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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Was this before or after their revelation that supposedly the Mrs. was a ho but the Mr. was the victim?
  2. My apologies for getting the threads mixed up...sorry, mods. Back to Punchable Aunt Cade...isn’t the Little Mama getting all the attention going to chap his headship ass a little?
  3. @Zella, “Budget poodle” is my new favorite expression. Bravo. @iwantcookies, I second the belief that not getting results until Tuesday is probably good news. With my first experience with Alien Lumpage, my gynecologist called the surgeon on his direct line from the exam room while I was still be-stirruped. I had surgery three days later. Whole lotta drama for nothing. Hang in there, sweetie!
  4. Right? It’s like the one good thing about getting old...I’ve developed a big fat case of Notgivingashititis. Example: next Tuesday my retriever has to be at the vet at 7 a.m. to have a cyst removed. I am on the fence as to whether I’ll even shower first, let alone put makeup on. Hell, at my age I’m invisible anyway, might as well run with it! On topic: Jinger looks like she’s over this crap, too.
  5. FWIW, she doesn’t look super happy with them either. Just what I want during a respiratory pandemic...someone leaning into my face doing weird shit to my eyebrows. Hell, I haven’t even gotten a haircut since January. I have a tough time believing this was Jinger’s idea...especially being pregnant.
  6. Excellent. Better living through pharmaceuticals, as we used to say in Ann Arbor in the 70s. I can’t imagine how much having three hernias must have hurt! You’re one brave cookie. I am crossing all my digits that you will feel so much better when this is finally over. Jeeesus. Will 2020 never end?
  7. Sweet Son Loo it is. My heart goes out to you both.
  8. @iwantcookies, this probably comes as way too much information, but I am a lumpy kind of person. Over the years I have had breast lumps, uterine lumps, and abdominal lumps, a couple the size of a golf ball. Used to scare the bejeezus out of me. Every time I had surgery they turned out completely benign. I’m to the point where I now expect the CT tech to suddenly tense up. I just want you to know that it’s not necessarily something scary, if that helps at all. I think it’s a good sign that you’re not having any pain. I would certainly think your insurance company would come through on something like this. It’s always better to know, right? Sending you a big hug...
  9. I must have missed something...@iwantcookies, what’s going on?
  10. Male Josh would have sex with a shoebox.
  11. Good luck! Yes, I hate the phone in general because you don’t get any of the visual cues. It’s much harder to “read the room.” Just take your time...you’ll be fine. I tend to talk way too fast on that kind of thing! Deep breaths. You’ll do great!
  12. Okay, these photos are freaking me out. It’s like the Duggars have decided that human reproduction takes way too long so they’ve turned to test tubes and combining DNA to produce insta-Duggars by the hundreds....😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 (Running away shrieking....)
  13. Yep. I used to follow that forum but it was stomach-turning watching him preen and his wives cry on the couch, knowing that the show was enabling all of it. Kody & company would have been thoroughly screwed if it weren’t for that stupid show. Maybe RPP should get himself a second wife? It’d be great for ratings...and in about three more years of having to feed his ego and being a selfie prop, Jinger might be just fine with it. Polygamy is very Old Testament, right?
  14. Exploiting your paraplegic sister’s situation and posting her presumably private note online is just so damned tacky there needs to be a new level of tacky just for Jill. It makes me nauseated.
  15. I am pretty sure I haven’t worn as much makeup in my entire life cumulatively as Jill does in one day.
  16. So if you want to be unified, you should take your mask off? When my mother went to the ER in Ann Arbor at the end of July, there were 40 Covid cases in the ER waiting for a bed to open up so they could be admitted. All those poor people were plenty “unified.” Jeremy, STFU.
  17. If only everything in life was like that! So glad it’s going well for you and you can stay safe.
  18. Has anyone been in your home recently that you’re aware of? Repair people, cleaners, friends, friends of friends, yard service, etc.?
  19. We once got a call from our credit card company asking if we were in a bar in Tokyo, as apparently someone was using our card details to try to pay their tab. We were in Maine. At home. Okay, so from the Dark Humor Department...customer service nightmares from my mother’s estate. The company that managed her county IRA was beyond belief. They sent me two different forms that seemed to accomplish the same thing...but were to be sent to two different states. So the phone calls began. I talked to four different people at Customer Service and couldn’t get an answer. I finally got an actual name and direct line...I called her. While I was on the line, she sent an email to her manager outlining the problems I was having and asking to have my call escalated. Two minutes after hanging up she sent me an email...saying her manager said to call Customer Service. Oooookay. But the all-time worst...same company... I tell customer service rep why I am calling, including my mother’s account number and day of her death. Not three sentences later, he said, “And is your mother there on the call with you now?” SERIOUSLY????
  20. I would delete and block. Also if you do anything involving your finances on your device clear out the history, data and cookies and change your passwords. There’s been a bunch of new scams lately where they claim they have hacked your email or FB and try to blackmail you, claiming they have embarrassing information. It’s not that hard once a hacker is into one account to use it to contact their contacts. If you do use your device for your finances, you might want to research putting fraud alerts on your information at the credit bureaus. It’s not as draconian as a credit freeze and it’s easier to do...it can be done online with one and they’ll inform the other two. It lasts a year and it’s free. I just did that because in the nightmare that was settling my mother’s estate, my financial information was sent pretty much everywhere. Way too many now people know my ID details, my finances, my age, and that I am grieving. On paper, I’m a scammer’s dream target.
  21. Pretty sure I got that gif from Chigirl? And I love it, too...
  22. Aw, Lookey. I’m so terribly sorry. There really aren’t any words at a time like this...know that I send you hugs and every good thought.
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