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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. These are the best words in the Universe today. So...red car good, red barn bad? She’s a piece of work. Let her find another Plan B when her feckless chucklefuck suddenly has to spend time with his actual wife. Seriously. Hasta la nunca a ella. I send her death glares.
  2. Oh, Allen. You poor trapped overly polite schmuck. Poor, poor guy. I bet she’s an arm clutcher on top of it. So forced indoctrination AND possible Covid!!! Allen, honey, wherever you are, let me teach you a phrase that may someday save your life: “Hey, lady. Back up and shut up.“
  3. If she’s hyperthyroid, it ain’t the Magic Plexus keeping her “trim.” It might also explain some of the mania. When my thyroid med dose was too high I was a manic mess. But it’s not like Jill’s going to ever have that checked out by an actual doctor, so roll on, wired lunatic.
  4. I had exactly the same thought. Who buys a baby a black lace headband? Wasn’t there also some nonsense where you could pay $30 to have one of them wish someone a happy birthday or record a ringtone for Jesus or some such?
  5. So...with a mobile two-year-old at home and RFP off “at school,” how are these daily naps happening?
  6. HFC, allow me to offer up an old Yankee expression...your former BFF can eat a shit sandwich. Honestly. What people feel to opine upon never fails to astound me.
  7. Oh, FFS. TLC isn’t even pretending to try anymore, are they...
  8. He doesn’t even lie well. “I was drinking a glass of colored water.” He couldn’t have just said iced tea? Pepsi? It really shows how much stupidity is encouraged in raising their broods of morons.
  9. Why leave such a lucrative gig when you can just blame the little woman for screwing around? These are people who honestly seem to believe they have the moral high ground?????? Fuck them to the skies. And back.
  10. Methinks Mrs. Falwell is taking the hit to cover up what were, at a minimum, more likely group activities. And it’s always the woman’s fault, right? ETA: He just resigned from Liberty. Supposedly.
  11. So glad you’re feeling better...did you get them to fix your air conditioning?
  12. It drives up their clicks...which gives JB and TLC more clout selling advertising. It’s pretty heinous, especially for conspicuous Christians, but not surprising.
  13. Sealing wax???? This just takes self-obsessed douchery to a whole other level.
  14. Okay, now I want to fly there and kick some ass. Tell them they’re lucky we’re in a pandemic because a certain gray-haired old lady would otherwise like a word. You know them and I don’t...but what if you called them out on this crap? “I’m very happy for all of you. But you need to understand what I go through...what if the single thing you wanted most in the world was to have a baby? And what if you couldn’t? How would you feel right now?” It seems like their reaction would tell you everything you need to know. If they can’t empathize and be kind in response to that truth, they can collectively eat a shit sandwich and you now know what they are. And standing up for yourself instead of burying your completely valid feelings can sometimes really help. I’m sorry, sweetie.
  15. I don’t even use cruise control for the same reason... I am absent-minded by nature. Anything that removes me further from the process is not a good idea! Timmy. Poor schmuck. And that sad little girl with her thumb in her mouth. Sigh.
  16. Oh, sweetie. For what it’s worth, having been there so many times, with my own pets and as a vet tech, I do believe they experience death as a release. They don’t fear it or complicate it the way humans do. To them, it’s as natural and expected as the seasons. We’re the ones who hate and fight it. My last time was my loving, beautiful, funny, insane, anti-social, brilliant, stranger-hating Aussie girl. She was only nine but her intestines had stopped functioning...and she was slowly starving. There were no answers...and no miracles to be found. When I finally let her go, I was leaning over her...and I felt a palpable sensation of warmth and relief rise up from her as she crossed over. I am in no way a spiritual person...but she was my girl and I do believe she was letting me know she was relieved to go. I can’t explain it, but it was real. I send you whatever comfort can be found...and my heartfelt sympathy.
  17. @Happyfatchick, thinking about you today and hoping you’re okay.
  18. Yes, sure, that will convert all kinds of people driving by. Hundreds. Thousands. Give me a break.
  19. The only rational response to Jill’s tee shirt is, “no shit, you freakshow.”
  20. If Jesus does come back, I hope he’s going to kick their snotty little asses. “What part of ‘feed the poor, lift up the downtrodden, and comfort the sad‘ is so fucking hard to understand? Now get over yourselves, get out there, quit yapping and start serving.”
  21. Gonna suggest that they don’t have to learn, they just have to pass. I doubt they’re failing anyone because then they might leave and take their tuition payments with them.
  22. Back in my corporate days, we used to categorize those empty suit guys as, “he gives good Powerpoint.” I’m not sure RFP can even do that....or whatever the churchly equivalent might be.
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