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Sew Sumi

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Everything posted by Sew Sumi

  1. She said in her new video that she had baby fever. 🙄 I don't think she's stopping anytime soon.
  2. I didn't see anyone appointed in the myriad articles I read.
  3. When did John and Alyssa rent that Air B&B again? Wasn't it sometime in May?
  4. Small correction: Carlin's degree was originally music but switched to General Studies when she transferred to Liberty.
  5. Gil was sure hung go about the IDEA of the military. But that may only be lip service. Jackson is still working with Chad, as per SM pics I've seen.
  6. The announcement video. Happened way back on Father's Day.
  7. Sew Sumi

    MLB Thread

    Here's his statement.
  8. Yeah, at the Big Sandy ATI homeschool conferences, Junior ALERT is one of the activities for boys. I remember seeing pictures of the Duggar howler boys participating.
  9. Sew Sumi

    MLB Thread

    I knew Christensen from his playing days (he dated a friend of mine). He was an odd duck, but I can't say he was racist.
  10. But they did mention ALERT. I think he's the first Bates boy to go. I wonder if he was there when the Duggar boys were there? I have no clue what month it's supposed to be (sorry, I don't pay attention to birthdays).
  11. Putt putt ain't cheap. And PUKE. Make out in your bedroom. I bet the kids are embarrassed. Probably the only shoes in the barndominium that fit.
  12. I'd bet you're right. She's due for another pregnancy around New Years.
  13. Nah, Boob has everything tied up in a trust. I only hope a lawyer is the executor and not Smuggar. HE would run off with all the money.
  14. What do you mean zero skills? It takes a special type of snake oil salesman to sell junker cars. 😁
  15. Been on hold with the DMV for the last hour. Shoot me now. Make that 90 minutes. 🤐 Finally! 110 minutes on hold.
  16. The place they went to (has at least the batting cages and go-karts)is about $15/head with a possible discount for the littles.
  17. They already had a RHoDC (remember those sleazebag Salahis?). They had to call this iteration something else.
  18. The thing with Jeremy was that he didn't think he was being a good ENOUGH Christian. I don't think he ever totally lost the faith of his youth; he was just not "honoring God," as he put it.
  19. That's what I was thinking. Where will she put the crib? One of the girls already sleeps in a trundle.
  20. Oh, we've definitely spent time talking about Jeremy's stint in the drunk tank and his born-again conversion. We had a good laugh since it was pretty much just normal college shenanigans.
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