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Too Late Kev

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Everything posted by Too Late Kev

  1. I remember thinking Pamuk didn't really take no for an answer and kept pushing. Mary gave in and slept with him, but that whole thing left a sour taste. Someone mentioned Cora should have latched her door. I don't lock my bedroom door in my own house. Even if we had guests, I wouldn't lock my bedroom door. My kids' bedroom doors don't even have locks. Is that an invitation to come into my bedroom, or my kids' bedrooms, not leave when asked to leave, and to make advances? I hope everyone realizes this is a rhetorical question. Bricker was out of line. When Cora told Bricker earlier he needed to behave, I saw no evidence of a "wink, wink, come up sometime and see me" attitude. She was being clear that he was there as a guest and he needed to hold the suggestiveness.
  2. My kids are also pretty indoorsy. They'll typically go sledding and sometimes they'll build snow forts (if it's good packing snow, which this isn't), but sometimes it takes a little nudging. Today, it's pretty cold out there, and I need help with shoveling later, so I'm not going to push outside time now.
  3. possibilities, we had similar trips, although I we always found it pretty fun. We went to the Badlands & Monument Valley, the Four Corners, Pike's Peak in Colorado, Mount Rushmore, the Grand Canyon, Mesa Verde...lots of camping. It had to have been a hell of a lot of work for my mom, and a ton of driving for my dad. I'm not sure Mr. Kev and I are that selfless / want to work that hard. But I sure have some amazing memories.
  4. Not a bit of snow has fallen...but one kid's school has already called a snow day. I guess that school district must be pretty sure the snow will come. Now we wait to hear about the other school. I have gas for the snow blower, plenty of food/water/milk, and the car at the end of the driveway, wipers up. I'm as prepared as I can be, come what may. Vacations for us are generally visiting family in non-exotic locales. I feel like we ought to take the kids on some "see the US" kind of tour at some point before they all head off to college. We've been remiss; these kids haven't seen much. :/ ETA: They've seen lots and lots of video game landscapes. That probably counts, right?
  5. I'm wondering if we're going to get yet another snow day tomorrow -- snow is supposed to start tonight and mess up tomorrow's morning and afternoon commute. That doesn't sound like great get-the-buses-out-there kind of weather. I like snow days...I just don't like the uncertainty of whether you're going to get one or not.
  6. Somehow, the birthday of one of our Chili's denizens made its way onto my Google calendar...by email address, so I think it has to do with Google Plus. In case this person doesn't want his/her birthday bandied about... Happy Birthday, Chili's Friend!! I hope it's a good one and (y)our team wins!
  7. You know those magazines where they show the stars w/o makeup? If the zombie apocalypse came on kind of slow and they had a few editions of those magazines before society fell apart, we could have "Stars w/o Brains! Which of Your Favorite Stars are Walkers Now?"
  8. P-Town, baby!! Mostly because of the whale watching. If it were just toast and Mr. toast, I'd send 'em to the hotel.
  9. He got a little bit loud when he was talking about how she slept with him w/o being married to him. I felt like she didn't want to say anything more at that point in case his response would be heard by others and word would get around. Also, Mary knew he wouldn't take it well, but she didn't realize he was going to reject the breakup entirely...she probably needs to regroup before she can figure out what to do.
  10. I don't think it's a matter of forgetting you were there -- it's more like proving you were there, as well as having something to look back on in a bunch of years. ("I looked pretty good in that swimsuit." "What was I thinking with those shorts?") Plus, having people in pictures is what differentiates looking at pictures of a trip from looking at pictures on Google Images. But moderation of all things is nice, of course...she should have stopped photographing every once in a while! Glad you had fun!
  11. We got about 20" of snow. Not our most ever, but certainly significant enough. It's thankfully light snow, easily manageable for the snow-blower, so our driveway is clear. Not clear down to asphalt, but clear enough we should be able to get a car out. Also, all my kids have a snow day tomorrow. Yay! We'll let the roads get better and better before venturing out much.
  12. There are power outages, just so far, not for me (or smrou or frenchtoast as of when they posted). Hopefully this will continue. We'll all have enough trouble digging out!! It's still snowing, too...
  13. We'll measure when things are over in one of the spots we cleared before the storm started. There's plenty of snow out there, certainly. Of the two schools my kids attend, one is already closed for tomorrow, and luckily, it's the one I have to drive to -- there's no bus. So I don't have to leave home until Thursday morning (barring a power outage), giving plenty of time to dig out.
  14. In his own words, having time together alone, including spending nights together, is for the purpose of convincing Mary to marry him, helping her be sure about it. He's basically saying, "Spend a week with me and you'll want to marry me -- you'll be sure about it." If that's not a test drive, I don't know what is. So she took a drive of the TonyCar and she was sure...it wasn't the car for her. She didn't think Tony would take the news well, but I don't think she expected his UglyAngry face :< and violence simmering just under the surface. On the subject of Ms. Bunting, I agree it makes no sense for Rose, Cora, etc. to continually invite her to things. She's been an amazingly impolite guest.
