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Too Late Kev

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Everything posted by Too Late Kev

  1. But there are a lot of us to feed, so shopping, preparing food, and cleanup is going to be hellish. Are any of us really rich, to be able to take care of the group's financial needs?
  2. nachomama, have you ever toed that story before? (hahahaha -- sorry. Once I think of a pun, I have.to.say.it.)
  3. Thanks, Timetoread. I'd still like to see more farms, then, but I appreciate knowing from a local that it's pretty realistic. In the barn, when Carl put Judith down on the (dirt?) barn floor to go help keep the door closed, I was really worried that a walker would slip in from another door or somewhere to get her. I don't really think Judith would be killed at this point, but I was still anxious. I was very relieved they didn't add a cute-baby death to the others we've seen recently.
  4. diebartdie, my complaint is twofold: 1) the roads look the same as in Georgia (I realize they film there, but still) and 2) if you look at mapquest or google maps on satellite view, from Richmond to DC, especially concentrating on the last 60 miles, you won't see the kind of road they're walking on, and certainly not miles and miles of it. I realize these complaints are on the level of "Who's cutting the grass," but really...if it takes people away from the story, it's at least a little bit of a problem.
  5. I would love to see Moseley and Baxter going to work for Violet! Then Violet can entertain anyone she wanted to; Moseley would never be judgmental about serving a mere doctor or commoner like Spratt is! But if Baxter left DA, Cora would have to find another lady's maid -- God help us! I know someone already answered this, but I wanted to repeat/stress that the important part of going to talk to the Lord or Ladies of the manor would be to go to the servant's area. I think there was a situation in an earlier season when a commoner or salesperson went to the front door (maybe someone else can remember the details) and Carlton was quite put out about it. If I were Mabel Lane Fox, I'd read between the lines and think, "Lady Mary was interested in Tony enough to have sex with him...and now she's not interested. Maybe the sex wasn't that great. I'm outa here!" Of course, we have no way of knowing what Mabel's level of sexual experience is and whether she would consider sexual compatibility as part of her decision-making process. Regarding the shortage of men, we know there is one. But when we first heard about MLF, she was presented as a very wealthy woman and pretty much the catch of the time. When Tony dropped her in hopes of landing Mary, she would have moved on. By now, she would probably have already chosen a better prospect and be married, probably expecting her first privileged child. She'd also laugh like hell when she discovered Mary still hadn't chosen Tony. I'm not really a pet-person, but I found the scene in the bedroom with Cora, Robert, and Isis to be very sweet. The clip Andorra linked above indicated that Bonneville suggested that Isis would be getting old by now about a year before the story was written, adding more evidence that the story of the poor sweet dog's death had nothing to do with the terrorist organization. On the Edith plot, I'm glad that we'll end up with Margorie at Downton Abbey, and glad that Cora was the one that made it happen.
  6. I wish they'd change up the scenery a bit and make it more realistic. They're supposed to be 60 miles from DC right now. So why do the roads look exactly the same as they did around the prison? Why doesn't the road ever go through towns? Roads go through towns. That's how they got to be roads, as people traveled from town to town. Realistically, as they were starting to run out of supplies, they'd stop at the next town and go through houses to find water and food. There are a lot of houses in each town on the way from Richmond (that's the area where Noah's gated community was, I think) to DC. If they're so damned hungry and thirsty, they wouldn't just keep walking and only look in the woods for food & water. I just looked at the satellite map on mapquest starting about from Richmond and going up to DC...there are a lot of buildings right off the roads. Not only would there be a lot of places to look for food, there'd be way more zombies than the little group following them. I guess I need to suspend my disbelief, big time! When Daryl saw that barn, it seems like he didn't check it out, which didn't make much sense to me. I suppose it can be explained that he wanted to have backup, but it's not like he hasn't foraged for supplies on his own. A barn might have water or food (for animals, maybe, but good enough for hungry people) -- take a peek. In terms of timing, I thought they said it'd been 17 days or so since Tyreese died. Someone said earlier it was 17 days between Beth's death and Tyreese's death. Either way, it's been at least 17 days since Beth died. I don't expect people to be over it, but I can't believe that this is the first that Daryl and Maggie have dealt with it at all.
