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Sew Sumi

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Everything posted by Sew Sumi

  1. Iron Chef Alex Guarnaschelli (sure I butchered that)
  2. I told Carlin to wear her mask properly. Even Evan managed that. She doesn't cover her nose at all.
  3. It would also mean a sister married his brother. Jeremy has a brother, but he's way too old for Jenni. Perhaps Ben's brother, Ethan? Oh man, I'm as bad as Emma! 😁
  4. Jeremy's lucky if he made 90k in his entire career. He was a scrub.
  5. I commented on that video that she needs to wear her mask properly. She didn't cover her nose.
  6. They had about $90k in equity. Their Laredo house was about $185k, and their mortgage was under $100k. Still don't know who gifted them the $90k down payment, but there it is.
  7. I don't know why Nurthan couldn't have had the anniversary cake at their own reception. Alyssa Bates Webster had a cake to celebrate Papa Bill and Mama Jane's anniversary at their reception. Erin Bates Paine infamously had the Gothard cake. The entire weekend was a giant shitshow.
  8. Sew Sumi

    MLB Thread

    I read that he did consider opting out altogether. Guess he wanted to get paid, even if for a short while?
  9. I was thinking of him the other day. I assumed he'd already passed. RIP
  10. She got her chemo in Seattle. It sounds like she's having additional treatments in Kansas. Her flybin the ointment was testing HER2 positive, which seems to have happened in WA. At least she will slow the baby train. No kids for at least two years.
  11. They own at least 6 planes. A 10—seater and a bunch of four-seaters.
  12. Sew Sumi

    MLB Thread

    Covid sucks. ☹️
  13. Jessa's pimping out the boys' haircut video again. Gotta keep the cash coming in...
  14. I want to say her name is Jasmine? They went on a mission trip to Africa together (Shrek accompanied Nurie).
  15. The cakes. As was speculated, Jill grifted them from poor Sidney Dingus. Reception in a gym. Jill didn't spend a dime on this wedding. 😬
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