  15. Some predictions have my area at 20 - 30" so I voted for 20"+. Seems like a possibility. Mr. Kev, by the way, has been away on business and he took an earlier flight so he could get home to us. His flight came in a few hours before Logan closed. So...yeah. I'm pretty glad I don't have to deal with a major amount of snow alone. The kids are a plus and a minus -- they do a decent job (better than me) with the limited shoveling we do when their dad's not here, but I'd hate to be the sole grownup if we lose power or have another difficult issue. So, phew! ETA: King of Birds, I'm sorry for your rain incident. However, if you truly rule over the winged ones, couldn't you have them fly over you and shelter you from the rain? I feel like you've exaggerated your power...maybe even fabricated it completely.
  16. From a synopsis of episode 1 where the sex-week was first discussed on The Telegraph site (article by Alice Philipson): I found episode 1. The bedroom scene is at about 1 hour. you can skip right ahead to it. Before the other things, he says, "You want to be sure." Then he suggests the sexy-sexy-time as listed above and says, "And after that, I believe you will be sure." She says her father would punch him in the face if he heard this suggestion. Tony says, "I'm trying to convince you to marry me, that's not the normal purpose of seducers." She says, "No one must ever find out." Earlier in the episode, 38 minutes in, is the scene where Mary's talking about loving him in her cold unfeeling way and that she wants to make her 2nd marriage as happy as her first. He says "There's bound to be a risk on some level. I mean, you have to take a chance." In both these scenes, he's charming, friendly, and reasonable. There's not a hint of the man from episode 4 who can't believe Mary is the type of woman to go to bed with someone she wasn't planning to marry. Or the sarcastic man who says, "How flattering. We go to bed together and you wake up." In other words, "I'm shocked, shocked, to find that gambling is going on in here!"
  17. I think that wasn't an exact quote but a representation of his response.
  18. I don't feel like Mary pulled a stunt or used Gillingham for sex. It seemed like he suggested the week away to so they could test out their chemistry -- he offered his "goods" to be sampled. He showed no indication that he was going to think she was a dirty whore if she accepted the offer or if it didn't ultimately end in marriage. Mary trusted Gillingham (her mistake, obviously) and probably figured it was a decent idea, as long as she could do it safely, w/o fear of pregnancy or scandal. Gillingham probably realized she was less into the relationship than he was, and he thought, "My mad bedroom skillz will win her over." They didn't. He should have been prepared for the possibility that their chemistry would fail the test and even one week was more Tony than Mary wanted. He offered, she accepted. It didn't work out, she let him know, and he implied she was whorish and said they'd get through this, basically whether she wanted to or not. If she doesn't go along with it, I'd say the threat was there that he'd ruin her reputation. Whatever reputation remains, of course. By the way, if it was the other way around, I'd feel the same way. The person who says, "Let's have a sex week to test the chemistry!" has to realize they may only get a week of sex to show for it. Be happy you had sex for a week, Tony (or imaginary female making the same offer), and don't you dare insult the other person's virtue for giving you a shot. And, yes, Mary (or the imaginary male) also got a week of sex, which is fun even it's not with your perfect partner, but again Mary trusted Tony and drank the "let's see if this works" Kool-Aid, never thinking Tony would turn on her if she realized it really didn't work. I think Mary should just stay single until she meets someone that she's absolutely crazy about. If her thoughts of someone are that she loves them in her own icy way (or whatever she said that time), don't bother. You're not that into him.
  19. In terms of food spoiling, if we lose power, we don't open the fridge/freezer much, and when we do, we pull everything we need out in one fell swoop. Then we put it back in all at once, too, when we're done with everything. That helps some. I'll probably get some ice tomorrow morning so things we use a lot (like milk, cheese, etc.) could go into a cooler with the ice and save us from having to open the fridge. And losing power really does seem to happen in some towns/areas more than others. We've only lost power overnight once, when someone hit a pole down the street. It was in June, so it wasn't a big deal for cold. Other than that, it's only been a few times in more than 20 years, and never for a really long time. I don't worry quite as much as possibilities seems to about losing power. However, in a storm I never delay having a hot shower ("Oh, I'll have my shower in a few hours") because you just don't know if you'll have hot water later. ETA: And you know, as we were discussing a while back, some areas have earthquakes, some have tornadoes and hurricanes, some are prone to floods, and some have droughts, right? Some people even live near volcanoes. I guess no place is perfect.
  20. We also haven't had much snow at all this year, so we're kind of due. I don't worry about supplies if the power goes out, I worry about keeping warm. :( A long-term power outage would mean going to a family member's house or a hotel, which wouldn't be very convenient. Luckily, we don't usually lose power. Some communities seem to lose it all the time and for long periods.
  21. Boston suburbs. The whole eastern half of the state and all of Connecticut, it looks like, is supposed to be clobbered. The rest of MA should get significant snow, also. ETA: Although now I'm looking at snowfall predictions through Tuesday at noon that make it look like the western half of MA is going to be worse. Time will tell!
  22. They're predicting 18 - 24 inches of snow here, starting Monday evening and going through Tuesday or early Wednesday. So...it'll be 1 or 2 snow days for the kids, which is fine, but a hell of a lot of cleaning up snow, which is not.
  23. If this were real life, Mary's sketching trip with a friend would be figured out at some point when someone from the family sees the friend or her parents. It doesn't seem like she put any effort into making the story realistic.
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