  7. Timing for shoveling out can also be based on if the temperature is supposed to suddenly drop a lot later. So sometimes, even if you think you're going to get 3 or 4 more inches, it's smart to clear what you can when it's relatively warm. And by relatively, I mean, "It's 15 now but later it's going to drop to 0." When we know snow is coming, we park at the end of the driveway with our windshield wipers out, although when I looked for a picture, this guy doesn't recommend leaving the wipers out. Anyway, if we've parked at the end, even if there's a problem with the snowplow, all we have to do to get out is clear the car and in front of the car enough to drive it out. And as smrou talked about, that can be difficult in itself!! stewedsquash, good luck with your storm. Although we've gotten a lot of snow in the last month, it's all been powdery, so it could have been so much worse.
  8. Plbbbt! To the idea we should get all this snow and more! It's a memorable winter, and already a record February snowfall (halfway through February!), and working its way higher onto the "snowiest winter" list. It's been powdery snow, though, so not as heavy and damaging as it could be. toast, sorry about your ice dams. :(
  9. Last night's snowstorm brought another 13" of snow. I think we've had enough for a couple of winters!
  10. frenchtoast, did they cancel February vacation for your kids because of snow days? And even if not, Monday is President's Day. Do they have to go on President's Day? One of my kid's school is over their allotted snow days, but they haven't determined when/how they're making the extra days up yet. Not by taking February vacation, anyway, luckily, so this next blizzard (and anything coming next Wednesday/Thursday) doesn't matter as much as a usual week for us. As for date movies, when I was in high school, I went with a boy to Fun with Dick and Jane. There was a scene where a couple is chatting in the bathroom and she blithely sits down and uses the toilet. They don't show anything, but it was very embarrassing! It was a first and only date.
  11. "It's like Hoth out there!" Star Wars Weather says for NYC & Boston. ("Cold, ice, freezing desolation. You may have to climb inside a tauntaun for warmth." By the way, it's like Hoth in Indiana, too, but in Pawnee this week on Parks and Rec, it seemed more like LA weather. Curious... Star Wars Weather says of Pawnee, "It's like Alderaan out there," which is what it says for anything unknown. (Alderaan was Princess Leia's home planet which was blown up. "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.") I forgot to say "Nerd alert" at the beginning of this post. ;)
  12. Amen, amensisterfriend. Would you like to form...an alliance?
  13. Wouldn't it be interesting if we discovered that Edith had sent him a letter ("Dear Soon-to-be-Dad...") and he decided to stay in Germany to avoid her? (Just kidding...I'm sure his interest in her was genuine and he would have welcomed a baby -- and figured out a good cover story of some kind!) I love the sub-title to this thread.
  14. They need to take a page from Stuart Smalley: "I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And doggone it, people like me." Just as long as they don't go overboard, a la Sally Field -- they'd get shit for that forever.
  15. Happy Galentine's Day to all my female Chili's friends! King of Birds, Happy Palentine's Day!
  16. "Herschel" is on an Amazon pilot called Bosch. The episode is called "Chapter One: 'Tis the Season." It's free to watch the pilot even if you don't have Amazon Prime. The show is really good so far. Herschel plays an M.D. whose dog finds a bone. Small spoiler:
  17. Maybe they shift Judith about enough that no one gets noodle-arms. Or maybe if they suddenly have to run, they want him to be able to pass Judith off to an adult. Tyreese could always run fast with Judith in his arms... :/ The best person to hold Judith if they have to run is someone who's strong, fast, and unlikely to be taking out a bunch of zombies. Tyreese was perfect for that.
  18. possibilities, check out Craigslist for your area. Someone may be giving away (or selling) a bed-frame of the size you need. For the free stuff, find the "for sale" category and one of the options under that is "free stuff." It's amazing what people are giving away.
  19. In other words, "The new world's gonna need Rick Grimes."
  20. When Mrs. Drewe was saying goodbye to Marigold, Edith was holding on tight and had this expression on her face, like she was afraid Mrs. Drewe would grab Marigold...much like Mrs. Drewe's expression in recent weeks. I was impressed by Mrs. Drewe's farewell to Marigold, trying to make the transition easier and more comfortable for her. It was a tough situation all around.
  21. Make sure you use that extra-technical jargon. ;)
  22. I just want to mention how much I love the name of this thread. Every time I see it, I crack a smile.
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