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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Beckie, call your nearest shelter. There are many people in your situation right now and shelters above all want to prevent suffering and helping pets stay in good homes. You can try feeding her warm homemade chicken broth or the low-sodium canned variety along with some cooked rice. That can sometimes help if she has gastritis. Any other symptoms?
  2. There wasn’t enough room for the 1000 cubic cubit litterbox.
  3. Like they’re both cocky, unreliable, rich little jerks? Hated Christopher, hated Tristan, and Logan has just appeared on the scene in my watching this show and is so far just Asshat Rich Boy Privilege 3.0. Blech.
  4. Here you go! Many happy returns for all your birthdays!
  5. And were you all carrying Bibles, wearing hats and shirts yapping for Jesus, and wearing cross jewelry? Jill? Just STFU.
  6. “Google Maine wedding superspreader, Mom.” or, hopefully this is true, “Glad you weren’t invited, Mom.”
  7. Yes, but it was fun watching Lorelai’s looks work against her just once!
  8. Okay, I’m only midway through season 5, but has Lorelai ever had a relationship where there wasn’t some obstacle/excuse keeping her from fully committing? Christopher, their history, then Sherry. Max, he’s Rory’s teacher. Digger, the parent connection and he seems to need distance as much as she does. Did I miss anyone? Luke with his “I’m all in” is probably screwed. Also, it’s weird how they had a lot more chemistry before they were dating.
  9. She and I are of an age. We’d sit around in our robes, drink too much, and kvetch. We’d have a great time!
  10. Zoomama, please tell me they finally gave you pain meds? Big sorry hugs to you... I know the holidays are tough to contemplate...a few months ago my BIL invited us to their house for Christmas/Jewish Christmas Eve (Latkes, deli, bagels, DELICIOUS), but it just doesn’t make sense. It’s two flights and three airports. But with my mother’s death this summer it would have been lovely to have everyone together. But when I read stuff like this... Small gatherings driving new cases Teen spreads virus after negative test ...it just makes sense to stay home. I hear they’re producing smaller turkeys this year just for this reason.
  11. Okay, so I have now seen the pool house and would give up a limb or any organ I have two of to live there.
  12. My best to you, SunnyBeBe...your brother has you in his corner and that counts big. Hugs, honey. Let us know how it goes?
  13. For the record and speaking as an old broad, what they did was shitty. They could have asked you what precautions you’re taking before they just made an assumption! I kick them in the shins on your behalf. Besides, if you’re in their exercise classes, you’re in their damned “pod.” Unless of course you’ve mastered the art of never exhaling. That was shitty, not “minor.” I’m so sorry, sweetie. I know we’re only virtual but you’ll always have us, okay? Big fierce hugs!
  14. Pika, you’re so hard on your sweet self. I get it... I do it, too...”I feel shitty and sad but others have it so much worse so I don’t deserve to feel this way.” You feel how you feel! You went through a terrible breakup, your work world is upended, and dreams die hard and painfully. Snark. Vent. Cry. Eat crappy food. Whatever you want to do, just do it, barring anything with the potential for a jail stay, a restraining order, or a contagion. Try to stop “shoulding” yourself, yes? Treat yourself the way you would a beloved friend who’s gone through what you have. I know you’re young... I can tell you that my life was at its absolute worst in my late twenties. I was broke, in grad school, working a shitty unpaid internship, had been abandoned by my “boyfriend,” car-less, pet-less and living in a sad apartment. If someone had told me I would some day travel the world in my job, marry a kind and decent man, rescue too many pets, climb mountains, design and build houses, live on the ocean... I would have told them to stop screwing with me. Your life will not always be this way. Things will get better. I triple promise.
  15. You were protecting your family, despite taking shit for it. I would say that relief at being vindicated is completely understandable and valid. No one has the right to put your family at risk, especially when you were being so careful. You offered her a path to seeing your kids...she refused. Her choice. It’s just as well she didn’t cooperate...even if she had skipped church for two weeks there’s no guarantee she wouldn’t have been a carrier...she has regularly been in a high-risk environment. What were you going to do, not let her hug her grandchildren? I would have been freaking out through the whole visit. Your kids, your rules.
  16. Report back, would you, Tater? My inner cheapskate balks at $150 (even though that’s less than one cleaning costs) and my obsession with clutter-free counters balks at anything that would sit out. (Why yes, I am weird. Like this is news to you people.) It’s been mostly quiet here lately...knocking wood. Horrible neighbor seems to have left for his usual winter in Arizona, despite his FSBO house being on the market. (Him potentially selling should have me doing the Dance of Joy but it’s 40% overpriced and won’t sell, not even in this insane market. Sigh.) PupWiser has done a masterful job of healing his infected incision and I could take the sutures out now but we have an appointment Friday and I need to get the real story from the vet tech as to which vet might be a possible replacement for the Vet God Who Abandoned Me. Why, yes, it is all about me and my pets’ needs, not his life, thank you very much. I read some of what too many of you are going through and a book title keeps coming to mind: “When Bad Things Happen to Good People.” I send my sincere sympathy and a sloppy PupWiser kiss to all of you brave souls. Will this horrible year give it a rest already?
  17. Annnnnnd Rory just met Logan, aka Tristan 2.0. Gawdamighty with the jerks already. Rory has abysmal taste in men. And could she stand up straight? The slouching. The wide eyed girly stare. You’d think that hanging around Paris Rory would start to grow a pair. Now there’s a woman who takes crap from no one. I hope I like Rory again at some point...right now she’s working my last nerve. Lorelai was right about Rory reaching the bratty teen stage five years late. ETA: I have a real snarl toward snotty rich kids because I went to a private prep school for two years as one of the Not Rich kids. This is High School Redux for me.
  18. Oh Zoomama, that’s just awful. You poor thing. Hugs.
  19. I’m just past the L/L kissing episode and now I’m scared to watch further. (I will, of course...how else to keep myself distracted on the dreadmill?) 1) Rory. Sigh. I was an idiot at your age and you’ve had your Stars Hollow Princess ego stepped on a few times lately (laundry guy, Spring Break guy), but sleeping with Dean was sixteen kinds of stupid. However, telling Jess to run along and finally getting that he was probably going to flake out before you got to the Star Hollow town limits if you’d said yes? Points. 2) Lorelai. Don’t mess this up. You will, apparently. Girl????!!!!!! 3) Emily has hit that stage in life where she’s followed everyone else’s rules the whole time and now has a raging case of the FuckThats. I can relate. 4) I enjoyed Kirk. Now I don’t. Now I am tired of him appearing in every single town scene. Is he one of ASP’s pets? I now understand why people who watched this series before don’t like Dean and think Jess is troubled but okay. I still think Jess is a selfish twerp, though...run away with me Rory, to a shithole in NYC and give up your education, your dreams, your friends and your family? Please. I am resigned to the reappearance of Fuckwit Christopher but ASP has crap taste in men.
  20. Can the phrase “kiddos” die out, please? Also “fur babies.” Thank you for your attention to this matter.
  21. Jinger looks like hell. I can almost feel sorry for her.
  22. I used to watch Y&R as a child when I was home sick. I wasn’t sick very often, fortunately...but I remember marveling at the fact that I hadn’t seen the show in six months and still could pick right up where I left off, plot-wise.
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