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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. So jinger is supposedly all annoyed by the photographers yet magically all their clothes color coordinate. Give me a break.
  2. Woah...I just realized that “GiGi” is the same as the acronym for Gilmore Girls!!!! She’s GG! Excuse me. Must go order my tinfoil hat. I knew 2020 would get me to crack sooner or later...
  3. Just in Emily World! I adore Luke. So far. It’s not like I’m burned on liking a GG character or anything...🙄
  4. You are all so nice...and to think I’ve been holding back😁 So here’s another one...I want to like Emily. I do. I see her as the product of being a woman of a rigid era and a social stratum that gave her few choices, if any. Then her pompous husband lies to her about Pennilyn Lott, never stands up to Trix being shitty to Emily (other than getting marriage inspite of her), puts his pension on the line and hatches that weird scheme with Digger Senior to go back into business with him and screw over Lorelai’s boyfriend, all without telling Emily. The HELL? I was really hoping for a rousing and lengthy GoFuckYourselfDick moment for her. Then her tears after her first date? I FELT for her. She was grieving. She was HUMAN. Then what happens??? Thirty seconds later she proceeds to pimp out Rory to a roomful of Rich BoySnots, barge in on Christopher Asshat, treat Gigi* like something she’d stepped in, and then set Asshat up to break up Luke and Lorelai because apparently Asshat sucks (okay so she’s correct there), and so does Lorelai, but in Emilyland apparently now Christopher sucks less than Luke. The whiplash!! I am telling you!!! I WAS ROOTING FOR HER (insert Tyra Banks voice here)!!! Bah humbug. *Is there a world in which GiGi is a real nickname for Georgia or were they just planning ahead for her pole dancing career?
  5. Okay, so a happy story? I pulled into the grocery store near my RunAwayFromHomeCabin as I always do and stocked up so that I only have to shop once for the three days. Everyone wearing masks! Cashier asks me for the chain discount card, which I do not have. Nice young woman behind me in line hollers, “Use mine! My number is xxx-xxx-xxxx!” and she saved me $20+ and she was happy and the cashier was happy and I was happy and it was just a lovely moment. Now drinking champagne, about to build a fire in the woodstove, cook Dungeness crab and watch the sun set over the inlet. I just might de-clench a bit after all!
  6. My mother was a very smart woman but popular culture was not her thing. One year my husband and I flew from Seattle to snowy Cleveland for Christmas...Mr. Wiser didn’t remember to wear shoes that could handle snow. So the three of us went off to the local everything store on Christmas Eve looking for something he could put over his shoes and after marching the aisles and finding nothing, I hear my then 70-year-old mother hollering at an employee, “WHERE ARE YOUR RUBBERS?” I miss her. Count me in on the Depressed Bench. Between everything and my mother’s death, I couldn’t give a rusty goddamn about the holidays or much else, for that matter. It seems like Mr. Wiser and I have had the same twelve conversations every day forever. Not even the treadmill is cheering me up these days. Today I am hoping to de-funk a bit...I’m off to my twice-yearly solo run away from home where I check into a funky little cabin about an hour’s drive from here and go for a 11-mile hike out to a lighthouse. Then I drive back to the cabin, light a fire, gobble Ibuprofen like M&Ms and marvel at how much my joints have aged in six months. Last time I did this was March 11...just under the wire. I think back to the longwinded story I listened to that day at the lighthouse from a tourist who had just flown in from Italy by way of Munich and then NYC and damn, was I lucky. We had no clue, really. Hugs all around...
  7. Raises hand. (Shudder. HATE.)* And there aren’t many food I won’t eat. Pickled herring. Pineapple on pizza. That’s pretty much the extent of it. * Honeydew melon. Same thing, just different color.
  8. Twenty whole minutes? I am 62 years old. And a half. Twenty minutes is my warm up. Then twenty to thirty running and another twenty minute cool down. Hey Jill? STFU.
