. I really did. But Jess is a complete tool and the fact that Rory, who normally has a pretty good bullshit detector, knows her own mind and stands up for herself (see Tristan, Paris) turns into a simpering moronic ninny around him. I don’t get it. He’s not that hot, he’s a jerk to everyone, and it seems like his main motivation for messing with Rory doesn’t have that much to do with liking her but mostly is about hatIng Dean. Jess just likes messing with people for fun. How is that attractive, even to a sixteen-year-old? Hell, even Lorelai saw him for what he was and she’s got her own weakness for feckless idiots (Christopher). 🤮
  12. “Well, enough about me! Now, how much do you know about me?” They are just pathetically tone deaf.
  13. If that mask is actually silk, stand by...the weave is much too tight to get enough oxygen. Although if RFP has one, this would explain a lot.
  14. Oh gross. Just gross. Because you know Jill isn’t quiet while she fakes It.
  15. Is it wrong that I want that fool’s gun to slip out of its holster, fire and graze his arrogant ass? She’s afraid of “old say-en” ?
  16. They’re singing along to some soundtrack of other people singing and it still sounds completely terrible. Don’t get me started on the four identical gaping maws and dramatic facial expressions.
  17. I’m sorry, maybe it’s because I lived through tie-dye the first time and I admit that I have an aversion to clothing that shouts, but that is one wretched pair of jammies.
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