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For Cereals

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Everything posted by For Cereals

  1. I’m gonna need the 90 Day podcasts to cover this...
  2. Ugh, Sharp needs a new rule. You get one episode to cover your divorce but after that, no more episodes!
  3. Please tell us about the socializing! I’m betting it’s much better than this foolishness. What did you say? What did they say? Masks on or off? Let us live through you 🙂
  4. I got sucked in by all the previews and accolades. It’s not for me...
  5. No Briana, you should be mad at yourself. Judging by the preview, Luis must continue to suffer the wrath of the coven. I guess the only thing that makes her segments worth watching is that they promote Planned Parenthood. I’m glad to see Jade graduate, but she knows her mom by now. I’d give the show another season to see Jade cash in a little more, but it’s time to pull the plug. The kids are all turning 10.
  6. Hey now! I’ve been shopping at Talbots for a looong time. I am now a woman of a certain age, and I haven’t had a Chico’s kind of day yet but still...
  7. I still can’t fully sympathize with Sarah. I feel like she had regrets only after she realized that Nippy would be mad, that she came to understand that she had been used, and maybe because she wasn’t part of things to begin with. Didn’t she mention something about being ok with having sex with Keith? If saying terrible lies about your spouse and how he treats your child or even the concept of “collateral” aren’t enough to make you question things, I’m not sure what is. I also can’t figure out exactly when Mark is done and he’s just filming for more evidence. The line is blurred for me. Makes me appreciate Nippy’s attitude more. I don’t know how to feel about Allison Mack being enrolled for and then kicked out of classes. Is she going through some kind of rehabilitation? On the one hand, I don’t think anyone should be denied an education, but should it be reserved for people who did not have privilege, which contributed to leading them down the wrong path to begin with? I don’t know.
  8. 180 days!? Not that he’s capable of learning a lesson, but that’s ridiculous. I’d love to know if that was the maximum sentence. I agree, this could’ve been a Dateline episode. Way too drawn out.
  9. She’s trying to be like mama Beyoncé and the House of Dereon...don’t come for me beehive!
  10. We’re approaching Idiocracy territory, or maybe we’re already there...
  11. I might have a problem. I’ve liked all of them 🙂
  12. I mean, it would be like sleeping with Forest Gump. I think everyone should be able to experience love but I would feel like I was taking advantage...
  13. The thing that was sad for me was the vegan mac and cheese part LOL
  14. I had no clue those were on... My husband thinks it’s funny to keep interrupting the show to give me updates on the arrival of dinner...it’s not!
  15. We should count our blessings. Yes, I watched it, but it took forever to get through.
  16. He’s acting like he deserves a prize beyond his investment. It’s really too much. She’s not terminal.
  17. Mer-people? The salt water made me think of Splash. A hanging (you would think her neck would be broken), weird purge festivals and Village costumes, photos of the dead, and hearing “you won’t believe what these people can do.” That’s a good start. Wondering why the one woman’s face was blurred out.
  18. How did those s’mores not taste like lighter fluid?
  19. Also, she talks a lot. She doesn’t stop and listen. She is also a mouth breather. That said, I hope she will move beyond her family and ex.
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