  9. Beets suck. However, beet greens sautéed with olive oil and a little garlic are delicious. Life is weird.
  10. She looks exhausted. RFP, put your damned phone down and take care of your wife.
  11. CHRISTOPHER CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF WITH HIS PITY PARTY AND TAKE HIS TWO WORST ENABLERS WITH HIM. Rory? You had it right the first time. Your father is a selfish putz. Lorelai? You don’t spend all night drinking with your ex, not least because supposedly he has a baby to look after. AND YOU TELL LUKE THE TRUTH. THE MAN GAVE YOU AN ICE RINK. Seriously. WTAF. God I hate Christopher. Every time he says “Lor” or “Kid” I want to punch him in the throat.
  12. I just don’t see RFP as being that deep a thinker or even half that empathetic to the rest of humanity. It’s more likely IMO that things aren’t magically falling in place for him...again. He’s not rich and famous. Again. 😱😱😱😱
  13. I wonder if Josh serves JB as a cautionary tale as to what happens when you leave the umbrella and get a real job, such as it was. Then Satan built a fortress in his penis, blablabla. Good to see Jill go public with her side.
  14. Oh, LookeyLou. Sending my heartfelt sympathy and whatever grace and comfort can be found.
  15. Is there a “Bah, Humbug” category? As in, buys zero candy, turns lights facing street off, sedates Nervous Dog, sits in the dark and curses all holidays involving unexpected visitors and/or gratuitous loud noises?
  16. Be kind to yourself, yes? Parvo is a devastating disease. Sometimes even vaccinated pups get it because in the first months there’s a juggling act between puppies still having maternal antibodies to the disease, which makes the vaccine ineffective, and vaccinating them as soon as the maternal antibodies decline. It’s why responsible breeders do two rounds of vaccines before eight/nine weeks, recommend another at twelve (and some more susceptible breeds, like Rotties, even again at sixteen weeks) and then boosters at one year. I have read that the mortality rate in young dogs with Parvo is estimated at 97%. You gave her the best life you could and were brave enough to do what was best for her at the end.
  17. Okay, fair’s fair, that’s the best Derrick has looked since pre-Duggar. That haircut suits him.
  18. One last thing on the vet topic...if anyone else is in a similar situation being unable to get into a vet for vaccinations, especially with young dogs, PM me. You can buy single doses of most vaccines online or at Tractor Supply and I can try to walk you through how to administer them. The exception is rabies, which legally needs to be administered under a vet’s supervision in most states. There are risks involved in giving any vaccine, so it’s best to let your vet do it. But if you can’t get to one, again, particularly with younger dogs and puppies, it’s an alternative.
  19. Oh, Beckie, I am so sad for you. Parvo is a terrible disease and few puppies survive it even with hospitalization. Because it’s a virus there isn’t much they can do other than keep them hydrated and sedated. I am a former vech tech and can tell you that the bills for parvo were high and often it just meant it bought a few more days. There’s a huge demand for dogs right now, especially puppies, and as a result of greedy or uninformed breeders rushing out litters, contagious diseases are surging. You did the right thing for her. I am just so sorry this happened. ETA: Parvo can last in your house and yard for a long time. In case you have other unvaccinated dogs that might visit you, here’s a link about that. https://pethelpful.com/dogs/How-to-Kill-the-Parvo-Virus-from-your-Dogs-Environment
  20. I never ever ever want to see that “two thumbs up” gesture ever ever again. Ever.
  21. Beckie, how old is she? Is she really a puppy? Has she been vaccinated? Any recent changes in her environment? Any people food she might have eaten a lot of, especially anything fatty? Any pesticides she might have been exposed to? Any new dogs she’s been around? Anything she might have swallowed...a sock? Is she a chewer? Symptoms...Any diarrhea? Are the whites of her eyes normal color? Is she peeing normally? Are her gums pale? I don’t know where you live, but tick-borne illness goes up in the fall. Is she on flea/tick prevention? This could be any number of things. Especially if she’s a small dog, keeping her hydrated is crucial. Try broth, watered-down milk, watered down Pedialyte. But seriously, call the shelter. Many of them have vets and vet techs on the premises who donate their time and can help.
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