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Sweet Tee

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  1. Linda Blair in The Exorcist. Really impressive what she was able to pull off at such a young age.
  2. I can't help but feel sorry for John and Pearl in Night of the Hunter. It's not their fault their useless mother does absolutely nothing to protect them.
  3. I didn't love it but it was entertaining. Pretty clear where it was going from the very beginning though. I liked it way better than Promising Young Woman. I was furious at the end of that movie and I still don't know what message Fennel was trying to send with that one. At least this one didn't leave me in angry tears. I thought Alison Oliver was fantastic. That scene between Venetia and Oliver in the bathtub was the best of the movie, imo.
  4. I loathed George for how he treated Callie.
  5. I still like the music in Rent but I do feel like I've definitely outgrown the story. As a teen when I first saw it, I was totally on their side. Now, my eyes roll out of my head when Mark whines about how he 'sold out' by getting an actual job, and then quitting said job because he has to finish his crappy 'documentary.' Mark sucks, is what I'm saying. He, more than the rest of them, has no reason why he can't work. None at all. He just chooses not to. Tick Tick Boom I like better, because Jonathan did have a job. Yeah, he was a jerk in the office scene but Michael sufficiently called him out on that, IMO. Yes, he was more focused on his art than anything else but at least he had some sort of a job.
  6. Yep, I've read several places about several movies that no one was sure Murray was going to show up. What an ass. I never liked Venkman either. I loved the other ghostbusters and then his character stuck out like a sore thumb for me but in a bad way.
  7. 'Somewhere' is sung by an offscreen singer in the original play. It wasn't a Tony/Maria duet there. And Tony and Maria already have two duets in the show. I don't think they don't need a third. I liked that they recontextualized it for Valentina. I like Beymer fine for the romantic stuff. He sold it well. He just didn't sell the reformed gang member (with a rep bigger than the whole west side). Ansel, OTOH, sold the gang member part, but not so much the romance stuff. I think he's the flattest when he's in scenes with Maria. His best work, IMO, was the rumble. Perhaps, someday there will be a Tony who is able to marry both sides on the screen. I'm sure there's been one on the stage.
  8. You're right, it is elevated from the original. And I do love that she and the other Jet girls tried to stop the assault in that scene. But, it's still a small part and I'm unclear about why she got to go to the Oscars for it. I'm not mad she was there or anything. I've got no issues with her or the character. It just seems odd to me.
  9. That is weird. I guess technically she's a bigger name than Rachel but I think she had all of one line in WSS. Definitely weird that Paloma Garcia-Lee was there. I've never heard of her before and Graziella is a very small part. Her biggest contribution to the narrative is to be Riff's dance partner at the gym. I'm not gonna be hard on Rachel. She's very young and new to this whole thing. I don't blame her for wanting to go to the Oscars. Maybe she wasn't aware why she wasn't invited and really felt hurt over it. I also think it was very classy of Chris Rock to apologize to Wanda. I believe both she and Amy feel sick over it. I was watching on TV and I know none of these people and I felt uncomfortable all night.
  10. I do think it's cool that a woman has won Best Director two years in a row, even if Jane Campion said some stupid stuff.
  11. I was fine with Will Smith winning until THAT just happened. This is gonna be an awkward acceptance speech in an hour.
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